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Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2004 10:04 pm
by Guest
(didn't see your post about accusing me of stealing my program from the generious person that let me use his sprites)

Okay, that was heartless. I spent freaking HOURS working on that, and now must suffer because I used maneesh's sprites. You don't believe I did it? Open that damn demo and copy the source code please. This is mine.:

Code: Select all

;; Marcel Fabry Jaenisch  ;;;;;
;;      9/1/0/4           ;;;;;
;;     5:17 A.M.          ;;;;;

; enable the game graphics
Graphics 640,480

;set the back buffer
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

Type player
	Field x,y
	Field life
	Field gun
	Field frame
End Type

Type bullet
	Field x,y
	Field gun
	Field direction
End Type
Global player.player = New player

player\x = 200
player\y = 400
player\life = 50
player\gun = 1
player\frame = 6

large_bg = LoadImage ("stars.bmp")
Small_bg = LoadImage ("starsfarther.bmp")
player_sheet = LoadAnimImage ("PlayerV2.bmp",68,64,0,13)

Global fasttilemovement = 0
Global slowtilemovement = 0
Global rightframehelper, rightturnoff, leftframehelper,leftturnoff

bg_music = PlayMusic ("interim nation - future experience.mp3")
While Not KeyHit(1)
	If Not ChannelPlaying(bg_music) 
		bg_music = PlayMusic ("interim nation - future experience.mp3")
	fasttilemovement = fasttilemovement + 2
	slowtilemovement = slowtilemovement + 1


	TileImage large_bg,0,fasttilemovement
	TileImage small_bg,0,slowtilemovement
	If 	fasttilemovement = 200 Then fasttilemovement = 0
	If 	slowtilemovement = 200 Then slowtilemovement = 0
	DrawImage player_sheet,player\x,player\y,player\frame


Function userinput()
	If KeyDown(205) Then 
		If Not KeyDown (203)
		player\x = player\x + 4 
		rightframehelper = rightframehelper + 1

	If rightframehelper > 4 Then rightframehelper = 0
	If rightframehelper > 3 Then
	    If player\frame < 12 Then 
	   		player\frame = player\frame + 1
			rightframehelper = 0
		End If
	End If 
	If player\frame > 6 Then
		If Not KeyDown(205) Then rightturnoff = rightturnoff + 1
	If rightturnoff = 3 Then 
		player\frame = player\frame - 1 
		rightturnoff = 0
	If KeyDown(203) Then 
		If Not KeyDown(205)
		player\x = player\x - 4 
		leftframehelper = leftframehelper + 1
If leftframehelper > 4 Then leftframehelper = 0
	If leftframehelper > 3 Then
	    If player\frame > 0 Then 
	   		player\frame = player\frame - 1
			leftframehelper = 0
		End If
	End If 
	If player\frame < 6 Then
		If Not KeyDown(203) Then leftturnoff = leftturnoff + 1
	If leftturnoff = 3 Then 
		player\frame = player\frame + 1 
		leftturnoff = 0

If KeyDown(208) Then 
		If Not KeyDown(200)
		player\y = player\y + 4 
If KeyDown(200) Then 
		If Not KeyDown(208)
		player\y = player\y - 4 

End Function 	
If anyone here still doesn't believe me, then they can go fuck themselves. I can even send you almost 15 orinignal games with hand made sprites that lead up to this, showing my first time I got jump to work, first tim ei got something to animate, first game with ai, first game a backround, ect. Need I show them?

Hell, I even have my first text based game, where you could actually save your charactor's stats.


Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 7:30 am
by JS Lemming
Let me explain before you have a heart attack. First off, I never accused you of stealing any code.
The ships look exactly the same and the way the ship rotates left and right when you move is exactly the same.
I stated that the sprites looked exactly the same even the rotating ones. As for thew copyright thing, when I put a mr. green smiley face it usually means I'm kidding. I'm using the mario graphics no matter what. People know it belongs to nintendo, its not like I'm selling it. I'll put their name in the creds though.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 3:40 pm
by JS Lemming
Back to the actuall topic.

