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Coloured Text in DOS

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 2:56 pm
by dream_coder
Hey all, I have found some source code for setting up a function for printing coloured text in a DOS window. However Im unsure about the x, y co-ords.
The function has some parameters passed into it including the x-y coords, the way I want to use this function is like a standard cout, so it just prints certain text in a different colour. I understand this code looking at it with an explanation, however I am unsure about modifying it. I may be jumping the boat a bit here. But if I miss out the x- y coords will it still work. Im gonna try it anyway, but just wondering if an expert can give me some advice.
void DrawColorString(string szText, int X, int Y, WORD color)
COORD position = {X, Y};

OutputH = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

SetConsoleTextAttribute(OutputH, color);

SetConsoleCursorPosition(OutputH, position);

cout << szText;


Re: Coloured Text in DOS

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 2:59 pm
by lotios611

Code: Select all

void DrawColorString(string szText, WORD color)
	HANDLE OutputH;						

	OutputH = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);			

	SetConsoleTextAttribute(OutputH, color);			
	cout << szText;										

This should work, I haven't tested it though.

Re: Coloured Text in DOS

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 3:02 pm
by dream_coder
Please ignore my last I have done it. Really need more faith in myself. Just first time I've changed other peoples functions without knowing weather it will work 100%. I feel quite good about myself. I know it aint much but to me it is, lol. :mrgreen:

Re: Coloured Text in DOS

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 5:57 pm
by eatcomics
dream_coder wrote:Please ignore my last I have done it. Really need more faith in myself. Just first time I've changed other peoples functions without knowing weather it will work 100%. I feel quite good about myself. I know it aint much but to me it is, lol. :mrgreen:
its the little things that make it all worth while :mrgreen:

Re: Coloured Text in DOS

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2010 6:25 pm
by dream_coder
True. Just need to find a way to change the text back to the original color as that function only seems to let me change it to Red, Green or Blue. I have an idea about this. Going to try and implement it tomorrow night, will let you know if its a success or not. Just cant believe Im spending time on changing the colour of text when I could be doing more vital stuff for my Text RPG, still never mind, its a learning experience.

Re: Coloured Text in DOS

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 6:45 am
by dream_coder
OK Ive just got the text to change back to its original color. WHich as a bit of a nightmare. I found a tutorial for it on MSDN but it used a totally differnt routine to the once I was using. So I had to bastardise the code a bit to get it to work with my function. Just need to read up a bit on pointers now, as the code uses it and Ive had a complete memory loss about them as it is years since Ive touched them. Also got the "->" which im not sure on. But gonna swot up a bit, as I dont like using code that I dont understand. Gonna post my function in the code snippets section.