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I Got A Question On Being A Game Programmer As Job

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:04 pm
by davidthefat
As game programming being a highly growing job, how will I in 6 years make myself stand out in the crowd? Im 16, and by the time I get into college and graduate, the game industry will be bigger than ever. Probably with new consoles coming out, so people more experienced in the industry already would be the first picks, not recent college graduates. Programming is obviously my type of thing, I have had the idea of majoring in Comp Sci for years now, but how much of a chance do I have of getting a decent programming job at a game studio? I can always try NASA and program rovers and stuff for them, but I heard government jobs pay crap. :roll: I may be over thinking this but, this seems pretty serious issue. I can try interning at the said game studio when I am in college and try applying for a real job after, but I would still be at the bottom of the food chain.

Re: I Got A Question On Being A Game Programmer As Job

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:40 pm
by Arce
I can always try NASA and program rovers and stuff for them, but I heard government jobs pay crap.
You've been misinformed. ;p

You'll probably make shit pay and long hours working for a "game developer." The opposite can be said for a government job--you won't do shit, make a ton of money...And have every second of it.
I may be over thinking this but, this seems pretty serious issue. I can try interning at the said game studio when I am in college and try applying for a real job after, but I would still be at the bottom of the food chain.
Where do you live? LA and Texas seem like the capitals of US game development. You'll have a much easier time "getting in" if you come from an area like that...Also, you say you may try "interning at said studio"? Are there local ones? And perhaps you should consider co-oping in college. I know a gentleman with a Master's degree who's been trying to land a job with a game studio for quite some time now, yet seems to be turned down frequently due to "lack of experience."

Also, there are books written on the matter. Maybe snag one? Or try to contact somebody you know who has landed a job in the industry? These are some valid questions.

Re: I Got A Question On Being A Game Programmer As Job

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:45 pm
by davidthefat
Arce wrote:
I can always try NASA and program rovers and stuff for them, but I heard government jobs pay crap.
You've been misinformed. ;p

You'll probably make shit pay and long hours working for a "game developer." The opposite can be said for a government job--you won't do shit, make a ton of money...And have every second of it.
I may be over thinking this but, this seems pretty serious issue. I can try interning at the said game studio when I am in college and try applying for a real job after, but I would still be at the bottom of the food chain.
Where do you live? LA and Texas seem like the capitals of US game development. You'll have a much easier time "getting in" if you come from an area like that...Also, you say you may try "interning at said studio"? Are there local ones? And perhaps you should consider co-oping in college. I know a gentleman with a Master's degree who's been trying to land a job with a game studio for quite some time now, yet seems to be turned down frequently due to "lack of experience."

Also, there are books written on the matter. Maybe snag one? Or try to contact somebody you know who has landed a job in the industry? These are some valid questions.
Yea LA, Im like 30 minute drive from Square Enix, Blizzard and some other big companies

Re: I Got A Question On Being A Game Programmer As Job

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 7:55 pm
by dandymcgee
Arce wrote:
I can always try NASA and program rovers and stuff for them, but I heard government jobs pay crap.
You've been misinformed. ;p

You'll probably make shit pay and long hours working for a "game developer." The opposite can be said for a government job--you won't do shit, make a ton of money...And have every second of it.
Agreed. Arce knows first-hand, but I think this deserves being pointed out twice. Personally, I would much rather work a government position than at a game studio, even if the game studio sounds like more "fun" from the start. IMHO, government benefits greatly outweigh any "fun" to be had at said game studio. ;)

Re: I Got A Question On Being A Game Programmer As Job

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:02 pm
by Arce
Arce knows first-hand
Well, my career aspirations aren't quite what davidthefat's are. I don't aspire to work at a large game dev studio...And that's not what I'm doing. I'm working for a brand new, never heard of one and hope to one day be an entrepreneur in my own field. So my experience is perhaps not relevant to somebody looking to enter the industry with an already established and successful company.