Yep, I remember my first space invaders. Its was back in the day when I was always making games for our Ti83 plus'. Ok, I'll admit it, it wasn't that good but what do you expect for a calculator. You could only shoot 1 bullet at a time so that did sort of add stratagy. Hmm.... I wonder if I still have that thing.

Posted: Thu Sep 02, 2004 3:54 pm
by JS Lemming
Oh, I'm not sure if you noticed this or not in your code...

Code: Select all

   If Not ChannelPlaying(bg_music) 
      bg_music = PlayMusic ("interim nation - future experience.mp3") 
I experimented with the ChannelPlaying a while back and found that it slowed down game speed massively. But the only way I know how to keep bg music playing is to know the length of the song, then to start the music back up after that amount to milisecs. Since you probably don't have alot processing at this point you may not notice it. But later on when the game gets bigger, you could try the following to see if it is slowing stuff down.

Code: Select all

;This belongs in the main loop
if keydown(50) = false;key M
	If Not ChannelPlaying(bg_music) 
		bg_music = PlayMusic ("interim nation - future experience.mp3") 

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 1:14 am
by Guest
OMG! I saw that Maneesh fellow's demo. He used the exact same sprites as I did. I'm sorry I was an ass, I didn't know. Now I see why you could think that. Oh, and now I updated my game. It Still isn't a game, but you can now shoot, and enemies, a random number form 1 to 9 appear when you hit ctrl. (I did this to see If I had correctly made them spin.)

But I am still having a problem.....The first ones drawn on the screen spin fine. So do the second pair, usually, but when I hit CTRL again, the new ones don't spin. Can anyone help me out and tell me why not?

Here's my source code. I Didn't label the new parts because they are just there temporary.

Code: Select all

; enable the game graphics
Graphics 640,480

;set the back buffer
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

;;     TYPES         ;;
;; Player            ;;
;; bullet            ;;
;; enemy             ;;
Type player
	Field x,y
	Field life
	Field draw
	Field frame
End Type

Type bullet
	Field x,y
	Field from
	Field frame
	Field draw
End Type

Type enemy
	Field x,y
	Field vx,vy
	Field frame
	Field toughness
End Type

;Create a new player
Global player.player = New player

player\x = 200
player\y = 400
player\life = 50
player\frame = 6
player\draw = 1

;;Load Images/sounds;;
;;Backround         ;;
;;player            ;;
;;bullets           ;;
;;backround music   ;;
;;gun sound         ;;
;;enemy             ;;
Global bg_sheet = LoadAnimImage ("stars.png",200,200,0,4)
Global player_sheet = LoadAnimImage ("PlayerV2.png",68,64,0,13)
Global small_bullet = LoadImage ("weak_bullet.png")
Global medium_bullet = LoadImage ("medium_bullet.png")
Global strong_bullet = LoadImage ("strong_bullet.png")
Global bullet_snd = LoadSound ("shot1.wav")
Global enemy_sheet = LoadAnimImage("enemy1_V1.png",68,38,0,9)

;; Declare Variables ;;
Global mediumtilemovement = 0   ; the movement of the second farthest  bg. image
Global fasttilemovement = 0     ; the movement of the closest  bg. image
Global slowtilemovement = 0     ; the movement of the farthest bg. image
Global semifasttilemovement = 0 ; the movemnt of the second fastest bg. image
Global rightframehelper, rightturnoff, leftframehelper,leftturnoff ; numbers used to help the player image shift frames
Global backroundtimer = 0       ; a timer that adds 1 every time program goes through main loop, 
                                ; helps with tiling slowest bg. image
Global exospasms = True
Global occured = 0
Global drew
; play backround music
bg_music = PlayMusic ("interim nation - future experience.mp3")
;;   Main Loop       ;;
;;  keeps pl. on scr ;;
;;  tiles all images ;;
;;  Moves backround  ;;
;; repaets bg. music ;;
;; Draws Player image;;
;;Loops thr functions;;
While Not KeyHit(1)
	; clears screen
	backroundtimer = backroundtimer + 1
	;loops through music
	If Not ChannelPlaying(bg_music) 
		bg_music = PlayMusic ("interim nation - future experience.mp3")

