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How to Apply Knowledge?

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:30 am
by mck567
The hardest part of learning a language for the first time is learning to apply it, I have language basics down but how do I go about learning the best "practices" in applying them.

Re: How to Apply Knowledge?

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 10:44 am
by trufun202
If you understand the basic concepts of programming, then think of that as a set of tools. Then, come up with a "problem" or objective and solve it using the tools that are available.

If you're just getting into programming, I wouldn't worry about best practices. Just start churning out some programs while learning and applying something new each time.

Re: How to Apply Knowledge?

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:55 pm
by Falco Girgis
That's the hardest part of learning anything: calculus, physics, linear algebra, differential equations, programming languages, etc.

Yeah, you are going to have to come up with a problem or a goal, and discover how to apply your knowledge to achieve it.

Re: How to Apply Knowledge?

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:15 am
by Maevik
I'm still in the "getting comfortable with the basics" boat myself, here's a couple things I'd suggest: <- Great website that will really push your programming and math knowledge. It's also highly addictive and incites what they call "Inductive chain learning"

antiRTFM <- Look this guy up on the YouTube. He does helpfull n00b C++ tutorials and has a link to his site where he posts practice problems.

Lastly, as GyroVorbis mentioned in his adress to getting into game devving, build a simple game. I did a console version of Tic-Tac-Toe. It's obviously nothing that is going to really impress anyone, but it will really help you apply what you know. Once you build it, try building it again with functions (if you didnt already), then build it again with classes using headers and shit, then build it again with pointers, or whatever.