Also, if you live in the LA area, then you've already got a heads up on most people. I think the key is connections. Meet people, make friends who have friends who know people, and you'll be in quite quickly. ;p

Re: I Got A Question On Being A Game Programmer As Job

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 8:15 pm
by JaxDragon
I also want to work at a game development studio. But I live in NC, and I don't think I know of any game dev companies that are in NC. So I'll probably be stuck moving to a bigger city in a software engineering company, or trying to find a job as an IT.
EDIT: Whoops! Forgot Epic is based somewhere in NC. Time for research.

Re: I Got A Question On Being A Game Programmer As Job

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:01 pm
by mv2112
Do most game dev companies do internships? I live a few miles from Vicarious Visions. My uncle is in a band with a dude who works there so i may be able to get in...

Re: I Got A Question On Being A Game Programmer As Job

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 9:27 pm
by wearymemory
davidthefat wrote:I have had the idea of majoring in Comp Sci for years now...
You and 3/4 the population of India.
Many companies prefer hiring new developers because it's easier to start out fresh rather than having them unlearn old, and often bad habits, and they can certainly offer up new ideas as well. Even if you don't get in at first, just wait, you can always count on someone retiring due to a severe case of arthritis. IMHO, it won't matter much in 6 years anyways because everyone knows that Obama's extra-terrestrial disclosure plan coupled with 2012 will usher in a new era, so I'd wait until then to scope out the plan for your future.

Re: I Got A Question On Being A Game Programmer As Job

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:28 am
by davidthefat
Im gonna try getting an internship at JPL next summer, I live 5 minutes away from it so I guess its good idea. I just can't seem to find time, I need Art credit and Football practices are in summer, IDK if I can fit the internship. Interning in HS will help with college so its wise to do it

Re: I Got A Question On Being A Game Programmer As Job

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:36 am
by qpHalcy0n
Here's what I would liken obtaining a job at a major studio to: becoming an airline pilot. Granted, your chances of being an airline pilot are probably significantly better. You essentially have to eat, sleep, and breathe this junk...and you have to do it well, at least better than "that other guy". Even there, your zeal will only do you small favors in getting in the door. However, what you CAN use that zeal for is fuel to power you through some of the toughest problems the field of computer science has to offer. If this is you, welcome to game development ;)

Now I got my start over 10 years ago at a delightful little studio here in the D-eff-dub. Having said that, things have changed quite a bit. Considering the super high cost of production, most companies can only stay afloat if they have something marketable and reusable. There's a massive waste of money involved in not being able to reuse technology. That said, the programs now tend to resemble the very structured, high level monoliths that grace computer science textbooks that you might encounter in say.....a college classroom. Now sure for every successful studio out there, there's umpteen dozens to hundreds that fall on their face in a few years. It's a tough life. It's hard to get in, and if you start your own, it's hard to compete. That is unless you have a brilliant idea.....if you don't then people are more than happy to buy the bloomed out destructible environment cow excrement that's been the norm for the past 8 years or so.

More and more developers are looking to pack games onto devices that hold "50 billion, trillion songs" (to quote Steve Jobs ;) ), but nary' the on chip real estate of a small Indian slum-shack. This small aid helps fudge along the process and adds to the "bottom line", but either way, this doesn't detract from the fact that a programmer with excellent "code logistics" for these mexican drug lord packed 70's Ford Astrovans we call "gaming platforms" is a highly desirable commodity in the modern game programming arena. You'll do plenty of this in.....well, college.

Of course, nobody wants to work with a socially inept lump of flesh who uses "Axe Bodyspray" as a shower replacement and who coincidentally bears nicknames such as "Anal secretions" (from experience). Learning to be a well rounded person that people would like to have a beer with after work will go a long way should you get past the series of phone interviews that you're likely to lose out to some 16 year old punk who's just really "THAT" much smarter than you and probably has a name that you can't pronounce and contains a baker's dozen consonants in a row. Now you can't very well learn to be a sociable person sluffing around your college dorm room all day, now can you? I mean, how else can you get good at this junk if you're not busy working towards "Ballmer's Peak" (and consequently a rather nice beer-a-mid) cursing the idiots who made your compiler? Go out every once in a while! Hell, perhaps this is even more important than the programming which leads me to my 2nd (maybe?) point. Who you know can go a *LONG*....and by long I mean ....well I won't go there, but we'll just say a long way. Develop yourself a cute little network of developers who are working towards the same goal that you are, and maybe are going somewhere a little faster than you and you can develop a delightful ass-kissing relationship with.