	; tiles and moves backrouns
	TileImage bg_sheet,0,fasttilemovement,3
	TileImage bg_sheet,0,slowtilemovement,0
	TileImage bg_sheet,0,mediumtilemovement,1
	TileImage bg_sheet,0,semifasttilemovement,2
	fasttilemovement = fasttilemovement + 3
	semifasttilemovement = semifasttilemovement + 2
	If backroundtimer = 2 Then
		slowtilemovement = slowtilemovement + 1
		backroundtimer = 0
	mediumtilemovement = mediumtilemovement + 1

	; goes through all functions
	; keeps player on screen		
	If player\x > 575 Then player\x = 575
	If player\x < 0 Then player\x = 0
	If player\y > 425 Then player\y = 425
	If player\y < 0 Then player\y = 0
	; keeps tiles from mooving too far
	If 	fasttilemovement = 200 Then fasttilemovement = 0
	If 	slowtilemovement = 200 Then slowtilemovement = 0
	If 	mediumtilemovement = 200 Then slowtilemovement = 0
	; draws player
	DrawImage player_sheet,player\x,player\y,player\frame

	; flips buffer

;;   Userinput()    ;;
;;205 (rightkey)    ;;
;;203 (leftkey)     ;;
;;208 (downkey)     ;;
;;200 (upkey)       ;;
;;57 (spacebar)     ;;
Function userinput()
	; If you hold down right, move your charactor right, and add one to a variable,
	; when the variable is high enough, change the charactor frame, 
	; when the charactor frame is to the last frame, keep it there, 
	; when you let go of the button, subtract from the frame number until it's back where it started
If KeyDown(205) Then 
	If Not KeyDown (203)
		player\x = player\x + 4 
		rightframehelper = rightframehelper + 1

If rightframehelper > 4 Then rightframehelper = 0
	If rightframehelper > 3 Then
	    If player\frame < 12 Then 
	   		player\frame = player\frame + 1
			rightframehelper = 0
		End If
	End If 
	If player\frame > 6 Then
		If Not KeyDown(205) Then rightturnoff = rightturnoff + 1
	If rightturnoff = 3 Then 
		player\frame = player\frame - 1 
		rightturnoff = 0
	; If you hold down left, move your charactor left, and add one to a variable,
	; when the variable is high enough, change the charactor frame, 
	; when the charactor frame is to the lowest frame, keep it there, 
	; when you let go of the button, add to the frame number until it's back to where it started
If KeyDown(203) Then 
	If Not KeyDown(205) Then 
		player\x = player\x - 4 
		leftframehelper = leftframehelper + 1
If leftframehelper > 4 Then leftframehelper = 0
	If leftframehelper > 3 Then
	    If player\frame > 0 Then 
	   		player\frame = player\frame - 1
			leftframehelper = 0
		End If
	End If 
	If player\frame < 6 Then
		If Not KeyDown(203) Then leftturnoff = leftturnoff + 1
	If leftturnoff = 3 Then 
		player\frame = player\frame + 1 
		leftturnoff = 0

; if you hold the upkey, move you up

If KeyDown(208) Then 
	If Not KeyDown(200)
		player\y = player\y + 4 

; when you hold the downkey, move you down
If KeyDown(200) Then 
	If Not KeyDown(208)
		player\y = player\y - 4 

; when you hit spacebar, play the gun sound and shoot.
If KeyHit(57) Then
	PlaySound bullet_snd

If KeyHit(157) Then
	exospasms = True

End Function 	
;;       Bullets()      ;;	
;;      FUNCTIONS:      ;;
;; drawbullets()        ;;
;; updatebullets()      ;;
Function bullets()

; do these functions

End Function
Function drawbullet()
For bullet.bullet = Each bullet

	DrawImage small_bullet,bullet\x,bullet\y
End Function
Function createbullet(from)
Bullet.bullet = New bullet

