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Some sprites

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 5:27 pm
by Lord Pingas
Hey, I checked out some of pritam's pixel art and tried to study it's style and I came up with these...

Tell me what you guys think. :)
My First Sprite.PNG
My First Sprite.PNG (1.47 KiB) Viewed 3475 times
Oh and I may have borrowed some of his colours from one of his sprites because I was too lazy to make my own.

EDIT: Was too TIRED to make my own. :roll:

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 7:26 pm
by cypher1554R
Lord Pingas wrote:Tell me what you guys think.
Considering that you're 14 and assuming this is your first attempt.. nah.. It's still pretty bad. You need to work hard on your pixel art skills if you want to be good.
And don't you ever dare to say:
Lord Pingas wrote:because I was too lazy to make my own.
again. If you're thinking about going this way, you might as well quit now and save yourself a lot of time. Find something you won't be lazy for.

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 9:31 pm
by LeonBlade
Don't listen to cypher1554R, he doesn't know shit.
I think it looks pretty good. Not so sure about the animation though, I haven't actually saw it being animated.
The hair on the left (her right side) makes it look like there's an arm pointing up or something, I suggest fixing that.

And this being your first sprite, go ahead and use other color palettes from other sprites.
However, the colors are pretty bright and over saturated for this sprite. Try toning them down a little :)

The structure of the sprite is okay. The legs I think capture the way one would be running in a great stride, specifically the one on the far right.
However, the upper body lacks movement and makes it look funny.
Study some other sprites out there, and maybe study human movement as well. Try to get a feel for how people move, and try to mimic that movement in your sprites.
The head looks too circle like, try to make it thin like a real face is perhaps.

Overall, as a beginner, I think it looks pretty decent.

Not to be a dick cypher1554R, but I don't think you have really the rights to be so harsh on him, telling him his work is bad.
You didn't even give him constructive criticism, you just said "it's bad get better" which I've seen somewhere else on these forums from you as well.

Seriously, lay off it, and give people nice kind words, and not just tell them they suck.

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 9:35 pm
by Live-Dimension
Not bad for a first attempt. I do kind of agree with Cypher in one area - Pixel work is easy but tedious. If you want to be lazy with it you won't get far with it.

I'm sure you've seen the thread on pixel art tutorials, but even so, ... =30&t=3489

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 10:07 pm
by short
minus the "being lazy" I think its good for a first attempt. =)

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 2:47 am
by Lord Pingas
The reason I said I was too lazy to make my own colours was because I was tired and it was nightime but I wanted to get these sprites done. It was about 11 at night when I made these.

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 5:14 am
by thejahooli
Lord Pingas wrote:It was about 11 at night when I made these.
You think that's late. When I need to finish something in my code, I don't go to bed until it's done (which is usually 6ish in the morning when I pass out from tiredness).

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 7:25 am
by GroundUpEngine
Those sprites are not bad ;)

thejahooli wrote:
Lord Pingas wrote:It was about 11 at night when I made these.
You think that's late. When I need to finish something in my code, I don't go to bed until it's done (which is usually 6ish in the morning when I pass out from tiredness).
aha same here :lol:

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 7:50 am
by cypher1554R
LeonBlade wrote:Don't listen to cypher1554R, he doesn't know shit.
What the hell is this now?

First of all, he said "Tell me what you guys think" and I gave him my opinion.
I don't give constructive criticism to everyone, just ones who ask ME directly for it.

Second, I was being realistic, not harsh, and if you try to be the "good guy" on account of making me look like a dick one more time, I'll show you what it's like when I'm harsh.

Facts: If he really wants to get into pixeling, my post would just help him wake up and prove me wrong.
If he doesn't, then he'll just lay off and find something he's really good at and save a lot of time.

The truth is, people like you are likable on first sight, cause you kiss ass.
People like me are likable only in the long run, cause they never doubt if I honestly said how I feel about them.

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 8:16 am
by programmerinprogress
thejahooli wrote:
Lord Pingas wrote:It was about 11 at night when I made these.
You think that's late. When I need to finish something in my code, I don't go to bed until it's done (which is usually 6ish in the morning when I pass out from tiredness).
I hold my hat out to you, I always try and get a good nights sleep, this is probably why I haven't come out with anything worth talking about lately, because I like my sleep too much :lol:

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 9:53 am
by short
I hope you guys are done hijacking his thread.

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 10:43 am
by hurstshifter
Lord Pingas wrote:
Tell me what you guys think. :)
Great job, better than my first attempt for sure. Keep working at it.

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 3:43 pm
by eatcomics
I think they are great, I couldn't do anything near that, seeing as how I have no artistic abilities or experience, just take this as me saying keep at it, you have potential.

Offtopic: I stay up all night to get my code working on weekends, on weekdays I work on smaller things, and if I don't get it working, I have a night to sleep and then I hop to it the next day

Edit: I've also found that I am finding answers to my coding problems at the strangest times... Like I woke up sunday morning and I was thinking about a weird dream I had (I always have weird dreams when I have caffeine before sleeping) and then I started thinking, out of nowhere, about my game I'm working on, and I had a solution to a problem I had... turned out to be right

and I keep getting inspiration and ideas while walking through the halls at school... which usually I'm just thinking about lunch in the halls... or going home... but not the last few weeks...

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 5:37 pm
by LeonBlade
cypher1554R wrote:
LeonBlade wrote:Don't listen to cypher1554R, he doesn't know shit.
What the hell is this now?

First of all, he said "Tell me what you guys think" and I gave him my opinion.
I don't give constructive criticism to everyone, just ones who ask ME directly for it.

Second, I was being realistic, not harsh, and if you try to be the "good guy" on account of making me look like a dick one more time, I'll show you what it's like when I'm harsh.

Facts: If he really wants to get into pixeling, my post would just help him wake up and prove me wrong.
If he doesn't, then he'll just lay off and find something he's really good at and save a lot of time.

The truth is, people like you are likable on first sight, cause you kiss ass.
People like me are likable only in the long run, cause they never doubt if I honestly said how I feel about them.
First of all, you should give constructive criticism to anyone and everyone at all times, not just when someone comes to you directly.
All that does is make you look like you have some great knowledge and that they should come to you and no one else, it's just stupid.
If you don't like how I said you shouldn't be a dick to people, then I don't know what to say.
All I said was to give people advice and tips on how to improve instead of just saying "you suck get better", that does nothing.

Second, you were being harsh. Everyone else was being realistic. Sure you can say it sucks, but by saying that you're being harsh.
There's not much else that can be said about it. You could of told him it lacked a lot and what needed to improve. THAT is being realistic, not just saying it sucks.

Also, I have to just comment on the fact that you said this...
cypher1554R wrote:and if you try to be the "good guy" on account of making me look like a dick one more time, I'll show you what it's like when I'm harsh
God fucking dammit, grow the hell up. I mean, honestly, what the hell are you going to do? Quit getting bent out of shape over someone telling you not to be a dick.

And I love how you have your facts going on there. Like if it wasn't for you, he wouldn't get anywhere.
Quit sounding like such an egotistical bastard. You wanna know something? If you didn't post, I know for a fact that the constructive criticism telling him what needs work would of gotten him to make changes.
cypher1554R wrote:The truth is, people like you are likable on first sight, cause you kiss ass.
People like me are likable only in the long run, cause they never doubt if I honestly said how I feel about them.
Are you being serious right now? I honestly have no words for you at this point.

Sorry for hijacking this thread, but holy shit...

Re: Some sprites

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 5:45 pm
by pritam
I'd just like to point out that being nice is NOT the same as kissing ass.