I'm going to tell a little story and attempt to wrap this up. You know, someone said in this thread that they knew someone who was working at a master's degree and is still being rejected by game companies. While this is illustrative of how picky they are it is not illustrative of WHO they're looking for. I was 17 and got hired as an intern programmer, after a year secured a regular full time position and published two titles. So, in all reality, I'm that 17 year old punk who just MAY be "THAT" much smarter than you, however, I have a name that is very pronounceable ;) However, you're that 17 year old punk, too. So is he, and that other guy. You're ALL that 17 year old punk kid who everyone's cursing futures of epic fail upon under their breath. It really just comes down to how realistic you are with yourself and where you spend your time. You'd better start getting realistic about your weaknesses. You'd better start getting serious about finishing some projects. You'd REALLY better get serious about considering dropping your SDL, Allegro, and SFML projects and start learning all of the things that you didn't WANT to learn about because they're "hard" and "WHO REINVENTS THE WHEEL ANYWAYS?!?!" *rolls eyes*. As you can tell, that was sarcasm, and don't ever listen to people like that, because you know what? Its the fact that you can challenge yourself and surprise even your interviewers (and yourself) that gives any game studio personnel a woodie. It's those hard things that nobody wants to tackle, those hard problems that nobody wants to solve that are going to pop up on phone and in-person interviews that will MAKE you that 17 year old punk that gets the job. Along with a proper shower and some good social skills and maybe a good friend or two "in the biz" will be a damn good start to a shoe in...... in THIS fickle little industry :) Or you can go work for just may even like it.

.....or you can start your own. It's wutev. Every once in a while David tackles him a Goliath. ( Depending on how high you can kick. )

Re: I Got A Question On Being A Game Programmer As Job

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:43 am
by X Abstract X
qpHalcy0n wrote:Here's what I would liken obtaining a job at a major studio to: becoming an airline pilot. Granted, your chances of being an airline pilot are probably significantly better. You essentially have to eat, sleep, and breathe this junk...and you have to do it well, at least better than "that other guy". Even there, your zeal will only do you small favors in getting in the door. However, what you CAN use that zeal for is fuel to power you through some of the toughest problems the field of computer science has to offer. If this is you, welcome to game development ;)

Now I got my start over 10 years ago at a delightful little studio here in the D-eff-dub. Having said that, things have changed quite a bit. Considering the super high cost of production, most companies can only stay afloat if they have something marketable and reusable. There's a massive waste of money involved in not being able to reuse technology. That said, the programs now tend to resemble the very structured, high level monoliths that grace computer science textbooks that you might encounter in say.....a college classroom. Now sure for every successful studio out there, there's umpteen dozens to hundreds that fall on their face in a few years. It's a tough life. It's hard to get in, and if you start your own, it's hard to compete. That is unless you have a brilliant idea.....if you don't then people are more than happy to buy the bloomed out destructible environment cow excrement that's been the norm for the past 8 years or so.

More and more developers are looking to pack games onto devices that hold "50 billion, trillion songs" (to quote Steve Jobs ;) ), but nary' the on chip real estate of a small Indian slum-shack. This small aid helps fudge along the process and adds to the "bottom line", but either way, this doesn't detract from the fact that a programmer with excellent "code logistics" for these mexican drug lord packed 70's Ford Astrovans we call "gaming platforms" is a highly desirable commodity in the modern game programming arena. You'll do plenty of this in.....well, college.

