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Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:11 pm
by Maevik
dandymcgee wrote:
Maevik wrote: My group is about play our 12th installment of our 4th ed campaign..
I don't know what that means.. I never understood D&D, could someone explain the basic concept of what you do? How do you decide what happens and stuff, do you just randomly make it up? I'm just trying to see how it's fun, haha.
There are mechanics designed to randomize things ( usually dice rolls ), but the players generally decide what they want their character to do ( and sometimes what they want the world to do to their character, depending on your playgroup ) and one designated player is the "Dungeon Master" who takes the roll of the world, the story, the monsters and the referee. Everyone works together to essentially create a story (Roleplay) even if they characters they portray or the world are not necessarily alligned. The DM presents challenges and plot twists and usually takes one or many form(s) of the antagonist(s).

The books themselves generally provide mechanics for class systems, economics, combat, and other things to provide structure to the world. This is where the "Game" aspect of it comes in. There are rules for combat and abilities that limit what your character can and cannot do. When it all comes down to it though, it is us to the playgroup as a whole to decide which mechanics they want to include in their world. Most of the time people will stick to the presented rules however, unless something appears broken or non-applicable.

Re: D&D

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:56 pm
by dandymcgee
Maevik wrote: There are mechanics designed to randomize things ( usually dice rolls ), but the players generally decide what they want their character to do ( and sometimes what they want the world to do to their character, depending on your playgroup ) and one designated player is the "Dungeon Master" who takes the roll of the world, the story, the monsters and the referee. Everyone works together to essentially create a story (Roleplay) even if they characters they portray or the world are not necessarily alligned. The DM presents challenges and plot twists and usually takes one or many form(s) of the antagonist(s).

The books themselves generally provide mechanics for class systems, economics, combat, and other things to provide structure to the world. This is where the "Game" aspect of it comes in. There are rules for combat and abilities that limit what your character can and cannot do. When it all comes down to it though, it is us to the playgroup as a whole to decide which mechanics they want to include in their world. Most of the time people will stick to the presented rules however, unless something appears broken or non-applicable.
Sounds awesome! ;) If the chance ever presents itself perhaps I'll test the waters of the almight D&D!

Re: D&D

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:20 pm
by Arce
Gyro and I used to play back when we were lads.

Since then it's mostly been small campaigns in a group of friends. They try to include me in serious games, but I usually don't have much time and end up playing Magic the Gathering. ;p

Re: D&D

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:53 pm
by eatcomics
Arce wrote:Gyro and I used to play back when we were lads.

Since then it's mostly been small campaigns in a group of friends. They try to include me in serious games, but I usually don't have much time and end up playing Magic the Gathering. ;p
Lol me and another friend did that last time I played... I missed out on an adventure over the weekend cause I'm grounded and staying at my dad's :cry:

Re: D&D

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:48 pm
by Maevik
Arce wrote:Gyro and I used to play back when we were lads.

Since then it's mostly been small campaigns in a group of friends. They try to include me in serious games, but I usually don't have much time and end up playing Magic the Gathering. ;p
Geez, I haven't played MTG in years. I stopped playing since my few friends who played lost interest/money, and I had nobody to play with. I've noticed though, that a table of the cafeteria at my college is all nerds playing magic. Anyway, i'm thinkin maybe I'll take a couple of the decks I didn't sell and see if the virgins aren't unbearable company ><

Re: D&D

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:46 pm
by MarauderIIC
You must have found a time warp to my lunch table. Well, as long as one of those people is only watching because he doesn't want to buy cards.

Also, after a certain point I was not a virgin and sitting at that table. So don't judge too quick ;)

Re: D&D

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:54 pm
by trufun202

Re: D&D

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:19 pm
by Maevik
That's wild. Gary gygax just passed not even a year ago.

Re: D&D

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 7:30 pm
by DeFormat
I played for a while with my friends. We just stopped because it was difficult for everyone to find a good time to meet. Cant play without everyone otherwise there way behind, and didnt level like we most likely did. Hard to set up a permanent date for it :/

Re: D&D

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:02 pm
by thejahooli
D&D actually sounds like a good game. I would have a go at playing it but I would never get someone to play it with as i dont think its very big in england, I would never have heard of it if it wasn't for american tv.

Re: D&D

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:05 pm
by eatcomics
I bet it's huge in england...

Re: D&D

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 3:12 pm
by Maevik used to have a player locator, doesn't seem to be there anymore. They have a good forum community though, and if you were really interested you could probably find UK players there.

Last session, our group TPK'ed. Sometimes the DM just has some blazing hot dice.