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Final Fantasy VII Remake(yes, I'm bringing this up)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:28 am
by Trask
I have to get this out there, here back from some of the fine folk in the ES community, there's been a lot of random talk about the remake from various members of the senior Final Fantasy team essentially not saying never, but making it seem really unlikely.

The latest thing is from the producer stating that if they could do the entire game in under a year, they would gladly release the product. Overall the perspective of the team has been that with all the towns and NPCs that it would take easily closer to 10 years to make the game.

For those of you who don't know this, apparently FF XIII features very little in the terms of Towns, it has no INNs or Shops but rather computer terminals which is all a design trick they did to speed up development for 13.

Personally, I think a VII remake would make them a great amount of money and the sooner they do it, the better as Advent Children and all the side games are still fresh where in 10 years, it may not be.

I don't know if the long development time for 13 left them bitter or if it's really a far fetched project, but let me know what you all think.

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake(yes, I'm bringing this up)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:41 am
by hurstshifter
This thread must be for the lulz

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake(yes, I'm bringing this up)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:30 pm
by AerisAndMe
I didn't realize an FFVII remake would take 10 years. I always thought (hoped) that if they ever spent a whole lot of time on an FF that turned out as a big flop, or if they decided to quit the FF series altogether, that they would remake it. I mean, they have the storyline, the concept of the battle system, all the gameplay mechanics ready, which (considering the detail that game goes into) has to be a lot of efforts ($$). There's no doubt at all an FFVII remake would sell like crazy -- I don't know anyone who's played it that wouldn't buy it, if not because they're fanatics then because it would just be cool to have.

..Okay I take that back. I met a guy once who complained all over the place about how lame FFVII was and how much Cloud was a vagina and things like that, but he was also the type of person that couldn't stand anything anyone else liked. :roll:

Last thing -- I don't think Advent Children's "freshness" would help boost sales of a remade FFVII.. In fact, it might *hurt* it, considering those people that may have seen the movie and not played the game. That movie was.... oh god. I died when I saw it. >.<

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake(yes, I'm bringing this up)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:40 pm
by Trask
AerisAndMe wrote: Last thing -- I don't think Advent Children's "freshness" would help boost sales of a remade FFVII.. In fact, it might *hurt* it, considering those people that may have seen the movie and not played the game. That movie was.... oh god. I died when I saw it. >.<
Hrm, interesting view point. Now to be honest, I only played a small part of FFVII before I watched Advent Children, then I went back and played it... so as far as the movie taking away from the game... I know it didn't for me, but I knew plenty of thickheads that it would, so I see your point. The freshness that I was referring to though is reminding people of the game and it's storyline and the fact that they should play it. Yes it's only been, what 13 years since it's release? And it's popular as hell. But that's a lot of people that have begun gaming and never touched PS1 games simply because they grew up with the PS2 or PS3, so the movie would hopefully encourage people to seek out the game.

Graphic-wise, I think it is an issue for a lot of people and if SquareEnix is sitting on the tools to remake it, then they should if only to get people who are stuck on the 'bad' graphics to play the fantastic game.

BTW, AerisandMe did you see the bluray release of Advent Children? I thought it was a lot better with more details that made the story make more sense and flowed much nicer.

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake(yes, I'm bringing this up)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:03 pm
by AerisAndMe
Trask wrote:BTW, AerisandMe did you see the bluray release of Advent Children? I thought it was a lot better with more details that made the story make more sense and flowed much nicer.
Nah, I only saw the non-bluray version, but I can't help but say they screwed that one up, big time. I sort of doubt its redemption by any number of extra snippets.

I mean, Advent Children was supposed to be a sequel to FFVII, but all the clips that had a direct reference to the game were used so out of context that it didn't feel like one.

Like in the beginning, when the Shinra copter is circling over the ruined reactor where you fight those big Triceratops-tank enemies and you find the "Titan" summon (in the game), it's like -- HEY I KNOW THAT SCENE -- and then it's like... Oh wait. They're doing something else and it has nothing to do with anything, and that's how almost every reference to the game was.

They hacked out pieces of FFVII, took them so far out of context that they didn't even feel like references anymore, threw them in a slurry with some silver-haired Sephiroth wannabes and a box leaking Jenova juices, and called it a sequel.

I DID like that Rufus was still alive... I thought that was really cool -- but his appearance was *such* a minor twist in the storyline. Why?! That was a good f***ing idea!

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake(yes, I'm bringing this up)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:23 pm
by Thel
Why remake a game that is already perfect?

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake(yes, I'm bringing this up)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:26 pm
by Maevik
It seems to me that the more a company denies interest in a sequel or remake, the more likely it is that they're under the thumb of a marketing department giving strict guidelines on when and what they can say. That being said, square has been a misguided studio for quite some time now. If it wasn't for their legacy I'd have stopped paying attention to them a while ago.

I remain hopeful for the remake though. I've had dreams of unleashing a frothing Red XIII upon legions of evil robots...

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake(yes, I'm bringing this up)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:36 pm
by hurstshifter
I lost most faith in Square once Hironobu Sakaguchi left. He was the lifeblood of Final Fantasy. I would be ecstatic if he returned to work on the FFVII remake. If not, I expect Square will adventchildrenify it to hell and ruin my childhood.

Edit: Also on the subject of Sakaguchi, he has an RPG coming out on the Wii sometime this year called The Last Story

...The Last Story?

Last == Final
Story == Fantasy

coincidence.....I think not

I'm really hoping he tries to revive his awesome RPGs of the past with this new game.

Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake(yes, I'm bringing this up)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 3:45 pm
by LeonBlade
Final Fantasy VII is actually a HUGE part of my childhood and my life to be honest.
It was the first RPG game I ever got, and it was from my brother, he just gave it to me because he never played it.
I grew so attached to this game as a child and it became my favorite RPG of all time, and continues to be my favorite.

As a child playing the game, my cousin also had it, and we both enjoyed the game so much.
We would do, as kids would do, and sort of role play in real life you know play pretend and come up with our own story.
Over the years ever since I first got that game up until now me and my cousin have fleshed out this idea that we've had as a child and really
put a lot of effort into making it would could one day possibly be a solid RPG game.

It had so many elements in it that would need to be changed because they were so close to things that Final Fantasy VII had, but eventually things would
change once it comes time to actually make this game that has been "developing" for several years now.

My life goal is to one day create this game along with the sequels that we planned for after the first and all the other ideas we have been coming up with for more than
a decade now. And the main push and inspiration and all of it was all formed from this game, Final Fantasy VII.

I can honestly say that if this game was being remade, I would probably cry out of joy...
Well, that's all I wanted to say.