Of course, nobody wants to work with a socially inept lump of flesh who uses "Axe Bodyspray" as a shower replacement and who coincidentally bears nicknames such as "Anal secretions" (from experience). Learning to be a well rounded person that people would like to have a beer with after work will go a long way should you get past the series of phone interviews that you're likely to lose out to some 16 year old punk who's just really "THAT" much smarter than you and probably has a name that you can't pronounce and contains a baker's dozen consonants in a row. Now you can't very well learn to be a sociable person sluffing around your college dorm room all day, now can you? I mean, how else can you get good at this junk if you're not busy working towards "Ballmer's Peak" (and consequently a rather nice beer-a-mid) cursing the idiots who made your compiler? Go out every once in a while! Hell, perhaps this is even more important than the programming which leads me to my 2nd (maybe?) point. Who you know can go a *LONG*....and by long I mean ....well I won't go there, but we'll just say a long way. Develop yourself a cute little network of developers who are working towards the same goal that you are, and maybe are going somewhere a little faster than you and you can develop a delightful ass-kissing relationship with.

I'm going to tell a little story and attempt to wrap this up. You know, someone said in this thread that they knew someone who was working at a master's degree and is still being rejected by game companies. While this is illustrative of how picky they are it is not illustrative of WHO they're looking for. I was 17 and got hired as an intern programmer, after a year secured a regular full time position and published two titles. So, in all reality, I'm that 17 year old punk who just MAY be "THAT" much smarter than you, however, I have a name that is very pronounceable ;) However, you're that 17 year old punk, too. So is he, and that other guy. You're ALL that 17 year old punk kid who everyone's cursing futures of epic fail upon under their breath. It really just comes down to how realistic you are with yourself and where you spend your time. You'd better start getting realistic about your weaknesses. You'd better start getting serious about finishing some projects. You'd REALLY better get serious about considering dropping your SDL, Allegro, and SFML projects and start learning all of the things that you didn't WANT to learn about because they're "hard" and "WHO REINVENTS THE WHEEL ANYWAYS?!?!" *rolls eyes*. As you can tell, that was sarcasm, and don't ever listen to people like that, because you know what? Its the fact that you can challenge yourself and surprise even your interviewers (and yourself) that gives any game studio personnel a woodie. It's those hard things that nobody wants to tackle, those hard problems that nobody wants to solve that are going to pop up on phone and in-person interviews that will MAKE you that 17 year old punk that gets the job. Along with a proper shower and some good social skills and maybe a good friend or two "in the biz" will be a damn good start to a shoe in...... in THIS fickle little industry :) Or you can go work for just may even like it.

.....or you can start your own. It's wutev. Every once in a while David tackles him a Goliath. ( Depending on how high you can kick. )
I enjoyed reading this. :)

Re: I Got A Question On Being A Game Programmer As Job

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:54 am
by GroundUpEngine
X Abstract X wrote:
qpHalcy0n wrote:...

.....or you can start your own. It's wutev. Every once in a while David tackles him a Goliath. ( Depending on how high you can kick. )
I enjoyed reading this. :)
Same here, very wise words! ;)

Re: I Got A Question On Being A Game Programmer As Job

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:04 am
by davidthefat
qpHalcy0n wrote:Here's what I would liken obtaining a job at a major studio to: becoming an airline pilot. Granted, your chances of being an airline pilot are probably significantly better. You essentially have to eat, sleep, and breathe this junk...and you have to do it well, at least better than "that other guy". Even there, your zeal will only do you small favors in getting in the door. However, what you CAN use that zeal for is fuel to power you through some of the toughest problems the field of computer science has to offer. If this is you, welcome to game development ;)

Now I got my start over 10 years ago at a delightful little studio here in the D-eff-dub. Having said that, things have changed quite a bit. Considering the super high cost of production, most companies can only stay afloat if they have something marketable and reusable. There's a massive waste of money involved in not being able to reuse technology. That said, the programs now tend to resemble the very structured, high level monoliths that grace computer science textbooks that you might encounter in say.....a college classroom. Now sure for every successful studio out there, there's umpteen dozens to hundreds that fall on their face in a few years. It's a tough life. It's hard to get in, and if you start your own, it's hard to compete. That is unless you have a brilliant idea.....if you don't then people are more than happy to buy the bloomed out destructible environment cow excrement that's been the norm for the past 8 years or so.

