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Man gets paid to smoke pot! O_o

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:07 am
by Marx Chaotix
Apparently this dude is a Marijauna critic who smokes weed and rates it recommending it to those who can legally smoke it.
To be honest I think it's a cool job and bet not so far from now regardless of whether or not we want it to be legal it will eventually become legal.

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Re: Man gets paid to smoke pot! O_o

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:38 pm
by Milch
I hope that Marijauna will become legal someday.
I personally dont smoke - but I read about it and it said that it isnt as bad as alcohol in terms of hurting your body.
Also, I've never seen a high person who gets agressive - but alot of people who get agressive when they are drunk.

Re: Man gets paid to smoke pot! O_o

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:13 pm
by dandymcgee
Lol.. "he's very familiar with public policies.. and he can punctuate." Seriously though, the government needs to legalize marijuana, then tax the shit out of it. It's gonna end up being a lot cheaper than it is now anyways, and maybe the rest of us will save some money on more important things.. like school expenses.

Re: Man gets paid to smoke pot! O_o

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:04 pm
by LeonBlade
I love TYT I saw this also this morning before I went to bed.
I don't like drugs, smoking, or drinking at all. But I think legalizing it wont really do any harm.
It's not like the people who want to do it already haven't, like it being illegal is stopping them... so nothing will really change.
The only thing is I'm afraid that more drugs will be pushed to be legalized and then we'll just have drugs all over... but that's just me being a paranoid drug hating person :)

Re: Man gets paid to smoke pot! O_o

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:39 am
by EccentricDuck
Honestly, it should just be legalized. By that same token, no smoking it inside or in places where other people can't avoid being exposed to it, but make its use and possession legal. I've had it and I do every now and then since I have friends and some family that do smoke it, but I don't do it often (once every few months). I also don't really like getting drunk, though I enjoy the occasional beer or glass of wine. I usually like to be at the top of game for whatever I'm doing, but I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with its use (aside from personal health concerns over inhaling partially combusted plant material into your lungs which can't be good for you if it's on a regular basis).

Besides, if it's legalized then farmers can start growing hemp for making paper products, clothing, etc. It's probably the best plant we know of for its fiber content, it's not hard on the soil (unlike corn), grows incredibly fast (unlike trees), and the leftovers can be used for biofuels. Of course that would kill the lumber industry, but less logging and reliance on wood imports isn't necessarily a bad thing (well, aside from the fact that where I'm from that's a major export, but I'm sure that hemp would become as big if not bigger if it was easier for farmers to grow it and I'm not for subsidizing inefficiencies and poor environmental practices through market restrictions anyway).

Re: Man gets paid to smoke pot! O_o

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:18 pm
by wearymemory
Heck, let's legalize all drugs. As long as it's done in a properly maintained hospital facility, then thinning out the population isn't such a bad idea.

Re: Man gets paid to smoke pot! O_o

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 2:03 pm
by dandymcgee
EccentricDuck wrote: Besides, if it's legalized then farmers can start growing hemp for making paper products, clothing, etc. It's probably the best plant we know of for its fiber content, it's not hard on the soil (unlike corn), grows incredibly fast (unlike trees), and the leftovers can be used for biofuels. Of course that would kill the lumber industry, but less logging and reliance on wood imports isn't necessarily a bad thing (well, aside from the fact that where I'm from that's a major export, but I'm sure that hemp would become as big if not bigger if it was easier for farmers to grow it and I'm not for subsidizing inefficiencies and poor environmental practices through market restrictions anyway).
And forest (pot plantation) fires will become that much more fun.

Re: Man gets paid to smoke pot! O_o

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 6:31 pm
by EccentricDuck
dandymcgee wrote:And forest (pot plantation) fires will become that much more fun.
Lol :lol:

In all seriousness though, the thc in hemp is more than an order of magnitude lower than its cousin - it's not practical for smoking. The problem is that it looks similar to marijuana so you need to get a bunch of permits (at least here), law enforcement gets antsy about it, it's a bureaucratic nightmare, and you get the occasional idiot who thinks you're growing pot and drives onto your land and steals a bunch (I know a farmer who tried growing it and some dude went driving through his fence one night and must've stuffed a whole bunch into his car).