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Favourite RTS and why?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:35 pm
by dream_coder
Ive always like RTS games. Im just wondering what RTS game people clss as there favourite and why. Provide reasons why you think its better than any other RTS game out there. Im not really interested in what has the fanciest graphics, just best gameplay features.

My favourite is Total Annialation.

*Hundreds and hundreds of avaliable units.
*Build anywhere
*Outrageously pwerful units, like the Big Bertha gun which can shoot from one side of a map to another.
*Bio bomb, fire this on a green map, and anything living, ie tree's get wiped out so they cant be used as a resource.

Re: Favourite RTS and why?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:49 pm
by mattheweston
I've always been a HUGE fan of the Command and Conquer games and the Red Alert games.

Re: Favourite RTS and why?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:28 pm
by eatcomics
-Star Craft
-Command and conquer: red alert 2
-Spring RTS
-Never played Total Annihilation but that's what Spring is a mod of I do believe :D

Re: Favourite RTS and why?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:59 pm
by Live-Dimension
In no particular order

Company of Heros - Looks awesome, plays well, great engine. From Relic <3
Homeworld Series - same as above. Plus quite tactful. From Relic <3

the entire CNC series aren't bad, but they've always had little nagging issues that keep them from being "good" to "great/want to play all the time".
Also a fan of Total Annihilation/Supreme Commander but their path finding sucks ass. Apparently, Supreme Commander 2 finally fixes all that. If so I'm sold.

Re: Favourite RTS and why?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:10 pm
by Maevik
My favorite is Starcraft, though I did spend a lot of time playing the TA and Dawn of War games. In my group of friends, RTS's tend to make the best LAN games.

Re: Favourite RTS and why?

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 11:29 pm
by Live-Dimension
Maevik wrote:My favorite is Starcraft, though I did spend a lot of time playing the TA and Dawn of War games. In my group of friends, RTS's tend to make the best LAN games.
RTS's make great lan games.

Unfortunately, I tend to be better then everyone else at almost all games we have, and my brother while keen isn't fast to pickup on games where as I snatch onto them juts like that. It's frustrating.

Re: Favourite RTS and why?

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 1:52 am
by Maevik
Live-Dimension wrote:
Maevik wrote:My favorite is Starcraft, though I did spend a lot of time playing the TA and Dawn of War games. In my group of friends, RTS's tend to make the best LAN games.
RTS's make great lan games.

Unfortunately, I tend to be better then everyone else at almost all games we have, and my brother while keen isn't fast to pickup on games where as I snatch onto them juts like that. It's frustrating.
Indeed, a life of pwning n00bs can be a cruel mistress.

Re: Favourite RTS and why?

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 8:21 am
by Live-Dimension
Maevik wrote:
Live-Dimension wrote:
Maevik wrote:My favorite is Starcraft, though I did spend a lot of time playing the TA and Dawn of War games. In my group of friends, RTS's tend to make the best LAN games.
RTS's make great lan games.

Unfortunately, I tend to be better then everyone else at almost all games we have, and my brother while keen isn't fast to pickup on games where as I snatch onto them juts like that. It's frustrating.
Indeed, a life of pwning n00bs can be a cruel mistress.
Sadly, I stay offline for the same reason, people online are just too dammed good. Plus, unlike them that sit and play the game non-stop I actually have a girlfriend :P.

Re: Favourite RTS and why?

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 9:13 am
by hurstshifter
It's a tossup between Warcraft 2 and Rise of Nations

Re: Favourite RTS and why?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:52 am
by davidthefat
Starcraft, I just got SC2 but havent installed it yet

Re: Favourite RTS and why?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 2:23 pm
by programmerinprogress
hurstshifter wrote:It's a tossup between Warcraft 2 and Rise of Nations
I totally have to agree with Rise Of Nations, one of the best RTS games IMHO

I also love the empire earth series,however I never tried empire earth 3 as I heard bad things, and I have enough trouble getting the second one to work on my computer :lol:

Rise of nations has a great buiding system, expanding your influence allows you to strategically isolate different players, I love to start mini turf wars between the CPU players, the AI is very good.

I also like the territory system in empire earth 2, it gives you an incentive to expand your civ, as opposed to just staying in a tightly knit area of the map, it just makes things more fun, even if it seems to be a bit of a RAM hog in the later stages of the game.

As for online play, I don't even bother, there are too many experts out there, and experts of exploit, I even played my friend at stronghold over LAN and he managed to exploit weaknesses in the resource system, beating me in a matter of minutes, can't be fussed with exploiting the game to win.

Re: Favourite RTS and why?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:20 pm
by eatcomics
someone said homeworld series, I have the first one, and I have to agree!

There's also uh what's that newer space one... um... um... Solar something... Sins of a solar empire, there it is :D

Re: Favourite RTS and why?

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:52 pm
by MadPumpkin
I loved the Dawn of War games. 40K is great BUT, Warcraft III, and StarCraft will always be my favorites.

I love warcraft because of alll the millions of different games/mods/levels/whatever to play on it. If you get bored or RPG play a tower defense, get bored of that play an arena level, get bored of that... Then their are still thousands of different levels to play.

Starcraft is the same way, and I love regular games on starcraft as well.

Re: Favourite RTS and why?

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:59 am
by Marx Chaotix
Mine would without a moment's hesitation be Starcraft (I'm sure Starcraft 2 as soon as its' released in America) and Warcraft 3 the frozen throne.

Re: Favourite RTS and why?

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 1:23 pm
by Radik782
Warcraft 3 for me. Its single player is still the best I've played in an RTS and thanks to the support from Blizzard (I remember balance patches changing things down to the very 1/4 of a second build times of a unit!) I put years into the multiplayer. Don't play it anymore though (the multiplayer) and probably never will again, because a game like that takes such mental investment to memorise and perform specific and precise strategies against every race on every major map. No time anymore. :(

Company of Heroes is top quality because it is such a tactical game, micro is still important but a lot of it comes down to outplaying your opponent early on with sometimes a single well used MG/Sniper, a mine on a shallow crossing, etc. Just a shame about the drop hackers in the early days and then their newer infuriating system that decided automatically who had won (wrongly almost always) after a player disconnecting. >:(
AoE2/RA1/AoM/RoN/DoW/Homeworld/SupCom, etc, the quality of games in this genre is quite striking. :)