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The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:55 am
by hurstshifter
Hey Guys,

Figured I would start up a thread for anyone wishing to discuss news from the 2010 Electronics Entertainment Expo (e3). I'll go first!

New Goldeneye Remake for the Wii! ... er-leaked/

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 10:19 am
by pythip
I'm not sure they should remake golden eye, they will never live up to its name. I hope they do what perfect dark did, and add bots to the game. Why don't more games have bots, they are way better than playing against crappy online players. Lets face it how many times have you been stuck playing with some kid you don't know and they are just horrible at the game.

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:12 am
by Thomas_Bates
All Wii shooting games I've played have been absolutely horrid.

Who thinks the new Xbox is completely unnecessary? I already have a 360, why would I buy one of the slim ones? First of all, there are no USB ports in front, which is bad immediately. Built in Wifi? Why?! I will not be playing multiplayer over wifi thanks, knowing my shit wireless (actually its pretty good), besides, I've got a 100 foot long Ethernet cord, I don't need wifi! I already have enough storage, I don't need anymore. And for 300$! Get the fuck out. No way am I buying something I already have for the price thats double what I payed for this one.

I'd like to see if RRoD is still in play, I'm sure it is, knowing Microsoft's idiotic rituals with their console, if not, that would be the only thing to make me want it, and even then, I've owned 3 Xbox 360s, and not one has caught AIDS for Xbox. (First 2 I had were stolen when I lived in St. Louis, along with my Wii, Dell, HDTV, That was quite a week.)

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:14 am
by hurstshifter
Thomas_Bates wrote:All Wii shooting games I've played have been absolutely horrid.

Who thinks the new Xbox is completely unnecessary? I already have a 360, why would I buy one of the slim ones? First of all, there are no USB ports in front, which is bad immediately. Built in Wifi? Why?! I will not be playing multiplayer over wifi thanks, knowing my shit wireless (actually its pretty good), besides, I've got a 100 foot long Ethernet cord, I don't need wifi! I already have enough storage, I don't need anymore. And for 300$! Get the fuck out. No way am I buying something I already have for the price thats double what I payed for this one.

I'd like to see if RRoD is still in play, I'm sure it is, knowing Microsoft's idiotic rituals with their console, if not, that would be the only thing to make me want it, and even then, I've owned 3 Xbox 360s, and not one has caught AIDS for Xbox. (First 2 I had were stolen when I lived in St. Louis, along with my Wii, Dell, HDTV, That was quite a week.)
Dude, its for people who don't own an xbox yet. And the wi-fi & 250gb hdd are alone enough for me to want one.

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:38 pm
by Thomas_Bates
I thought it was far too weak for me to show any relative interest.

Nintendo busted out their guns today, what a massive lineup, they'll be making an assload of money in the coming year.

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:19 pm
by hurstshifter
For anyone who was watching the Nintendo press conference a few points to note...

-Nintendo 3ds looks amazing
-Kid Icarus 3DS !!!!!!1111
-Hinted at Star Fox 3ds

-Wii titles that look good
-Kirby Epic Yarn (stupid name, plz change thx)
-Donkey Kong Country Wii!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111one
-Metroid the other M

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:31 pm
by MrDeathNote
Thomas_Bates wrote:All Wii shooting games I've played have been absolutely horrid.

Who thinks the new Xbox is completely unnecessary? I already have a 360, why would I buy one of the slim ones? First of all, there are no USB ports in front, which is bad immediately. Built in Wifi? Why?! I will not be playing multiplayer over wifi thanks, knowing my shit wireless (actually its pretty good), besides, I've got a 100 foot long Ethernet cord, I don't need wifi! I already have enough storage, I don't need anymore. And for 300$! Get the fuck out. No way am I buying something I already have for the price thats double what I payed for this one.

I'd like to see if RRoD is still in play, I'm sure it is, knowing Microsoft's idiotic rituals with their console, if not, that would be the only thing to make me want it, and even then, I've owned 3 Xbox 360s, and not one has caught AIDS for Xbox. (First 2 I had were stolen when I lived in St. Louis, along with my Wii, Dell, HDTV, That was quite a week.)
What are you talking about? First it does have usb's at the front, the hard drive is internal and is 250gb. That plus the built in wifi will obviously add to the price, and just because you don't like the wifi doesn't mean other ppl wont like it (i'm not a fan myself but these things sell). Also it's MUCH quieter which is the best thing, thats worth the price alone. Your right about the Wii shooting games though, every one i've played has been pure donkey dick.

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:36 pm
by Milch
You forgot to post the new zelda game called 'The legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword'.

My oppinion on this:
I looks gay as shit.
I mean why did they made it look like WW?
ARGHH I could rage sooo hard.
I'm totally gonna buy this, but still - I WANT MAH ATMOSPHERE BACK D:

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:41 pm
by Thomas_Bates
Also it's MUCH quieter which is the best thing
My Xbox isn't very loud, as the games I play on it are installed, which helps quite a bit, also, where have you heard it, did they demo it live, as I must have missed part of it.

SS looks kind of similar to Wind Waker, but I don't think they went to the extend that WW did, but I wish greatly that they would have continued the ultra-real look TP had.

Either way, I'm too Zelda_Geek not to buy it.

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 2:08 pm
by hurstshifter
Milch wrote:You forgot to post the new zelda game called 'The legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword'.

My oppinion on this:
I looks gay as shit.
I mean why did they made it look like WW?
ARGHH I could rage sooo hard.
I'm totally gonna buy this, but still - I WANT MAH ATMOSPHERE BACK D:
I''ll have to humbly disagree. The atmosphere in each zelda game is very different and I always look forward to playing the next one no matter how different it may be. I think this could end up being a very fun game indeed. But thanks for mentioning that, I can't believe I forgot to post it!

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 5:01 pm
by LeonBlade
Nintendo = Awesome
Sony = Awesome
Microsoft = No games

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:09 pm
by EdBoon
Did you see the Goldeneye remake? My brother has a Wii so I just go over to his place to play the mario games once every 5 months on release, but holy shit, Goldeneye is one of my all time favorites, I'm definitely getting one when this guy comes out! I can't wait! They had a goldeneye mod for counter-strike that was pretty sick, but hardly no one was on and controls felt a little strange. This will be awesome! :bow:

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:40 am
by Milch
LeonBlade wrote:Nintendo = Awesome
Sony = Awesome
Microsoft = No games
Yeah, youre right.
The only thing that really pisses me of it the lack of competitive online games for the wii.
Anyway, I dont get why there is even an online modus in some games - you cant communicate with each other ( like MarioKart/Brawl )

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:56 am
by LeonBlade
A lot of the reason Nintendo stole the show this E3 was because of Nostalgia, which is why I don't agree with it fully, but that's okay with me.
There are still a LOT of cool games coming :)

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:17 am
by MrDeathNote
Thomas_Bates wrote:
Also it's MUCH quieter which is the best thing
My Xbox isn't very loud, as the games I play on it are installed, which helps quite a bit, also, where have you heard it, did they demo it live, as I must have missed part of it.

This is an official unboxing from IGN.