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Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:29 pm
by Falco Girgis
Many of you have said that you have/are going back and rewatching the entire series from start to finish. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to hear this and all that...

But down to business.

I want you to post your favorite episode(s) and tell me why. What did you like best? What sucked the most? We're finishing up Rev2, and we'll be sure to keep your input in mind (depending on who you are ;)).

Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:15 pm
by LeonBlade

This is my favorite episode.
Because when it first came out I completely missed the part where you talked about how I was going to donate $1 to the camera fund.
And recently right before I returned to the forums I re-watched all the videos and saw it and I laughed so hard that I cried.
Skip to 1:09 to see the part I'm talking about.

Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:35 pm
by Maevik
My favorite episode is Ch. 13 for the following reasons:

1) Productivity! There was a lot to show off in this episode (even art!), and there's really nothing better to watch than progress.
2) Antics. Insults, creative scripting games, general comedy; it all keeps the pace of the vids fun. Thankfully y'all are some of the more socially ept nerds out there and your collective charisma helps smooth out the heavily technical subject matter.
3) Edjukation. Cause Knowledge is Power!
4)Group Devving. The episodes where everyone gets together to work on the project are generally more fun.

As always, more of the music and/or art would be nice to see showcased.

Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:56 pm
by hurstshifter
Maevik wrote:My favorite episode is Ch. 13
Agreed 100%

My favorite episodes are the ones that showcase new features and focus more on displaying the changes and updates rather than the discussion and argument on how to fix them (not that I don't love that too, always good for a few laughs). This episode is a prime example.

Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:52 pm
by Falco Girgis

Ch13 was one of my favorites too. Glad to hear it.

Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:34 pm
by Trask
Maevik wrote:My favorite episode is Ch. 13 for the following reasons:

1) Productivity! There was a lot to show off in this episode (even art!), and there's really nothing better to watch than progress.
2) Antics. Insults, creative scripting games, general comedy; it all keeps the pace of the vids fun. Thankfully y'all are some of the more socially ept nerds out there and your collective charisma helps smooth out the heavily technical subject matter.
3) Edjukation. Cause Knowledge is Power!
4)Group Devving. The episodes where everyone gets together to work on the project are generally more fun.
I agree with all the above, don't skimp on the lessons us simple folk should be learning and see it all come together is inspiring. I'm still going through the vids, so edit with a fave and why later.

Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:27 pm
by ZachO
Mine was the previous projects showoff.
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Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:34 pm
by GroundUpEngine
ZachO wrote:Mine was the previous projects showoff.
Same here actually, looking back I think it's great to see the various projects before ES ;)

Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 7:06 pm
by LeonBlade
Maevik wrote:My favorite episode is Ch. 13 for the following reasons:

1) Productivity! There was a lot to show off in this episode (even art!), and there's really nothing better to watch than progress.
2) Antics. Insults, creative scripting games, general comedy; it all keeps the pace of the vids fun. Thankfully y'all are some of the more socially ept nerds out there and your collective charisma helps smooth out the heavily technical subject matter.
3) Edjukation. Cause Knowledge is Power!
4)Group Devving. The episodes where everyone gets together to work on the project are generally more fun.

As always, more of the music and/or art would be nice to see showcased.
I agree, I loved Chapter 13.
I only put down the donation part because I thought it was hilarious the first time, but actual Chapter wise I think that Chapter 13 was the best.

Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:23 pm
by dandymcgee
Honestly I don't think I could tell you straight up "I like *** video better than the rest." Generally the further along you got in the project, the better the quality of the videos was, but they've pretty much all been just as interesting and exciting to me. What I can do is tell you my favorite thing about any of your videos is length. Director's cut, all the way.

Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 5:19 pm
by eatcomics
Chapter 13 most definitely... um my favorite of the early ones was episode 5... but I'm sure you already knew that... Um... What I like about 13

-You guys got a lot of shit done
-You explained things
-There were a lot of creative things done with the engine at that time
-Lots of antics
-BTW I liked your new sombrero much more than the beanie, that made me LOL

Edit: I also liked Falcos game dev, because of how much info you gave, I watched it like 10 times, until I took in everything...

EditEdit: another personal favorite was chapter 7 I think it was, when you were at Bowmans...

Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 12:34 pm
by Arce
Whenever we get together and have all-nighter dev-athons, we always seem to bitch at eachother about how stupid we were in our older episodes. We've all got some really dumbass quotes! So, if any of you are actually rewatching the series, be on the look-out for AiGD dumbest moments:

Falco: "using elemental calculus"
Peter: "I'm making a script to edit"
Marcel: "This is arce, the level editor."
Marcel: "The loading's not off a bit"
Marcel: "Bury your nuts between these two faces!"

And, if you would help us out, please list others you find here.

Whoever gets the most gets a (probably imaginary) prize! :lol:

Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 7:33 pm
by AerisAndMe
Arce wrote:Whoever gets the most gets a (probably imaginary) prize! :lol:
My mom used to give us "gold stars" when my brothers and I brushed our teeth without being asked. How's that for a prize?

Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 7:56 pm
by animangaman690

This ones my favorite because of the cam in the fridge thing you guys did.

It was funny when Marcel said
Marcel wrote:Guys! Why the FUCK is the camera in the fridge?

Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 7:57 pm
by Falco Girgis
animangaman690 wrote:

This ones my favorite because of the cam in the fridge thing you guys did.

It was funny when Marcel said
Marcel wrote:Guys! Why the FUCK is the camera in the fridge?

This is probably my all-time favorite of everything to this day. So underrated. That music video still makes me smile. :mrgreen: