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inFamous review

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:22 pm
by JaxDragon
I just finished inFamous, so I figured I’d give it a review. Keep in mind I played through the “evil” campaign, so if you play through the good campaign, you may find some story differences. I’ll leave out story details, no matter how basic they may be.

You can play the game as an evil character, or a good character. There are a few powers that are unique to each. Another thing to note is that good characters have blue lightning, while evil characters have red lighting. This is one of those games where it’s very rewarding to be evil.

You can use multiple different powers to attack your enemies. From simple lightning zaps to throwing a grenade. The powers are very fulfilling and fun to use. You acquire these powers either through restoring power to the city, or purchasing them with XP. XP can be hard to get if you don’t do side missions though. Some powers require you to do a certain number of good/evil side missions in order to obtain, so you should stick to doing one or the other.

There is only one island in the beginning, but there are two more you unlock later. Each island is home to a different faction of enemies. There are 3 different factions: the reapers, the dust men, and the first sons. You begin the game in reaper territory though. Some enemies are extremely annoying, but most are easily kill-able with a few zaps. The “Conduits” act as mini bosses for each faction, and as such you get more XP for killing them.

The combat is very entertaining and original. I appreciate the fact it zooms you in when you start targeting enemies, it would have been rather annoying for you to have to just eyeball it. The AI is well implemented and can give you a good challenge to boot.

The world is highly interactive and I had a good time wreaking absolute havoc on the environment and it’s civilian inhabitants. You want to avoid hurting civilians if you’re playing good, naturally. Some buildings can even explode, such as gas stations.

The story plot is unique, yet somewhat predictable. It’s also not overly entertaining until about the last 1/3. You will be surprised when major things happen, yet when you think about them later you notice they weren’t really new concepts.

One major gripe is the responsiveness of the controls. At times they get you killed, not doing what you think they would. Instead of jumping down a building, the game would magically turn you around and grab on to a ledge. Or you would try and shoot a distant object, but your projectile would get caught on another object that in reality it did not touch. Not nearly as bad as Prototype though.

Also, there isn’t much fun in the game after the ending. It’s not as much fun as it was before. The story missions were rather fun and intuitive, and naturally they stop after you beat the main plot. Don’t get me wrong, they give you plenty of things to do, but there’s really not anything major you couldn’t have done while playing through the game before.

I found a few glitches while playing the game, nothing harmful to the gameplay at all, except one time I fell through the ground. The people sometimes get stuck and just start walking in place. Sometimes the enemies get stuck in objects, and you can’t kill them, but they can’t kill you either.

Overall, it’s a good game. I would recommend it to open world fans.

Re: inFamous review

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:39 am
by hurstshifter
Hmm, thanks for the review. I was toying with the idea of trying this game out.

Also, looks like you didn't post this under the Reviews forum. Not sure if you knew that was there or not :)

Re: inFamous review

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:41 pm
by JaxDragon
ROFL! I knew it was there and I could've sworn I put it in there. It was rather late though, so I got them confused apparently. I have done a review before, and it managed to get in the correct forum. Oh well.