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First Console?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:38 pm
by thbp
When did you guys get your first gaming console and what was it?

I got an N64 for my like 4-6 christmas (pikachu one) and i still have it and it's awsome some good games on it. I got my first Pc when i was idk how old like 8 and started playing pc games.

(by the way i'm getting a dreamcast FINALLY on the 18 (hopefully))

Re: First Console?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:45 pm
by Lord Pingas
Dreamcast FTW!

Sonic Adventure was one of the first games I played! It was my childhood.
Shame Sonic is going downhill from here :(
Hopefully Project Needlemouse will bring back that once cool franchise :)
Until then, I'm a mean as hell Mario fanboy :evil:

Re: First Console?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:46 pm
by short
My dad got a NES when I was five I believe. We had the mario and duck-hunt combined games. Then it was the SNES with donkey kong. One day he came home with some ultra secret way to get us 50 lives which we had to close our eyes or leave the room or some equivalent because he didn't want us accidentally erasing a game save typing it in.

Now I just bought him a router, a cat6 cord, and cod2 for the xbox. I couldn't afford him a headset, but its funny how things turn around. Now I'm buying him shit and he's the one who doesn't understand the simplest of things lol

Re: First Console?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 2:48 pm
by short
Also, N64 when you were around five? That makes me feel ancient. I'm only 21. I remember my first n64 though, that mario game where you could do flips off walls n shit I loved that game. I only ever got 119 out of 120 stars though. That was before I really understood the internet though..

Re: First Console?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:28 pm
by Trask
I started playing NES on my cousin's TV/NES combo back when I was like 3-4 and I eventually got a NES of my own. I went from NES to Genesis to Playstation during my childhood. I ended up getting each console at the end of it's lifecycle so the games I could play were limited by what was left in the video store for rent.

At the same time nothing could beat getting 5 NES games for 5 days for $5. I got the first 5 Megaman games and burned through them all before the week being out... god I miss 1.) having that young/ignorant skill 2.) having that much free time.

Re: First Console?

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:45 am
by Milch
My first console was a N64 too.
I loved all those adventure games like Banjoo Kazooie ( both games ) and Mario N64.
Recently I found out that there is a game called Conker and played it on a N64 Emulator - its about a squirrel that has a hangover and the game is about finding a way home.
Man, thats the best game for N64 - wish I had it for my real N64...
Shame that there arent such adventure games these days =/

Re: First Console?

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:47 am
by hurstshifter
NES. I was born shortly after it came out but some of my earliest memories are of playing Mario with my brothers. I remember getting Mario 3 when it first came out in 1990. Quite possibly one of the greatest days of my life.

Re: First Console?

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:54 am
by ChrissyJ91
My first console was a gameboy pocket purchased at an airport before my parents and I went on holiday to Greece when I was 8. That holiday I aquired an addiction for Tetris and Donkey Kong Land 3.

My first home console was a Playstation whch I was given the following christmas along with spyro and crash. I think that the original playstation ranks up as my favourite console as it was my first proper console and I experienced a lot on it; a lot of game series I enjoyed on the console I still enjoy today (as with most people I'd imagine). These include final fantasy (7, 8 and 9), Silent Hill, MediEvil 1 & 2, Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil (1,2 and 3).

I think about a year or two after that I recieved a Dreamcast for Christmas. I have a lot of fond memories of playing Sonic Adventure on Christmas day as well as Soul Calibur and once I had PowerStone 2, Shenmue and PSO I rarely played anything else.

I then moved onto the XBOX and the awesomeness that was Halo as well as Blinx, Mad Dash Racing along with others. I really enjoyed playing the Dreamcast ports such as Jet Set Radio Future and PS2 ports of games like Silent Hill 2 and Timesplitters 2 that I had missed out on as I lacked a ps2 when all my friends had PS2's and taunted me for having a dreamcast (I knew better Sega FTW!!!).

Re: First Console?

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:49 am
by thbp
HMM...... yep n64 that young (i believe), ugh so wish i was older when the DC came out so i could have played it in it's prime.

Re: First Console?

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 12:36 pm
by Ciidian
My first console was the SNES. My parents got it for me for Christmas when I was 8 or 9. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past was the first game that really got me excited to play, and started me down a path of playing adventure and RPG's.

From there got the Sega, then N64. (Both gifts from parents again.)

The first console I bought on my own was PlayStation.

My collection of consoles are now(don't have all the ones I used to):

SNES, N64, PS2, XBOX360, DC, GC, and Wii.

Re: First Console?

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 8:34 pm
by dandymcgee
I started with NES as well, dunno how old I was but I was less than 5 years old (Super Mario Bros., Contra, Anticipation)
My step-brother had a Sega Genesis when he moved in so I watched him play those games a lot (Sonic, every version imaginable).

I didn't own any console after that until PlayStation 1 came out. Didn't play it a whole lot (having 4 other siblings to share it with made it a little tough), but mostly Need For Speed, Gran Turismo and some dirt-biking game we had.

Eventually my brother got himself a PS2 somewhere and we mostly played Resident Evil, Fear Effect, Grand Theft Auto, Burnout, & Gran Turismo.
I also owned my own GameBoy Advance SP that I paid for with my own money (~$120). Pokemon all the way.

Later I moved in with my grandparents (around 2004) and I graduated (lol) to an old Atari 2600 I found in their house. I played that simply out of curiosity, BreakOut and MazeCraze were my games of choice. :lol: Yeah.. the Atari amused me for about 5 hours tops.

At this point my sister and I pooled our money and bought our own PS2, with only a few games (GTA San Andreas, GH3, NFS Underground 1, Gran Turismo 3, Crash team racing, Radiata Stories).

I mostly stuck to messing with my PC, played Diablo II expansion almost every waking hour, with a bit of Halo 1 online play thrown in there. Those are really the last games I was into before becoming extremely interested in programming.

My video gaming history is pretty dark and empty.

Re: First Console?

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:51 pm
by OrinCreed
It's been so long I can't remember clearly. Though I'm sure it was one of the Atari systems.

Re: First Console?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 12:35 am
by Falco Girgis

My dad bought one for my mother shortly after they got married. She hated it, sent it away to her sister, who also hated it and sent it back a few years later. Imagine my surprise when I'm 4 years old and we get an NES with Mario Bros, Gyromite, and a few other classics in the mail. Love at first sight.

Re: First Console?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:09 am
by thbp
that's the way i was with the n64, it was a movie i could control, if i died it was my fault stuff lke that and i would be addicted to a game for like months i'd beat it but it'd be i can do it faster tnow and i'd be down to a day's worth of beating a game

Re: First Console?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:46 am
by Pipjim
Gameboy color and Pokemon Gold, most likely when I was 3 or 4. Later on I got Oracle of Seasons(Which I have yet to beat) and Super Mario Bros. Then in 2001, my dad came home with an Xbox, Halo, and other games I can't remember. That got me into video games for real.

In the 90s I played around on PC with Quake 1/2, Tomb Raider 3, Ultima 9, Twinsen's Oddysey, and Soul Reaver that my dad had.