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Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 1:43 am
by Spikey
"Terrorist" Alex Jones released a new film last week, whether you believe in the New World Order or not, I think it's at least an entertaining/interesting watch....
Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency.

President Obama has brazenly violated Article 1 Section 9 of the US Constitution by seating himself at the head of United Nations' Security Council, thus becoming the first US president to chair the world body.

A scientific dictatorship is in its final stages of completion, and laws protecting basic human rights are being abolished worldwide; an iron curtain of high-tech tyranny is now descending over the planet.

A worldwide regime controlled by an unelected corporate elite is implementing a planetary carbon tax system that will dominate all human activity and establish a system of neo-feudal slavery.

The image makers have carefully packaged Obama as the world's savior; he is the Trojan Horse manufactured to pacify the people just long enough for the globalists to complete their master plan.

This film reveals the architecture of the New World Order and what the power elite have in store for humanity. More importantly it communicates how We The People can retake control of our government, turn the criminal tide and bring the tyrants to justice.
A film by Alex jones

Re: Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:06 pm
by Joeyotrevor
Ummm, no.

Re: Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:17 pm
by avansc
Joeyotrevor wrote:Ummm, no.
no what?

have you actually watched it? and if so.. what do you find wrong with it.
i love the part how they destroy man made global warming.

Re: Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:21 pm
by Bakkon
Looks interesting. I'll give it a watch later tonight when I have some time since its several hours long.
Joeyotrevor wrote:Ummm, no.
That's fine if you disagree with the video, but atleast put some substance to your post.

Re: Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:27 pm
by Joeyotrevor
I didn't watch it but from his post it reeks of conspiracy theory.

Re: Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:54 pm
by avansc
Joeyotrevor wrote:I didn't watch it but from his post it reeks of conspiracy theory.
just because something is a conspiracy does not mean its not true.
if you watch it you might find its all relatively straight forward and not crazy.
its done by educated people/ scientists and historians alike. its not people in dark basements and so on..

Re: Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:25 pm
by avansc
pix... why delete your post?

Re: Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 8:17 pm
by Bakkon
Just finished watching The Obama Deception first since it was a video response to Fall of the Republic by the same people. Lots of interesting points made. I'll watch the second video tomorrow before I dump my mind into this thread.

Re: Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 9:03 pm
by aamesxdavid
What a complete load of shit.

Do me a favor, watch a few minutes of this, and then a few minutes of a video of Scientology. A bunch of people tossing out conjectures and random statements about how they think the world works. No facts, vague examples if any, but very serious looks on their faces because they actually believe the shit they're saying. Well, good for them, but propaganda is propaganda. And tell me the significance of these:

-"I've been in 57 states, I think one left to go."
Okay, we assume he's talking about the continental United States, and meant 47 - what's the point? If you have evidence otherwise, the most harmful thing you can come up with is bad math or a simple slip.

-Obama met with the King of Saudi Arabia and appeared to bow.
Oh.My.Fuck. A sign of respect for another culture. As members of the great country of freedom, we won't stand for that.

-"Precrime is where people are arrested and incarcerated to prevent crimes that they have not yet committed."
Yeah, I saw Minority Report too. Is there an example of this in use here, or even being proposed? If there is, it's not in this video. Why is it mentioned?

-Et cetera (ad nauseam).


If you're going to make a documentary, you better have more than conjecture. Your film should be grounded in facts, not complaints about what some people think is happening. And if it is grounded in facts, fucking prove it - otherwise you have no business making a documentary. Keep everything relevant, don't use a clip of someone misspeaking to try and diminish their credibility, it just makes you look like a crazy asshole because it has nothing to do with your subject. And please, don't romanticize the past to try and damn the present. This video pretends that everything in this country has been so fair and just since the moment the Constitution was signed, and now suddenly everything is under threat. I'm far from glorifying America, but we've come far since those days of slavery and complete denial of women's rights - things are better now, not worse. If or when any real evidence of these things emerges, make a film about that. But here's a summary of the film they have:

You can't trust the government.
You can't trust politicians.
You can't trust the media.
You can't trust corporations.
Trust us.

And who are these guys?
Gerald Celente - Trends Forecaster and Author
Robert Bowman - Nuclear Engineer
G. Edward Griffin - Filmmaker, Author, and Political Lecturer
Max Keiser - Stock Trader and TV Host

Yeah.. thanks for the info, guys. You can go on about corrupt politicians until you're blue in the face - I won't argue. But this everyone is out to enslave you message.. can go right back up your ass where you pulled it out.

Re: Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 9:25 pm
by avansc
aamesxdavid wrote:What a complete load of shit.

Do me a favor, watch a few minutes of this, and then a few minutes of a video of Scientology. A bunch of people tossing out conjectures and random statements about how they think the world works. No facts, vague examples if any, but very serious looks on their faces because they actually believe the shit they're saying. Well, good for them, but propaganda is propaganda. And tell me the significance of these:

-"I've been in 57 states, I think one left to go."
Okay, we assume he's talking about the continental United States, and meant 47 - what's the point? If you have evidence otherwise, the most harmful thing you can come up with is bad math or a simple slip.

-Obama met with the King of Saudi Arabia and appeared to bow.
Oh.My.Fuck. A sign of respect for another culture. As members of the great country of freedom, we won't stand for that.

-"Precrime is where people are arrested and incarcerated to prevent crimes that they have not yet committed."
Yeah, I saw Minority Report too. Is there an example of this in use here, or even being proposed? If there is, it's not in this video. Why is it mentioned?

-Et cetera (ad nauseam).
i think its kinda strange that in a 2 and a half hour documentary the biggest issues you could see what that they showed a clip of him saying there are 58 states and the precrime, maybe 5 min of the entire thing. (as for your argument about it being about the continental states, well that falls flat because he had been to Hawaii) but i dont really care. he could have misspoke. it doesent matter.

the video was really not only attacking him. it was attacking most presidents of late. as well as the economic structures and failures we have had. now im not claiming to buy into this. i have always been skeptical that something like the NWO/Illuminate, however, they do raise some interesting points about the structure of govertment.

anyways. for the most part i dont think there is this one governing body that wants to oppress us all. but what i do think is that man caused global warming is a scam of giant proportions that will take millions of jobs out of america, because of cap and trade. id be surprised if you cant see that.

edit: oh and btw.. they explicitly said not to take their word.. but to do your own research.. i think you were being unfair there.. they were advocating the message that people need to make up their own mind. they were mearly there to show you the possibility, the responsibility lies with you to do the research.

Re: Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 10:36 pm
by Big Grizzle
This is why I have a tin foil hat in my profile pic! It's to stop the brainwashing rays the government use on us all. ;)

....but seriously, I prefer the philosophy "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."

I have a friend who buys into all this crap. He is forever sending me links to some secret weather control weapon the illuminati has. I used to argue with him about it, but it became a fruitless endeavour all because he wants to believe it. *EDIT: Possibly because he prefers to smoke weed and feel persecuted.

Re: Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 10:40 pm
by avansc
Big Grizzle wrote:This is why I have a tin foil hat in my profile pic! It's to stop the brainwashing rays the government use on us all. ;)

....but seriously, I prefer the philosophy "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."

I have a friend who buys into all this crap. He is forever sending me links to some secret weather control weapon the illuminati has. I used to argue with him about it, but it became a fruitless endeavour all because he wants to believe it. *EDIT: Possibly because he prefers to smoke weed and feel persecuted.
heheh, i thought you shredder all this time. yeah i mean there are lunies out there.

