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Club Nintendo Posters

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 7:06 pm
by hurstshifter
I recently registered for Club Nintendo on Nintendo's website which is basically a site to register your games/consoles and receive points in return. I didn't really expect to get much out of it but after registering about five games (all of your Wii/DS games should come with a small Club Nintendo know...the stuff you usually throw away immediately?) I checked the stuff I could trade my points for and got some WICKED sweet Legend of Zelda posters. They had a bunch of other stuff too but I could not resist these babies. Check em out on my wall! The History of Link one is my favorite.




I was expecting them to be very tiny but they turned out to be full size and of very good glossy quality. I hope to get a similar set of Mario posters next that they had and I'd encourage any Wii/DS owners to take advantage of this for some cool freebies. Shipping was free also.

edit: Just realized I placed this into the development forum. Mods feel free to move into off-topic.

Re: Club Nintendo Posters

Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:18 pm
by eatcomics
I have the twilight princess one :D