More and more developers are looking to pack games onto devices that hold "50 billion, trillion songs" (to quote Steve Jobs ;) ), but nary' the on chip real estate of a small Indian slum-shack. This small aid helps fudge along the process and adds to the "bottom line", but either way, this doesn't detract from the fact that a programmer with excellent "code logistics" for these mexican drug lord packed 70's Ford Astrovans we call "gaming platforms" is a highly desirable commodity in the modern game programming arena. You'll do plenty of this in.....well, college.

Of course, nobody wants to work with a socially inept lump of flesh who uses "Axe Bodyspray" as a shower replacement and who coincidentally bears nicknames such as "Anal secretions" (from experience). Learning to be a well rounded person that people would like to have a beer with after work will go a long way should you get past the series of phone interviews that you're likely to lose out to some 16 year old punk who's just really "THAT" much smarter than you and probably has a name that you can't pronounce and contains a baker's dozen consonants in a row. Now you can't very well learn to be a sociable person sluffing around your college dorm room all day, now can you? I mean, how else can you get good at this junk if you're not busy working towards "Ballmer's Peak" (and consequently a rather nice beer-a-mid) cursing the idiots who made your compiler? Go out every once in a while! Hell, perhaps this is even more important than the programming which leads me to my 2nd (maybe?) point. Who you know can go a *LONG*....and by long I mean ....well I won't go there, but we'll just say a long way. Develop yourself a cute little network of developers who are working towards the same goal that you are, and maybe are going somewhere a little faster than you and you can develop a delightful ass-kissing relationship with.

I'm going to tell a little story and attempt to wrap this up. You know, someone said in this thread that they knew someone who was working at a master's degree and is still being rejected by game companies. While this is illustrative of how picky they are it is not illustrative of WHO they're looking for. I was 17 and got hired as an intern programmer, after a year secured a regular full time position and published two titles. So, in all reality, I'm that 17 year old punk who just MAY be "THAT" much smarter than you, however, I have a name that is very pronounceable ;) However, you're that 17 year old punk, too. So is he, and that other guy. You're ALL that 17 year old punk kid who everyone's cursing futures of epic fail upon under their breath. It really just comes down to how realistic you are with yourself and where you spend your time. You'd better start getting realistic about your weaknesses. You'd better start getting serious about finishing some projects. You'd REALLY better get serious about considering dropping your SDL, Allegro, and SFML projects and start learning all of the things that you didn't WANT to learn about because they're "hard" and "WHO REINVENTS THE WHEEL ANYWAYS?!?!" *rolls eyes*. As you can tell, that was sarcasm, and don't ever listen to people like that, because you know what? Its the fact that you can challenge yourself and surprise even your interviewers (and yourself) that gives any game studio personnel a woodie. It's those hard things that nobody wants to tackle, those hard problems that nobody wants to solve that are going to pop up on phone and in-person interviews that will MAKE you that 17 year old punk that gets the job. Along with a proper shower and some good social skills and maybe a good friend or two "in the biz" will be a damn good start to a shoe in...... in THIS fickle little industry :) Or you can go work for just may even like it.

.....or you can start your own. It's wutev. Every once in a while David tackles him a Goliath. ( Depending on how high you can kick. )
Interesting read... So What I got out of it was "Just STFU and do it"

Re: I Got A Question On Being A Game Programmer As Job

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:35 am
by dandymcgee
davidthefat wrote: Interesting read... So What I got out of it was "Just STFU and do it"
And make sure you Stand Out among many others while doing it (FYI Using sparkly highlighters on your resume is NOT recommended). 8-)

@qpHalcy0n: Thank you for that!

Re: I Got A Question On Being A Game Programmer As Job

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:56 pm
by eatcomics
woah qp, that was a great speach