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Tile map editor in BlitzPlus. Need help with collision

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:32 am
by YenTex

Code: Select all

AppTitle "ShadowX Platform Map Editor"


Timer = CreateTimer(30) 

showCols = False

Graphics gwidth,gheight,16,2

ClsColor 80,80,200

scr_left = 0
scr_top = 0 

infile = OpenFile("");Assign infile to loading the map 

If infile <> 0 Then 
	mapx = ReadInt(infile)
	mapy = ReadInt(infile)
	mapx = 50
	mapy = 20 

Dim map$(mapx,mapy)

If infile <> 0 Then
	;read tile layer
	For y = 0 To mapy-1
		For x = 0 To mapx-1
			map(x,y) = ReadInt(infile)
;otherwise wipe map
	For y = 0 To mapy-1
		For x = 0 To mapx - 1
			map(x,y) = 0

CloseFile infile

img_tiles = LoadAnimImage("tileset.bmp",tsize,tsize,0,numtiles) 

seltile = 2

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Color 0,255,255

While Not KeyHit(1)


For y = 0 To mapy 
	For x = 0 To mapx 
		tilenum = Int(map(x,y))-1
		If (x*tsize)-scr_left > -tsize And (x*tsize)-scr_left < gwidth And (y*tsize)-scr_top > -tsize And (y*tsize)-scr_top < gheight Then
			;draw tile
			If tilenum > -1 Then DrawImage img_tiles,(x*tsize)-scr_left,(y*tsize)-scr_top,tilenum
;Scrolling around map w/ keys
If KeyDown(208) And scr_top < (mapy*tsize-gheight) Then scr_top = scr_top+15
If KeyDown(205) And scr_left < (mapx*tsize-gheight )Then scr_left = scr_left+15
If KeyDown(203) And scr_left > -menuwidth Then scr_left = scr_left-15
If KeyDown(200) And scr_top > 0 Then scr_top = scr_top-15

Rect (((MouseX()+scr_left)/tsize)*tsize)-scr_left-1,(((MouseY()+scr_top)/tsize)*tsize)-scr_top-1,tsize+2,tsize+2,0

If seltile > 0 DrawImage img_tiles,(((MouseX()+scr_left)/tsize)*tsize)-scr_left,(((MouseY()+scr_top)/tsize)*tsize)-scr_top,seltile-1
If MouseDown(1)
	map((MouseX()+scr_left)/tsize,(MouseY()+scr_top)/tsize) = seltile
If selmouse < MouseZ() Then seltile = seltile + 1
If selmouse > MouseZ() Then seltile = seltile - 1
selmouse = MouseZ()
If MouseHit(2) Then seltile = seltile + 1
If seltile > numtiles Then seltile = 0
If seltile = -1 Then seltile = numtiles 

;Clear map w/C key 
If KeyHit(46) Then
For y = 0 To mapy-1
	For x = 0 To mapx-1
		map(x,y) = 0

;save map when 's' pressed
If KeyHit(31) Then

;open output file in write mode
fileout = WriteFile("")

;write map dimensions
WriteInt fileout,mapx
WriteInt fileout,mapy
;write tile layer
For y = 0 To mapy-1
	For x = 0 To mapx-1
		WriteInt fileout,map(x,y)

CloseFile fileout



I don't know where to begin, can anyone help

Re: Tile map editor in BlitzPlus. Need help with collision

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:19 pm
by dandymcgee
Umm, what exactly do you want help with. Collision in a map editor? Do you mean being able to set tile attributes for collision? Is this map editor your own work or something you're just trying to understand?

Re: Tile map editor in BlitzPlus. Need help with collision

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:35 pm
by YenTex
dandymcgee wrote:Umm, what exactly do you want help with. Collision in a map editor? Do you mean being able to set tile attributes for collision? Is this map editor your own work or something you're just trying to understand?
I wrote this, thank you.
i solved my problem

Re: Tile map editor in BlitzPlus. Need help with collision

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:10 pm
by dandymcgee
Raiden wrote: I wrote this, thank you.
i solved my problem
Glad you figured it out, sorry I couldn't help. ;)

Re: Tile map editor in BlitzPlus. Need help with collision

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 10:00 pm
by TheLividePianoist
Sorry to blow your spot but I know for a fact that you never wrote that code. That being said if you meant that you did write the code, otherwise sorry. I just don't like seeing other people taking credit for other people's work especially when all they've done was just scratched out certain areas in the code.

Re: Tile map editor in BlitzPlus. (TheBelovedPenis er whatever)

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 10:34 pm
by MadPumpkin
TheLividePianoist wrote:Sorry to blow your spot but I know for a fact that you never wrote that code. That being said if you meant that you did write the code, otherwise sorry. I just don't like seeing other people taking credit for other people's work especially when all they've done was just scratched out certain areas in the code.
i HATE it when people take credit for others work, personally, i prefer to make everything from scratch, because it makes me feel cool, AND i can legally remove, edit, add(to or from) any thing to do with it...
but think about making your own CPP compiler Dx exactly!! lol so instead i use code::blocks :}, the next best thing!, try to take credit for code::blocks and you'll get shot lol

Re: Tile map editor in BlitzPlus. Need help with collision

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:32 am
by Kros