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IRC Ban Hammer

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:27 pm
by GeezerUK
I have been banned from the IRC channel by a user called M_D_K and was wondering why am i banned as another user like AVANSC was throwing very offensive langauge at me which i found just damn right rude.. so i responded to his very offensive langauge by call him a lil boi and as soon as i said that i was banned by M_D_K

so is that what you want to show the rest of the world on how you operate and speak to fellow game industry developers who are interested in a great project that you are doing ?????

Re: IRC Ban Hammer

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:38 pm
by vargonian
Geezer, you were kicked, but as far as I can tell you weren't banned.

If you were kicked by M_D_K, consider it a badge of honor and welcome to the club. :) It's not difficult to get into an argument with avansc (it's sort of a pasttime of mine), and from my experience, M_D_K tends to take his side, wholly unencumbered by any rational considerations.

So try to rejoin! I always like chatting with you.

Re: IRC Ban Hammer

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:39 pm
by Trask
M_D_K and Avansc are respected members of the ES community and both have contributed knowledge and time for this community. If M_D_K banned you... there has to be a good reason and I would naturally side with them on this. But I'm a nobody myself, so meh.

Re: IRC Ban Hammer

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:55 pm
by GeezerUK
Well Trask thats why i have posted on the forums here as would very much like to know the reason why M_D_K banned me and made me feel very much not welcome only because avansc was hurling very OFFENSIVE langauge towards me and i only responded in calling him a lil boi and nothing to compare to his foul and very rude language towards me and making me feel very unwelcome...

so i would like to know the reason why i was banned by M_D_K and off course i respect any dission made by respected members of this community just os i can tell other followers of this community the rules in which should be followed by these respected members..

so what is the reason why i was banned by M_D_K ?? is it realy because i called avansc a lil boi after all the abusive lanaguge by him ?

Re: IRC Ban Hammer

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:10 pm
by avansc
okay, hang on. MDK and i was joshing around and you told him he should not forget to /ignore me because apparently most of the people already do.. i did not provoke that out you. so yeah. and the things i was saying was not meant to be taken literal... altho id not put it past you.

now put on your big boy bridges and march on. you're acting like a little girl about this.

Re: IRC Ban Hammer

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:08 pm
by hurstshifter
Offensive language from Avansc?......GET RIGHT OUTTA TOWN!

now put on your big boy bridges and march on. you're acting like a little girl about this.

Re: IRC Ban Hammer

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:16 pm
by GeezerUK
avansc wrote:
now put on your big boy bridges and march on. you're acting like a little girl about this.
fair dos a respected member has spoken so i shall do just that and March On and respect what he says

so any admins around can you delete this account

so well nice chatting to most of you and hope to catch some of you in the industry

Chow all

Re: IRC Ban Hammer

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:20 pm
by hurstshifter
GeezerUK wrote:
avansc wrote:
now put on your big boy bridges and march on. you're acting like a little girl about this.
fair dos a respected member has spoken so i shall do just that and March On and respect what he says

so any admins around can you delete this account

so well nice chatting to most of you and hope to catch some of you in the industry

Chow all

um...I don't think he meant that you should march on and away from the forums forever, but just metaphorically march away from the issue.

Re: IRC Ban Hammer

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:24 pm
by vargonian
Again Geezer, you're not banned, and you never were. You were kicked, but you can rejoin the channel.

Re: IRC Ban Hammer

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:27 pm
by avansc
dude, im not telling you to leave. this is not my forum, i would not presume the audacity to do so. i just meant march on, as in, get over it.

Re: IRC Ban Hammer

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:34 pm
by M_D_K
Yeah dude there was no ban, I mainly kick for the lulz but you hit a nerve. You can come back ya know.

Re: IRC Ban Hammer

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:45 pm
by hurstshifter
Come back Geezer...I'll bring the kleenex

Re: IRC Ban Hammer

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:12 pm
by AerisAndMe
Geezer, when I joined the Elysian Shadows team last year -- the first time I was ever in the ES IRC channel -- this is the warm welcome I got from avansc:

"Tits or GTFO"

Good thing I didn't take him literally.

I'm sorry you didn't feel welcome in IRC, but don't take it personally. We're a large community with lots of different personalities, some which take a little more getting used to than others, and people seldom mean real offense.

In this crazy world, you can't sweat a little harsh language or you won't last very long.

Re: IRC Ban Hammer

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:22 pm
by avansc
man i am one smooth douchebag.

here is a free pickup line.

you : "hey gurl, do you like australian kisses?"
she : "whats that"
you : "its like french kisses, (in bad australian accent) but down unda"
she : does you right there cause you are so smooth.

Re: IRC Ban Hammer

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:34 pm
by Trask
AerisAndMe wrote:Geezer, when I joined the Elysian Shadows team last year -- the first time I was ever in the ES IRC channel -- this is the warm welcome I got from avansc:

"Tits or GTFO"
Actually that's rather poetic coming from Avansc... :lol: