Python Dictionary
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:08 pm
I've been coding a dictionary using Python. Any one have any suggestions? Here's the code:
EDIT: Made it so you don't have to create a file called Dictionary containing {}.
EDIT2: Cleaned up code.
Code: Select all
import json
dictionary = {}
f = open("Dictionary.txt", "w")
if f.readline() == "" :
exitLoop = False
while exitLoop == False :
dictionary = json.loads(open("Dictionary.txt").read())
print("Welcome to the dictionary.")
print("To begin, type your option.")
print("a) Search for a word")
print("b) Enter a word")
print("c) Display all words")
answer = raw_input()
if answer.lower() in ['a', 'a)'] :
word = raw_input("What word would you like to search for? ")
if word in dictionary :
print(word.capitalize()+" - "+dictionary[word].capitalize())
else :
print("Word not found!")
elif answer.lower() in ['b', 'b)'] :
word = raw_input("Enter a word: ")
definition = raw_input("Enter the definition: ")
word2 = word.lower();
definition2 = definition.lower();
dictionary[word2] = definition2
json.dump(dictionary, open("Dictionary.txt", "w"))
elif answer.lower() in ['c', 'c)'] :
for k, v in dictionary.iteritems():
print (k.capitalize()+" - "+v.capitalize())
print("Would you like to quit? Y/N")
wantToQuit = raw_input();
if wantToQuit == "y" or wantToQuit == "Y" :
exitLoop = True
else :
exitLoop = False
EDIT2: Cleaned up code.