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Media tries to linch game industry with its own intestines.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:42 am
by zNelson24
News stations are turning my advanced plaything into sick, wreched sex machines (damn them, and why do they do this to us?).

A 5 year old can tell there are more holes in this story than a swiss cheese.

Re: Media tries to linch game industry with its own intestines.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:50 am
by dandymcgee
zNelson24 wrote:News stations are turning my advanced plaything into sick, wreched sex machines (damn them, and why do they do this to us?).

A 5 year old can tell there are more holes in this story than a swiss cheese.
Wtf is this?? I cannot believe what I just saw. The media is trying to blame the PSP for essentially all questionable content on the internet! That's completely absurd. It would've been way easier to tell a 10 second story about the truth: PSP has WiFi access... no shit Sherlock.

Re: Media tries to linch game industry with its own intestines.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 12:49 pm
by lotios611
That makes absolutely no sense. If kids want to search for porn, they can do so on anything with an internet connection and a powerful enough memory. If people think that the PSP is the only portable device that can connect to the internet, then they are so very wrong.

Re: Media tries to linch game industry with its own intestines.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 1:32 pm
by kamokow
That was... ridiculous. If a kid wants to look at porn, its not like the PSP is the only device that can do that... And if anything, parents can lock the internet browser (you would have to be extremely over-protective for that IMHO, but still).

edit: I hadn't watched /all/ the way through, i didnt realize it said you could lock the psp browser '-_-

Re: Media tries to linch game industry with its own intestines.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:32 pm
by programmerinprogress
It just seems like the usual crap that fox always pump out, all of this crap they said is pretty circumstancial, how they decided to single out a specific device, namely the PSP, suggesting that the PSP and solely the PSP is to blame.

The fact is, it's the 21st century, everyone uses computers now, parents should be teaching their kids not to meet random strangers and the like and they should stop blaming the device they're doing the act in question on.

It just seems like a pretty redundant report intended to scare off parents from buying PSP's, silly really, rupert murdoch probably just bought a stake in nintendo or something :lol:

Re: Media tries to linch game industry with its own intestines.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:40 pm
by zNelson24
programmerinprogress wrote:It just seems like the usual crap that fox always pump out, all of this crap they said is pretty circumstancial, how they decided to single out a specific device, namely the PSP, suggesting that the PSP and solely the PSP is to blame.
As far as Im concerned, they are just a bunch of attention whores who will tell you anything to get you to watch their shows. I'm just thankfull this wasen't broadcasted to the general publc (over the world if you will). I don't want mothers to drag their children away from me cause they think I'm jacking off to porn everytime I have my PSP open.

Re: Media tries to linch game industry with its own intestines.

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:56 pm
by ChrissyJ91
It just seems like the usual crap that fox always pump out, all of this crap they said is pretty circumstancial, how they decided to single out a specific device, namely the PSP, suggesting that the PSP and solely the PSP is to blame.

The fact is, it's the 21st century, everyone uses computers now, parents should be teaching their kids not to meet random strangers and the like and they should stop blaming the device they're doing the act in question on.

It just seems like a pretty redundant report intended to scare off parents from buying PSP's, silly really, rupert murdoch probably just bought a stake in nintendo or something :lol:
Yeah I agree it is pretty stupid then again this is fox we're talking about, the only thing they are good at is spreading hate and ignorance oh and of course cancelling shows that people actually like (namely firefly and dollhouse).

I wouldn't be surprised if Rupert Murdoch had a stake in Nintendo he has a monopoly of the news and media aswell as stakes in other industries.

Re: Media tries to linch game industry with its own intestines.

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:53 am
by Falco Girgis
So basically any wifi-enabled handheld device could have been the target of this media stunt? I'm ashamed to live in a society where people are this ignorant--nay, fucktarded--about electronics and the internet.

Re: Media tries to linch game industry with its own intestines.

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 12:23 pm
by Trask
Ok, I was going to avoid the stupidity that I knew would exist, but I went against my better judgment. So instead of a rant that we all know here, I'll just post the first thing that comes to my mind: Why the fuck does that kid's school have an open wifi? That's the school's fault for being so dumb, at the very least filter MAC addresses.

Re: Media tries to linch game industry with its own intestines.

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:21 pm
by Bakkon
GyroVorbis wrote:So basically any wifi-enabled handheld device could have been the target of this media stunt? I'm ashamed to live in a society where people are this ignorant--nay, fucktarded--about electronics and the internet.

Re: Media tries to linch game industry with its own intestines.

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:10 pm
by Sanshin77
GyroVorbis wrote:So basically any wifi-enabled handheld device could have been the target of this media stunt? I'm ashamed to live in a society where people are this ignorant--nay, fucktarded--about electronics and the internet.
Yes. They could easily have replaced the PSP with an iPod touch/iPhone or any other phone/handheld entertainment gadget with some kind of net connection. I could go on the internet with my crappy Nokia 5 years ago.

They should've said:
"There is actually porn on the internet" - no shit sherlock.

Stupid vid of the day.

Re: Media tries to linch game industry with its own intestines.

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:47 pm
by thbp
wtf any laptop, computer, handheld (new ones) and of course CELL PHONES can have this shit so stop blaming the deviece but the kids damn

Re: Media tries to linch game industry with its own intestines.

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 7:59 pm
by Lord Pingas
This is bull shit. :x

Why is FOX just pointing the finger at the PSP? Kids can go and watch porn anywhere.
It's the parents responsibility anyway, don't blame the PSP gawd dammit! :evil:

And the PSP is not the only console to have Wi Fi...

Frigging FOX. Frig the frigging friggers to frigging hell :twisted:

Re: Media tries to linch game industry with its own intestines.

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:37 am
by avansc
lolz you people missed that point entirely...

they did not say, "dont let your kid have a psp" they just tried to inform people of a risk.
especially since the porn industry has targeted the psp as the mobile device they would have their media on..

its fucking ridicules, you people moan and bitch about this news story that just tries to inform parents who are ignorant about the product about potential risks. yet you have no qualms
about a sleazy industry that makes and targets a questionable product that will inevitably be found by some child with a psp.

yes, you can get porn on any wifi portable devices.. but most kids dont have a laptop or phone even with wifi. and the porn industry has not targeted other devices in the manner it has psp.

here is what they summed up...

- set up parental controls
- lock psp with password
- talk to your children.


they are just advocating good parenting not trying to boycott a product..

Re: Media tries to linch game industry with its own intestines.

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:34 pm
by dandymcgee
avansc wrote:lolz you people missed that point entirely...

they did not say, "dont let your kid have a psp" they just tried to inform people of a risk.
especially since the porn industry has targeted the psp as the mobile device they would have their media on..

its fucking ridicules, you people moan and bitch about this news story that just tries to inform parents who are ignorant about the product about potential risks. yet you have no qualms
about a sleazy industry that makes and targets a questionable product that will inevitably be found by some child with a psp.

yes, you can get porn on any wifi portable devices.. but most kids dont have a laptop or phone even with wifi. and the porn industry has not targeted other devices in the manner it has psp.

here is what they summed up...

- set up parental controls
- lock psp with password
- talk to your children.


they are just advocating good parenting not trying to boycott a product..
I completely agree with this, but the way they presented it...

Oh and that mother, "If it's supposed to be made for kids you shouldn't be able to get access to this stuff."
It is these people that need to be 'enlightened'.