Re: Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 11:11 pm
by aamesxdavid
avansc wrote:i think its kinda strange that in a 2 and a half hour documentary the biggest issues you could see what that they showed a clip of him saying there are 58 states and the precrime, maybe 5 min of the entire thing.
Not my biggest issues with it, but clear examples of tossing in completely irrelevant clips for seemingly no better reason than slander and scare tactics. A documentary completely grounded in reality and proof would not need to resort to such things, and it immediately makes me lose respect for the creator(s) of the film. It just shows that the first thing they were willing to do with this film is try and run a smear campaign with no facts - it's intellectually dishonest from the first minute, and that does say a lot.
avansc wrote:the video was really not only attacking him. it was attacking most presidents of late. as well as the economic structures and failures we have had. now im not claiming to buy into this. i have always been skeptical that something like the NWO/Illuminate, however, they do raise some interesting points about the structure of govertment.
It is definitely focusing on him, and even tossing in a few other recent presidents doesn't help the romanticized past point. It just feels to me like we have less things to hate about our government, so we blow up the things that we hate to be even worse than they are. Does the government make every decision possible in the best interest of the people? Of course not, they're greedy humans, just like everyone else - but are they working to make the entire world an enslavement camp? Unlikely, but this film seems to think so. I respect calling out the bad decisions of the government, and if that's all this was, I'd applaud their efforts. It's what they do with this information that I have a problem with.
avansc wrote:anyways. for the most part i dont think there is this one governing body that wants to oppress us all. but what i do think is that man caused global warming is a scam of giant proportions that will take millions of jobs out of america, because of cap and trade. id be surprised if you cant see that.
Again, I'm not arguing in the least against the fact that the government does fucked up things/is dishonest/etc. The real things that are mentioned in the film are problems, I get that. It's the connection between that and an evil world empire that I just can't stand. Which is why I said, make a film about real issues with evidence, great. But the conjecture that permeates this film about enslaving the entire world is just ridiculous.
avansc wrote:edit: oh and btw.. they explicitly said not to take their word.. but to do your own research.. i think you were being unfair there.. they were advocating the message that people need to make up their own mind. they were mearly there to show you the possibility, the responsibility lies with you to do the research.
Well, it certainly does seem to give that message, doesn't it? But you're still left with not trusting the government/politicians/the media/corporations... good luck with finding a source for all this research they encourage. And it wasn't just a friendly "hey, this might be happening, beware" message, it was a scare-tactic "tomorrow you will be in chains unless you rise up and rebel against the new world government" message.

That also brings me to another point, where exactly did these people get their top secret information? They go on about how the two political parties act like they're enemies, but then make deals "behind closed doors". Tell me, how did a nuclear engineer find his way behind those doors? Like I said, facts, evidence - go for it, make that documentary to expose the things that are wrong with the government/coporations/etc. Just leave out the conjecture about how life as we know it is directly and immediately threatened, and your every right will be stripped away when Obama picks up his pitchfork and reveals his horns and pointy tail. The line between controversial and crazy is pure conjecture, and this film crossed that line and kept running.

Re: Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 11:29 pm
by avansc
hehe yeah i see what you are saying, it definitely is scare tactics, and there is much that i dont think is "factual".. but i think these guys where making these docus before obama was press. i know they were very critical of bush.
and this docu did not make me trust the government any less, i havent trusted the gov for a long time. i view them as the necessary evil. and i doubt that even if there was this plan to enslave all of humanity that we the people would not stand for that...

oh. and just wanted to comment on something you said about womans right, civil liberties and all that. yes i agree that it was atrocious in the past. but dont think is that much better now. the worst class you can be in corporate america at the moment is a single, middle aged white male. the tables have turned on certain levels of corporate america.

but i liked your post.

Re: Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency of Barack Obama

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:09 am
by Spikey
aamesxdavid wrote:
Well, it certainly does seem to give that message, doesn't it? But you're still left with not trusting the government/politicians/the media/corporations... good luck with finding a source for all this research they encourage. And it wasn't just a friendly "hey, this might be happening, beware" message, it was a scare-tactic "tomorrow you will be in chains unless you rise up and rebel against the new world government" message.
There's a page at which lists articles covering the sources, and there are other sites they host that constantly post news as it comes. But your also right, there's no way I would be able to research all of this without their help.

aamesxdavid wrote:
That also brings me to another point, where exactly did these people get their top secret information? They go on about how the two political parties act like they're enemies, but then make deals "behind closed doors". Tell me, how did a nuclear engineer find his way behind those doors? Like I said, facts, evidence -
The nuclear engineer is Robert M. Bowman, former Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the U.S. Air Force in the Ford and Carter administrations, a former United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel with 101 combat missions, and presidential candidate for the Reform Party in 2000. (wiki)
He's a smart man, but your point still floats though, he never explained in the film.

Big Grizzle wrote:
..but seriously, I prefer the philosophy "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
I have a friend who buys into all this crap. He is forever sending me links to some secret weather control weapon the illuminati has.
We can and do manipulate the weather to a degree, the chance of some government experimenting with it as a weapon does not seem that far off. There's even a post somewhere here in elysianshadows that link to news articles covering weather control for public events.

Although I'm just thinking out loud right now, I'm not trying to prove anything to you. I just didn't want you thinking that weather control is impossible when we already have to capabilities and do so.

Actually I'm in a boring class right now and killing time, but it seems it is break time now... ;)