If from = 1 Then
	Bullet\x = player\x + 15
	Bullet\y = player\y + 5
	bullet\from = 1
	bullet\frame = 0
	bullet\draw = 1

End Function

Function updatebullets()
	For bullet.bullet = Each bullet
	bullet\y = bullet\y - 6
End Function 
Function enemy()


End Function
Function drawenemy()
For enemy.enemy = Each enemy

	drew = drew + 1
	DrawImage enemy_sheet,enemy\x,enemy\y,enemy\frame
	If drew > 3
		enemy\frame = enemy\frame + 1
	If enemy\frame = 9 Then enemy\frame = 0
	If drew > 4 Then drew = 1
End Function

Function generate_enemy(toughness)

	If exospasms = True Then
		enemies = Rnd(1,3)
		occured = occured + 1
		For i = 1 To enemies
			enemy.enemy = New enemy
			enemy\x = Rnd(1,575)
			enemy\y = Rnd (1,425)
			enemy\vx = 1
			enemy\vy = 1
			enemy\frame = 0
			enemy\toughness = 1
	If occured > 3 Then
    	occured = 0
		exospasms = False
End Function
Why I named one of my variables exospasms, don't ask me. I must have been drunk. (That drunk part was sarcasm, BTW. I don't intend on getting drunk anytime soon. I'm not a stoner fag who drinks.)

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 1:18 am
by Guest

Code: Select all


;This belongs in the main loop 
if keydown(50) = false;key M 
   If Not ChannelPlaying(bg_music) 
      bg_music = PlayMusic ("interim nation - future experience.mp3") 
GREAT idea! I never thought of that.

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 11:58 am
by JS Lemming
I can't really help you because I don't know what the code does... I mean, I can't run the code cause i don't have the images and such.

BUT, as for the Background Music, you can use the technique I made for the Mario game. First you have to open up your music file an see how many seconds long it is (don't confuse with minutes). Then take that number and multiply by 1,000 to turn it into milliseconds. Take a look at the code below.

Code: Select all

;BackGround Music Vars.
Global chnBgMusic         ;pointer to music channel
Global MusicStartTime    ;holds current computer time in milli.
Global MusicLength        ;holds lenght in milli of the song.
Global MusicAddress$    ;holds location of the music file.

;Set the location of the file
MusicAddress$ = "interim nation - future experience.mp3"

;Main Game Loop
While KeyDown(1) = False

	;If the time has passed or song not even playing, play music and reset vars.
	If MilliSecs() - MusicStartTime > MusicLength
		chnBgMusic = PlayMusic(MusicAddress$)
		MusicStartTime = MilliSecs()
		MusicLength = 246 * 1000

Whats cool about this is that you can change music just by adjusting the address and lenght variable.

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 2:21 pm
by MarauderIIC
So you mean you hit ctrl once, works fine. ctrl twice, works fine. ctrl third time, it doesn't?

Try using print things to output the status of the variables you suspect might be the culprits. (For example, exospasms might not be getting itself set to true for some reason).

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 3:28 pm
by Don Pwnious
Arce wrote:a random number form 1 to 9 appear when you hit ctrl. (I did this to see If I had correctly made them spin.)
What spins?

And ill see what i can do..

oh yeh i dont really like that background so you should make your own like this:
I dont really know if it works

Code: Select all

;;using a dotted field;;;; 
;BY: The Phantom 9/11/04;;

; intialize

;Graphics set up
Graphics 640, 480 ; or any choice for your game

; Seed the Rnd Generator
SeedRnd MilliSecs() ; yes the power of random

; the Constants

; the lenth for blocks (notice plural)
Const lenth = 100	 ; choose another if you wish

; the height for blocks
Const height = 100	; again choose another if you want

; how much dots per block
Const dots = 50	; more if you want

; time for the images
fieldimage = CreateImage(lenth,height,0)

; now for the random dots
For loop = 0 To dots
	SetBuffer ImageBuffer(fieldimage)

	;put dots on
	Plot Rnd(lenth), Rnd(height)


;back to normal
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
;end of intializing

; main loop
While (Not KeyDown(1))

TileImage fieldimage



Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 7:36 pm
by JS Lemming
I hate randomly generated backgrounds, they never look good especially when tiled.

