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Windows 7

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 11:19 pm
by dandymcgee
Surely some of you guys have checked it out by now. I installed it on my laptop for the simple fact that I get it free through my school. So far I like it, and it hasn't done anything stupid on me. I do wish I could change the start menu to the old style pop-out lists though, the whole idea of listing out "All Programs" in that one little window seems both stupid and pointless to me; it's not like you can do anything with your extra screen space without clicking out of (and closing) the start menu.

As far as my desktop, I've still got XP Home Edition, and the only way that will ever change is if I decide to format eventually and install Pro instead (now that I've got an extra XP Pro key).

Re: Windows 7

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:30 am
by Big Grizzle
I take it you haven't seen the adverts yet.


Re: Windows 7

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 5:29 am
by Bludklok
Big Grizzle wrote:I take it you haven't seen the adverts yet.

That was the final straw... *Runs to the Linux store*

Re: Windows 7

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:24 am
by ultimatedragoon69
Wow that commercial was pure crap, I am turned off when it comes to windows 7 now. They should never take the Tupperware approach in my opinion.

Re: Windows 7

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:46 am
by Big Grizzle
What I don't get is who the hell is that advert aimed at? for the Linux store comment. As soon as I saw the link I started looking at the new features in the next Ubuntu LTS release.

Re: Windows 7

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:30 pm
by dandymcgee
Big Grizzle wrote:I take it you haven't seen the adverts yet.

Wtf.. there's no way that a Microsoft ad.

Re: Windows 7

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 4:28 pm
by avansc
that add is not even realistic.. where did the black dude come from. the fairy.. then grandma and soccer mom. its like a UN Tupperware party.

MS is homophobic, racist, sexist, and ageist.

Re: Windows 7

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:42 pm
by Pickzell
avansc wrote:that add is not even realistic.. where did the black dude come from. the fairy.. then grandma and soccer mom. its like a UN Tupperware party.

MS is homophobic, racist, sexist, and ageist.
Why wouldn't they put racial/age/sexual diversity? People would call it racist if it were all white guys.
I won't deny the ad is terrible though.

I'm fine with my vista. :D

On a side note: I tried installing Ubuntu on my old computer, but the monitor won't turn on. I guess I'll never get to use Ubuntu. I mean apparently that thing is great: it makes food for you, does your math homework, jerks you off, you name it!

Re: Windows 7

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:27 pm
by dandymcgee
Most annoying issue so far is that compatibility still blows. I can't play any of the games that worked fine in XP on Windows 7 (Oblivion, Neverwinter Nights). :|

Re: Windows 7

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:00 pm
by Falco Girgis
I'm running Windows 7 now, and everything has been pretty nice. Lots of what pissed me off to no end about Vista is no longer here.

I really can't say anything about compatibility, because I don't do anything other than dev/code on my PCs (I'm a console gamer). From that standpoint, 7 is pretty damn solid.

Re: Windows 7

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:20 pm
by Milch
I've got Windows 7 from school for free.
Installed it on my new pc and tried it out.
As soon as I tried to install drivers for my wlancard - some odd stuff happened.
At first, Windows said it already had a driver onboard for this wlancard.
Then, it said that I had no wlancard.
So I tried to install the driver from a CD - and Windows said the driver currently used is up to date.
So I started deinstalling the driver for the wlancard. It took about 1hour. After that, I rebooted the system.
Guess what - Windows won't boot anymore. Great -.-"
So I installed XP and everything was fine :D

And by the way - the compatibility mode is still crap.

Re: Windows 7

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 3:35 pm
by Pickzell
GyroVorbis wrote:I'm running Windows 7 now, and everything has been pretty nice. Lots of what pissed me off to no end about Vista is no longer here.

I really can't say anything about compatibility, because I don't do anything other than dev/code on my PCs (I'm a console gamer). From that standpoint, 7 is pretty damn solid.
IDK what pissed you off in Vista then... All that pissed me off in Vista was that programs I had payed my own money for were now unusable.

-Game Maker 6.1R
-3Ds Max(I didn't actually pay for this one; I don't buy overpriced things that aren't worth buying.)
-Various CMD line programs
-Ultima IX
-Other stuff I don't remember

Re: Windows 7

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:25 pm
by avansc
Pickzell wrote:
GyroVorbis wrote:I'm running Windows 7 now, and everything has been pretty nice. Lots of what pissed me off to no end about Vista is no longer here.

I really can't say anything about compatibility, because I don't do anything other than dev/code on my PCs (I'm a console gamer). From that standpoint, 7 is pretty damn solid.
IDK what pissed you off in Vista then... All that pissed me off in Vista was that programs I had payed my own money for were now unusable.

-Game Maker 6.1R
-3Ds Max(I didn't actually pay for this one; I don't buy overpriced things that aren't worth buying.)
-Various CMD line programs
-Ultima IX
-Other stuff I don't remember
how is 3dmax overpriced and not worth the money?
what you mean to say is.. im cheap and a thief.

Re: Windows 7

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:20 pm
by dandymcgee
GyroVorbis wrote:I'm running Windows 7 now, and everything has been pretty nice. Lots of what pissed me off to no end about Vista is no longer here.

I really can't say anything about compatibility, because I don't do anything other than dev/code on my PCs (I'm a console gamer). From that standpoint, 7 is pretty damn solid.
I "upgraded" (matter of opinion) to Windows Server Edition 2008. I love to experiment with admin tools so this is a billion times more fun for me. :lol:

Re: Windows 7

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:46 pm
by zNelson24
I'm just curious how Windows 7 works 'performance wise'. My only beef with Vista is that it was a massive resource piggy, and I feared Windows 7 might have the same issues looking at the posted system requirements. Anyone care to share their experiences?