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Programming For TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 10:52 pm
by Master Jake
I've never owned a graphing calculator, but after looking into this one I really want one. Being able to create, and download applications and games to put on it. You can practically make your calculator do anything you want. Create programs to solve complex math algorithms for you, etc.

My question is, does anyone on this forum have experience or have created at least 1 application for a TI-84?

Re: Programming For TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 12:32 am
by andrew
I haven't, but this might be of interest: Learn TI-83 Plus Assembly In 28 Days v2.0

I used it as a reference to play with one of these.
This is the one I put together.

Re: Programming For TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 12:46 am
by Fallental
Have fun with this, ive seen doom and other classics on the calculator!

MANY download/ tutorials here, good luck :)

Re: Programming For TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 12:59 am
by Master Jake
Thanks both of you for the links.
andrew wrote:This is the one I put together.
And nice, Andrew =)

Re: Programming For TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 11:53 am
by dandymcgee
I have one, but I just use it for math. ;)

Let me know if you do decide to get one and start doing anything with it. Since I have the same model I might consider joining you.

Re: Programming For TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 3:43 pm
by Master Jake

I'm definitely going to get one, just don't know when.

I'll notify you when I do.


On a separate note, does anyone like drawing on the graph in graphing calculators?

Re: Programming For TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 6:02 pm
by ibly31
Absolutely get one! I've had mine for a few years and its definitely fun to make stuff. Its also a good experience for figuring out how to save memory space and to squeeze every ounce of speed from it. Me and my friends have made games such as Mario(levels 1 and 2, development stopped after that :( ), Tetris(this one is probably my masterpiece. It has bugs but I still am in awe at how i did it) and a remake of "The Classroom" flash game. I also have stuff that does quadratic equation and factoring problems for me. Along with the built in TI-Basic language, figuring out z80 assembly for it is a whole new realm for development.

P.S. Its sometimes fun to screw with peoples calculators, like transfer them a program you made or create it on their calc that makes it look like an error occured, or some silly thing like that.

Re: Programming For TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2009 6:55 pm
by Master Jake
ibly31 wrote:Absolutely get one! I've had mine for a few years and its definitely fun to make stuff. Its also a good experience for figuring out how to save memory space and to squeeze every ounce of speed from it. Me and my friends have made games such as Mario(levels 1 and 2, development stopped after that :( ), Tetris(this one is probably my masterpiece. It has bugs but I still am in awe at how i did it) and a remake of "The Classroom" flash game. I also have stuff that does quadratic equation and factoring problems for me. Along with the built in TI-Basic language, figuring out z80 assembly for it is a whole new realm for development.

P.S. Its sometimes fun to screw with peoples calculators, like transfer them a program you made or create it on their calc that makes it look like an error occured, or some silly thing like that.
Sounds really fun =D and nice games you've made.

I've used one before, but not for very long. I mostly used the graph to draw smiley faces and stuff xD

I'm in awe at the power of these. Can I download your Mario when I get mine?

Also, is your Tetris the one that runs off Mirage OS?

Re: Programming For TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 11:10 am
by Falco Girgis
I never really had any fun coding for these calculators. Yeah, there are a bunch of cool apps out there, but the majority of the development happens in "TI-Basic" which is the calculator's own primitive version of Basic.

If you want to do anything REALLY cool with it, you almost certainly have to drop to the assembly level, which I never bothered with.

Re: Programming For TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 2:48 pm
by Master Jake
The calculator alone will definitely help me with math. The applications and other stuff were just added bonuses.

I'll look into ti assembly and see if it is something I want to attempt.

Re: Programming For TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:55 pm
by ibly31
Sorry for the (extremely) late reply, my Tetris is completely my own, and in TI-Basic. I can't remember if it uses something called "X-Lib" or not, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't. And the mario isn't mine, so I'd have to get permission first.

Re: Programming For TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator

Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:48 am
by Elliotpwnz
I have a ton of programming experience on the calc. That's pretty much all I did my 8th grade year.

Re: Programming For TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 4:23 pm
by OmegaGDS
lol, I was programming on my TI - 84 SE today in Physics Class (it was a review day, so I didn't need to pay attention). I don't do graphical stuff, but I do make helpful little things for working out math equations that I don't want to do. Thats about as complicated as I have gotten in calc programming. Today I remade my Quadratic formula thing, my binary convertor (from base 2 to base 10), and some physics and calc equations. I guess i'm too lazy to work out the math, but I will make a program to do it for me... Isn't that what programming is all about. That and video games :mrgreen:

Re: Programming For TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:42 pm
by eatcomics
exactly... I remember we got to use these in math for a while last year, so me and my friends started drawing whatever we could... I never got to program one though I might get one just for that...

Re: Programming For TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Calculator

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:56 pm
by OmegaGDS
Yeah, I have a math test tomorrow so I'm programming my calculator to do that stuff for me. Technically you have to be pretty good at doing it to be able to write a program for it, right... so there, its not cheating, its doing what i love...