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 7:47 pm
by Guest
You were right, marauder. Thanks. I got that part fixed. :)

I HATE the background I had, I changed it. I need to post an updated screen shot, so you can see it and what spins.

Today, I got my enemies to move how I wanted them, at least the easiest enemies.

But it makes me so mad, I tried to make it so when my bullet collides with the enemy, the enemy explodes, (8 frames) and plays a sound. Somehow, I failed HORRIBLY. Now, for some unknown reason, it simply doesn't draw the enemies. Can someone help? This is my source code

Code: Select all

; enable the game graphics
Graphics 640,480

;set the back buffer
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

;;     TYPES         ;;
;; Player            ;;
;; bullet            ;;
;; enemy             ;;
Type player
	Field x,y
	Field life
	Field draw
	Field frame
End Type

Type bullet
	Field x,y
	Field from
	Field frame
	Field draw
End Type

Type enemy
	Field x,y
	Field vx,vy
	Field frame
	Field toughness
	Field active
End Type

Type explosion
	Field frame
	Field x,y
End Type
;Create a new player
Global player.player = New player

player\x = 200
player\y = 400
player\life = 50
player\frame = 6
player\draw = 1

;;Load Images/sounds;;
;;Backround         ;;
;;player            ;;
;;bullets           ;;
;;backround music   ;;
;;gun sound         ;;
;;enemy             ;;
Global bg_sheet = LoadAnimImage ("stars.png",200,200,0,4)
Global player_sheet = LoadAnimImage ("PlayerV2.png",68,64,0,13)
Global small_bullet = LoadImage ("weak_bullet.png")
Global medium_bullet = LoadImage ("medium_bullet.png")
Global strong_bullet = LoadImage ("strong_bullet.png")
Global bullet_snd = LoadSound ("shot1.wav")
Global enemyexplode_snd = LoadSound ("EXPLODE.wav")
Global enemy_sheet = LoadAnimImage("enemy1_V1.png",68,38,0,9)
Global enemyexplode = LoadAnimImage ("enemyexplosion.bmp",64,64,0,7)

;; Declare Variables ;;
Global mediumtilemovement = 0   ; the movement of the second farthest  bg. image
Global fasttilemovement = 0     ; the movement of the closest  bg. image
Global slowtilemovement = 0     ; the movement of the farthest bg. image
Global semifasttilemovement = 0 ; the movemnt of the second fastest bg. image
Global rightframehelper, rightturnoff, leftframehelper,leftturnoff ; numbers used to help the player image shift frames
Global backroundtimer = 0       ; a timer that adds 1 every time program goes through main loop, 
                                ; helps with tiling slowest bg. image
Global exospasms = True
Global occured = 0
Global drew
Global enemytimer = MilliSecs() 
Global timeractive = 1
; play backround music
bg_music = PlayMusic ("interim nation - future experience.mp3")
;;   Main Loop       ;;
;;  keeps pl. on scr ;;
;;  tiles all images ;;
;;  Moves backround  ;;
;; repaets bg. music ;;
;; Draws Player image;;
;;Loops thr functions;;
While Not KeyHit(1)
	; clears screen
	If MilliSecs() >= enemytimer+2000 Then 
	backroundtimer = backroundtimer + 1
	;loops through music
	If Not ChannelPlaying(bg_music) 
		bg_music = PlayMusic ("interim nation - future experience.mp3")

	; tiles and moves backrouns
	TileImage bg_sheet,0,fasttilemovement,3
	TileImage bg_sheet,0,slowtilemovement,0
	TileImage bg_sheet,0,mediumtilemovement,1
	TileImage bg_sheet,0,semifasttilemovement,2
	fasttilemovement = fasttilemovement + 3
	semifasttilemovement = semifasttilemovement + 2
	If backroundtimer = 2 Then
		slowtilemovement = slowtilemovement + 1
		backroundtimer = 0
	mediumtilemovement = mediumtilemovement + 1

