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Use Of Abstraction To Increase Program Speed.

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 3:27 pm
by Jaus
An outline of the group that did this amazing feat.

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<Jaus> Kroki I can't think of a wrapper that makes it more C++ style than C
<Kroki> ^^
<Kroki> me neither
* Ginto8 ( has joined #elysian_shadows
<Black_Phoenix> C++ wrapper makes everything faster!
<M_D_K> you could make it look more C++ using the preprocessor
<Black_Phoenix> imagine if you wrapped C++ wrapper in C++ wrapper
<Black_Phoenix> and then wrapped that into C++ wrapper again
* Ginto8 is now known as Guest43184
<Jaus> and then port it to C# Black?
<Black_Phoenix> no
<Black_Phoenix> port it to pascal and make C# wrapping
<Jaus> EVEN Better
<Jaus> then make it into a library for Visual Basic 98
<Jaus> OMG that would make is 100x faster.
<Black_Phoenix> lol
<Jaus> to then port it to Java after :D
<Jaus> REMOVE ALL inline assembly
<Jaus> none of that nonesense
<M_D_K> make it run in an interpreter, that'll be like SUUUUUPER FAST
<Jaus> Make the interpreter be interpreted by another interpretter in perl.
<Ryan|Eee> maybe you could add another layer of abstraction to the abstraction layer
<Kroki> yea
<Kroki> that would speed things up
<Jaus> fuck make it plain english
<Jaus> maybe cantonese
<M_D_K> now we just to do !universe and we're in business
<Black_Phoenix> NOW DO IT FOR REAL and become an awesome person :V
<Jaus> Cantonese->english->interpreter->perl->C++->->Java->VB98->C++->C#->Pascal->C++->C++->C
<Jaus> We just solved all the worlds problems with that^^^
<Ryan|Eee> no M_D_K we need a binding for !universe
<Jaus> in Lua?
<M_D_K> it's already got a binding
<Ryan|Eee> yeah make a binding for that in lua
<M_D_K> it's got lisp bindings
<Jaus> oh
<Jaus> I think we are missing a bit of FORTRAN
* Ginto8_ ( has joined #elysian_shadows
<Ryan|Eee> then make a interface for delphi
<Jaus> which is acsessed by a PHP server
<Ryan|Eee> yeah which uses perl scripts

Re: Use Of Abstraction To Increase Program Speed.

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 6:12 pm
by dandymcgee
And then build a Drag 'n Drop GUI interface to wrap it all up nicely. Wouldn't want any of nasty "code" stuff showing through now would we?

Re: Use Of Abstraction To Increase Program Speed.

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 8:15 pm
by Bakkon