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Books For Development

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 8:18 pm
by thbp
Ok, sence there is nothing for this subject (books that may help you for Game development in any of these areas. And i really think there sHould be one (i know i'd use it and it might help others like me to find books that'd help)

[*] Programming (langauge specific)
[*] Genral Programming (such as a book that explains how to use OOP)
[*] How to manage Project (software engineering)
[*] Genral Game Development
[*] Web design (for your website)
[*] Art and Music
[*] Math and Physics and other school subjects
[*] Good Reads Any way

Can't find it? is the answer!

Language Specific
C++ Primer Plus(Beginner & Advanced topics covered) ... 597&sr=8-1

"The C++ Programming Language" - Bjarne Stroustroup
"Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice 2nd ed. in C" - Foley, Van Dam, Feiner, Hughes.




Basic (any)







Genral Programming
Head first Design patterns ( ... th-Freeman)



How to think

Project Management



Game development
The whole shabang
"Game Design Workshop" : ... 1578202221


Get starteds


Game Engine Architecture - (german(?)) ... 913&sr=8-1


Microsoft Step by Step html/xhtml cost $20 ... 059&sr=1-1


Sam's teach youself PHP/Mysql cost $30 ... 722&sr=8-1


Art and Music

"real" world art (sketching)

Digital Art

Music composing

[Geometry} Geometry cost $20 ... 722&sr=8-1


Chemistry (n/a on why)



Plain good Reads (can be biographies to other computer books)
Code - the hidden language of computer hardware and software -
( ... 665&sr=8-1)

please contribute with posting books (were to get them and if a

Re: Books For Development

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 9:49 pm
by Ginto8
not necessarily a book, but the main resource for my own knowledge: google. :mrgreen:

Re: Books For Development

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:21 am
by hurstshifter
C++ Primer Plus(Beginner & Advanced topics covered) ... 597&sr=8-1

Re: Books For Development

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:10 am
by ismetteren
Here are the programming books i own:

Head first Design patterns - This one belongs under OOP i think. Im not done with it yet, but it explains many design patterns and some general OOP principles. I think it is pretty good so far. ( ... th-Freeman)

Code - the hidden language of computer hardware and software - I would put this one under "good reads anyway" It basicly explains how a computer works, starting with morse code and flashlights and ending with what was a modern computer in 1999 when the book was written. ( ... 665&sr=8-1)

Code complete second edition - I think it fits under general game development. I dident get that much from this book. I dont really know why, but i think it is because it is written for proffesionel developers. (there has recently been realesed a new edition, dont know how it differs from the 2nd: ... th-Freeman)

Re: Books For Development

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:15 am
by Milch
Game Engine Architecture - most ot the book is about theory - and what methods are used in todays game developement. The code samples are written in C++ ... 913&sr=8-1

Re: Books For Development

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 10:06 am
by lotios611
The only book I've read was about Windows Game programming. It helped me wrap my head around the Win32 API. It steps you through making a game engine, so I guess you could follow the book but replace Win32 with whatever library you use. At the end of every chapter, you make a game to show of what the engine can do. ... 971&sr=1-1

Re: Books For Development

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:00 pm
by qpHalcy0n
Its sort of a shame nobody really seems to value books anymore. It's always good to have a number of desk references.

Among my favorites (ones I refer to most) are:

"Code Complete" (entire series) - Microsoft Publications really puts out a whole HECK of a lot of really good books. These editions are a prime example. It bridges the gap between knowledge and application and attempts to make a more pragmatic programmer out of you. The "Now I have this info, so what?" deal. It sortof gives you that "so what?". I know alot of people who could use this book, but I can't convince them otherwise ;]

"The C++ Programming Language" - Bjarne Stroustroup. The indispensable C++ language reference straight from the horse's mouth, if only I could keep the pages from falling out. (You will NOT find a professional C++ programmer without this book....will not)

"Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice 2nd ed. in C" - Foley, Van Dam, Feiner, Hughes. Ok, this is, simply put *THE* book for anyone interested in anything computer graphics. I'll wager you any amount of money you will see this in >90% of game programmer's collections. The content in this book is the genesis for virtually all papers that I still see published today. The difference? An original publication date of 1990 means none of this is real time. What? You think there's THAT much of a difference??

"Real Time Rendering" - Moller, Haines. This is an absolutely miraculous book. Short. Sweet. To the point. Trim off the fat. Tell me what it is and how to do it. Kthxbai.

"Real Time Shader Programming" - Fosner. Straight from one of the architects of the programmable graphics pipeline. Full of nothing but assembly shaders. But who cares about assembly shaders? Usually not me, however, this book provides OODLES of insight into the architecture behind programmable graphics systems. This book dates to DX8 generation, but whatever. Not much has changed, its just "more cowbell!".

"Computer Graphics using OpenGL" - Hill. Ok, this is pure and simple a college textbook. It's retardedly expensive. However, I'm missing several pages and a whole section is starting to fall out. This book uses no extensions, no fancy crap. Just OpenGL 1.1 (thats the really old version). What it DOES do, teach you what in the HELL is going on behind the scenes (Oh boy, novel idea...imagine knowing what the hell the API is actually DOING). If you pore over this book enough, you should have NO problem at all writing your own full featured software rasterizer. No problem at all.