	; goes through all functions
	; keeps player on screen		
	If player\x > 575 Then player\x = 575
	If player\x < 0 Then player\x = 0
	If player\y > 425 Then player\y = 425
	If player\y < 0 Then player\y = 0
	; keeps tiles from mooving too far
	If 	fasttilemovement = 200 Then fasttilemovement = 0
	If 	slowtilemovement = 200 Then slowtilemovement = 0
	If 	mediumtilemovement = 200 Then slowtilemovement = 0
	If timeractive = 0 Then
		enemytimer = MilliSecs()
		timeractive = 1
	; draws player
	DrawImage player_sheet,player\x,player\y,player\frame 
	; flips buffer

;;   Userinput()    ;;
;;205 (rightkey)    ;;
;;203 (leftkey)     ;;
;;208 (downkey)     ;;
;;200 (upkey)       ;;
;;57 (spacebar)     ;;
Function userinput()
	; If you hold down right, move your charactor right, and add one to a variable,
	; when the variable is high enough, change the charactor frame, 
	; when the charactor frame is to the last frame, keep it there, 
	; when you let go of the button, subtract from the frame number until it's back where it started
If KeyDown(205) Then 
	If Not KeyDown (203)
		player\x = player\x + 4 
		rightframehelper = rightframehelper + 1

If rightframehelper > 4 Then rightframehelper = 0
	If rightframehelper > 3 Then
	    If player\frame < 12 Then 
	   		player\frame = player\frame + 1
			rightframehelper = 0
		End If
	End If 
	If player\frame > 6 Then
		If Not KeyDown(205) Then rightturnoff = rightturnoff + 1
	If rightturnoff = 3 Then 
		player\frame = player\frame - 1 
		rightturnoff = 0
	; If you hold down left, move your charactor left, and add one to a variable,
	; when the variable is high enough, change the charactor frame, 
	; when the charactor frame is to the lowest frame, keep it there, 
	; when you let go of the button, add to the frame number until it's back to where it started
If KeyDown(203) Then 
	If Not KeyDown(205) Then 
		player\x = player\x - 4 
		leftframehelper = leftframehelper + 1
If leftframehelper > 4 Then leftframehelper = 0
	If leftframehelper > 3 Then
	    If player\frame > 0 Then 
	   		player\frame = player\frame - 1
			leftframehelper = 0
		End If
	End If 
	If player\frame < 6 Then
		If Not KeyDown(203) Then leftturnoff = leftturnoff + 1
	If leftturnoff = 3 Then 
		player\frame = player\frame + 1 
		leftturnoff = 0

; if you hold the upkey, move you up

If KeyDown(208) Then 
	If Not KeyDown(200)
		player\y = player\y + 4 

; when you hold the downkey, move you down
If KeyDown(200) Then 
	If Not KeyDown(208)
		player\y = player\y - 4 

; when you hit spacebar, play the gun sound and shoot.
If KeyHit(57) Then
	PlaySound bullet_snd

If KeyHit(157) Then
	exospasms = True

End Function 	
;;       Bullets()      ;;	
;;      FUNCTIONS:      ;;
;; drawbullets()        ;;
;; updatebullets()      ;;
Function bullets()

; do these functions

End Function
Function drawbullet()
For bullet.bullet = Each bullet

	DrawImage small_bullet,bullet\x,bullet\y
End Function
Function createbullet(from)
Bullet.bullet = New bullet

If from = 1 Then
	Bullet\x = player\x + 15
	Bullet\y = player\y + 5
	bullet\from = 1
	bullet\frame = 0
	bullet\draw = 1

End Function

Function updatebullets()
	For bullet.bullet = Each bullet
	bullet\y = bullet\y - 6
End Function 
Function enemy()
For enemy.enemy = Each enemy
For explosion.explosion = Each explosion

	If enemy\active = 0 Then
		Delete enemy
	If backroundtimer = 1 Then explosion\frame = explosion\frame + 1
	If explosion\frame > 7 Then Delete explosion
	DrawImage enemyexplosion,explosion\x,explosion\y,explosion\frame
End Function
Function drawenemy()
For enemy.enemy = Each enemy
	If enemy\active = 1
		drew = drew + 1
		DrawImage enemy_sheet,enemy\x,enemy\y,enemy\frame
		If drew > 3
			enemy\frame = enemy\frame + 1
		If enemy\frame = 9 Then enemy\frame = 0
		If drew > 4 Then drew = 1
		enemy\x = enemy\x + enemy\vx
		enemy\y = enemy\y + enemy\vy

End Function

Function generate_enemy(toughness)

	If exospasms = True Then
		enemies = Rnd(1,3)
		occured = occured + 1
		For i = 1 To enemies
			enemy.enemy = New enemy
			enemy\x = Rnd(1,575)
			enemy\y = Rnd (1,425)
			enemy\vx = Rnd (-2,2)
			enemy\vy = Rnd (-2,2)
			enemy\frame = 0
			enemy\toughness = 1
			enemy\active = 1
	If occured > 3 Then
    	occured = 0
		exospasms = False
End Function

Function keep_enemy_on_screen()
For enemy.enemy = Each enemy

	If enemy\vx = 0 Then enemy\vx = Rnd(-2,2)
	If enemy\vy = 0 Then enemy\vy = Rnd(-2,2)

	If enemy\vx > 5 Then enemy\vx = enemy\vx - 2
	If enemy\vx < -5 Then enemy\vx = enemy\vx + 2
	If enemy\vy > 5 Then enemy\vy = enemy\vy - 2
	If enemy\vy < -5 Then enemy\vy = enemy\vy + 2

	If enemy\x > 575 Then 
		enemy\x = 570
		enemy\vy = enemy\vy + Rnd(-2,2)
		enemy\vx = enemy\vx + -enemy\vx
	If enemy\x < 0 Then 
		enemy\x = 5
		enemy\vy = enemy\vy + Rnd(-2,2)
		enemy\vx = enemy\vx + -enemy\vx


	If enemy\y > 425 Then 
		enemy\y = 420
		enemy\vy = enemy\vy + -enemy\vy
		enemy\vx = enemy\vx + Rnd(-2,2)

	If enemy\y < 0 Then
   	 	enemy\y = 5
		enemy\vy = enemy\vy + -enemy\vy
		enemy\vx = enemy\vx + Rnd(-2,2)
End Function

Function randomize_enemy_direction()
For enemy.enemy = Each enemy
	enemy\vx = enemy\vx+Rnd(-2,2)
	enemy\vy = enemy\vy+Rnd(-2,2)
	timeractive = 0

End Function

Function collisions()
For enemy.enemy = Each enemy
For bullet.bullet = Each bullet

	If ImagesCollide (enemy_sheet,enemy\x,enemy\y,enemy\frame,small_bullet,bullet\x,bullet\y,0) Then
		PlaySound enemyexplode_snd 
		enemy\active = 0
		explosion.explosion = New explosion
			explosion\frame = 0
			explosion\x = enemy\x
			explosion\y = enemy\y
		Delete bullet

End Function


Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 7:49 pm
by Guest
Oh, and I too hate randomly tiled backrounds. They don't don't look good.

I made my backround look kinda 3Dish by tiling 4 images that move at differnt speeds. I personally think it looks kinda good.

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 7:52 pm
by JS Lemming
I might be best if you just posted the problem area of your code next time... it would cut down in the search and destroy crap. Hmmm... Well actually, we might need to know varaible declarations.... I don't know.

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 10:05 pm
by Don Pwnious
lol cool 3dish

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 10:19 pm
by Falco Girgis
God dammit arce, nobody is going to search through that huge thing for anything, especially not you. Use your brain, find the area that is screwed up. I swear to god, if you post that huge jarled, blitz disgrace again, I'll shove it up your ass! :?