All of these books are insanely expensive, so look at amazon to try to find a used copy.

Re: Books For Development

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 2:26 pm
by Innerscope
For game development I'd like to recommend "Game Design Workshop" : ... 1578202221

This book covers all things game design: elements, structure, teams, prototyping, playtesting, balance, documentation, etc. It also features designer perspectives from Peter Molyneux, Warren Spector, Scott Miller, and American McGee just to name a few.

I'll add to qpHalcyOn's post by saying that google is an excellent resource but not always great if you don't even know what to look for. A book will guide you through what you need to know. If you have any more inquiries, google it.

Re: Books For Development

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:50 pm
by Elliotpwnz
Well it's kind of overpriced, but I got bought two courses at game institute:
They sent me the textbook's C++ Programming for Game Developers Module I and Module II. They also gave me a pdf version and a short access to their forums and chat rooms. To be honest, I never use their forums or chat rooms, because they are kind of abandoned, so I pretty much paid 200$ for just 2 books. They are great reads, the first one about C++ programming specifics and the second one about Win32 programming, but very overpriced, if you feel like forking out 100$ per book, then you definitely will learn a lot from them.

Re: Books For Development

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:03 am
by alyosha
I would recommend
Here's statistic
Total size of the collection: 117549925 KB
Total number of books (DjVu, PS, PDF files): 30550
Other files (non-book): 1117
DjVu files: 22907 (89959846.3 KB)
PS files: 1142 (477232.9 KB)
PDF files: 6501 (25384092.3 KB)
Books by language:
English 20419
Russian 8697

Me љубљo russian books :)

PM me and I'll send you user/password ;)

Re: Books For Development

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:33 am
by Busy_V
alyosha wrote:I would recommend
Here's statistic
Total size of the collection: 117549925 KB
Total number of books (DjVu, PS, PDF files): 30550
Other files (non-book): 1117
DjVu files: 22907 (89959846.3 KB)
PS files: 1142 (477232.9 KB)
PDF files: 6501 (25384092.3 KB)
Books by language:
English 20419
Russian 8697

Me љубљo russian books :)

PM me and I'll send you user/password ;)
Are these books subject to copyrighted material?

If so, do you realize that posts like this aren't appropriate for this forum (and everywhere else)? :|

Re: Books For Development

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 6:35 am
by alyosha
I don't actually know .. i've downloaded some school papers which, I suppose, aren't copyrighted (School papers ?!). Anyhow .. you can delete this post ;)

Re: Books For Development

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:37 pm
by OmegaGDS
RazorC wrote:
alyosha wrote:I would recommend
Here's statistic
Total size of the collection: 117549925 KB
Total number of books (DjVu, PS, PDF files): 30550
Other files (non-book): 1117
DjVu files: 22907 (89959846.3 KB)
PS files: 1142 (477232.9 KB)
PDF files: 6501 (25384092.3 KB)
Books by language:
English 20419
Russian 8697

Me љубљo russian books :)

PM me and I'll send you user/password ;)
Are these books subject to copyrighted material?

If so, do you realize that posts like this aren't appropriate for this forum (and everywhere else)? :|
lol, your the only one who gave a [insert vulgarity here].

I began learning C++ with a book called "beginning C++ game development." It is... okay. I don't really have anything to compare it too, but if you want a game oriented way of learning C++ (completely from scratch) I would recommend it. Each chapter teaches you something, asks some questions, and then you program a game on your own given criteria from the book. Some of the games are really crappy (which is understandable for the first chapter after learning about ints and doubles), but by the end of the book you get to make a game of black jack. Unfortunately there is no graphics usage in the book. Everything is in cmd, but the author did make follow ups called "beginning openGL" and "beginning SDL"

Re: Books For Development

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:39 pm
by OmegaGDS
OmegaGDS wrote:
RazorC wrote:
alyosha wrote:I would recommend
Here's statistic
Total size of the collection: 117549925 KB
Total number of books (DjVu, PS, PDF files): 30550
Other files (non-book): 1117
DjVu files: 22907 (89959846.3 KB)
PS files: 1142 (477232.9 KB)
PDF files: 6501 (25384092.3 KB)
Books by language:
English 20419
Russian 8697

Me љубљo russian books :)

PM me and I'll send you user/password ;)
Are these books subject to copyrighted material?

If so, do you realize that posts like this aren't appropriate for this forum (and everywhere else)? :|
lol, your the only one who gave a [insert vulgarity here].

I began learning C++ with a book called "beginning C++ game development." It is... okay. I don't really have anything to compare it too, but if you want a game oriented way of learning C++ (completely from scratch) I would recommend it. Each chapter teaches you something, asks some questions, and then you program a game on your own given criteria from the book. Some of the games are really crappy (which is understandable for the first chapter after learning about ints and doubles), but by the end of the book you get to make a game of black jack. Unfortunately there is no graphics usage in the book. Everything is in cmd, but the author did make follow ups called "beginning openGL" and "beginning SDL"

Oh yeah, and its only like 30 bucks as compared to everything else being so expensive. It also comes with a cd containing all of the source code and the Dev C++ (Bloodshed) IDE.