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A tribute to GBA and dark times ahead.

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:32 pm
by Falco Girgis
I get both GamePro and Electronic Gaming Monthly magazines now. I don't like what I see at all. With the newfangled handhelds like the Nintendo DS and Sony PSP just around the horizon, the gaming industry doesn't look good for respectable, classic-respecting gamers.

Remember what happened when N64 came out? Nintendo generally took a steep ride downhill with all of this 3D newfangledness. Mario fans haven't seen a respectable new Mario game since Paper Mario on the N64. We haven't even seen a good Mario platformer since the days of SNES and Virtual boy -- period.

The DS and PSP is not only going to bring us into this sub-par "everything must be 3D state", but also you can say goodbye to your favorite classic series.

Let's face it. I bet not one of us here can say they didn't have more fun with their SNES back in the day than they do now with their cube. We aren't going to be seeing anymore Mario World(s). No more respectable Kirby titles. Kiss the DK franchise goodbye.

This is why I must pay my respects to my GBA. I owe it an apology. It coming out in the peak of Nintendo's stupidity era made me a bit skeptical of its newfangled self. Although its hardware really is fairly sub-par compared to its 16-bit SNES counterpart, we must admit the GBA was awesome.

If nothing else, the GBA was worth it for a sole purpose: ports.

This past year, I can't deny that the consoles I've played most are DC and GBA. I've played GBA so much. All of the respectable SNES and NES classics were rereleased on it. Sure, they had to attempt to soil it by giving Mario voice in Super Mario Advance or even taking away our favorite secrets in Yoshi's island. Even if they had to take away the beautiful background animations from the DK remakes. I can't deny that overall, I had just as much fun with the GBA as I did with the classic SNES and NES.

Without the GBA, I would've sunk into a period of depression. No good games have come out for a while.

You know the newest games I've bought for the PS2? Megaman Anniversary Collection and Sonic Mega Collection Plus. Both titles are remakes of the NES and Genesis classics that we love oh so much.

The GBA will be the end of 2D as we know it. I look back at DKC2 and my Mario Advance ports with love and respect now. The last of a dieing breed. I hope the GBA dies with respect. Respect that it so desperately deserves.

The GBA will be the last light in the gaming industry. All that I see ahead now are dark times. . .

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:24 am
by Orgodemirk
Thank you for deppressing me.

And Dark times will be prevented once Sega's contracts with sony, microsoft, and nintendo expire and they can make a new console.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 9:35 am
by Showdin
OMG... I just realized that just might be my favorite post since birth of the Chaos Rift. I willive by those coments and pay much more respect to my GBA. But I look down on those who want to see the GBA get blasted away quickly by the oncoming 3d generation. I for one am not buying a DS because I am perfectly happy with my GBASP. I love that old little bastard. But most of my respects obviously go to SNES. I have already started investing in my SNES. And by the wayt I went to game crazy yesterday and Yoshi's Island costed 12$! Although I already own it for GBA I wanted the classic so I let them rip me off. Oh and DKC costs 10$!!!

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:58 am
by Falco Girgis
Hyper Shadow wrote:And Dark times will be prevented once Sega's contracts with sony, microsoft, and nintendo expire and they can make a new console.
Yeah, the Dreamcast 2 might be able to bring us out of these dark times.
Showdin wrote:I willive by those coments and pay much more respect to my GBA. But I look down on those who want to see the GBA get blasted away quickly by the oncoming 3d generation. I for one am not buying a DS because I am perfectly happy with my GBASP.
There is much wisdom in your words. How I do agree with you Showdin.
Showdin wrote:But most of my respects obviously go to SNES. I have already started investing in my SNES.
Maybe we should all start buying classic games for our most respected consoles. I'm sure that one day, one sad, sad day, We'll walk into Rhino or GameStop and find that they no longer carry our favorite classics. They'll say that they need more room for their newfangledness. I for one am not going to let my precious 16 and 8 bit titles slip away. Time to start collecting. . .

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 3:28 pm
by spideyspiderman2000
Wow. That really spoke to me. I just now realized how the GBA is going to be the last of the GameBoy series. Maybe they'll make another GB system, and the DS can just be a secondary handhold. I doubt it appens though, so with these words, here are my respects to the GameBoy

*Patriotic music plays in background*

Re: A tribute to GBA and dark times ahead.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 7:26 pm
by FredDibnah
GyroVorbis wrote: Let's face it. I bet not one of us here can say they didn't have more fun with their SNES back in the day than they do now with their cube.
Kids young now will be saying the same thing about Gamecube and Playstation 2 ten years from now. It all depends on what you grow up with.
GyroVorbis wrote:We aren't going to be seeing anymore Mario World(s).

There's one coming out for the DS.

GyroVorbis wrote:The GBA will be the last light in the gaming industry. All that I see ahead now are dark times. . ..

What's the big deal? It's just graphics. Graphics don't make a fun game, and Super Smash Bros. Melee, Kirby Air Ride, Metroid Prime, and Paper Mario 2 are all very good games.

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:40 pm
by JS Lemming
What do you think those old atari guys said when the "newfanglednes" came out. FredDibnah is right, its what you grow up with. If you guys don't want to see your classics die, just make new sequels for them. Trust me, with 2D's simplicity, it ain't going anywhere, especialy for new programmers. I'll probably still make 2D games for a long time, of course I will tamper with 3D.. probably make a few first person shooters... but 3D is tuff cookies.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 9:33 am
by spideyspiderman2000
I agree with both. Graphics have never made a game. Kirby Air Ride, Smash Bros., etc. are all great games, but you've got to admit, there are differences between 3-D and 2-D platforms.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 11:47 am
by Falco Girgis
Of course it depends on your generation. EVERYBODY at this forum here was raised in the most respectable 8-16 bit era. It isn't going to be a big deal for those born in the 64 bit era. It will for us though.

No, graphics never did make a good game. But they SURE AS HELL DID SOIL GOOD GAMES! Yes, I'm not biased with 2 and 3D. They SHOULD be equal. Nintendo just has a damn bad reputation of going newfangled with their franchises in 3D. Mario 64? Mario jumped in pictures without a fireflower in site. Kirby 64. Remember that monstrosity? They tried to keep it in 2D and made everything a 2D polygon. That game was NOTHING compared to kirby SuperStar. Donkey Kong 64? Sure, that was a good game, but not like the originals.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:42 pm
by JS Lemming
I know one franchise that was PERFECTLY busted through to 3D... Metroid Prime Fools! At least the first one.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 5:45 pm
by spideyspiderman2000
Nintendo experiments with their games. You can't just stay in one era. It would get really old after a while. For example: You could make a game with awesome graphics that everyone agrees are great, but the whole plot of the game would be to help a rock go up a flight of stairs. Look beyond graphics.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 6:31 pm
by Falco Girgis
It has nothing to do with graphics.

Look at Mario. I grew up eating mushrooms and fireflowers with him destroying bricks.

What the hell is this "I have a jetpack and I'm ideal for a 3 year old" bullcrap? that is not graphics, that's purely Nintendo soilage.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:04 pm
by FredDibnah
"Of course it depends on your generation. EVERYBODY at this forum here was raised in the most respectable 8-16 bit era. It isn't going to be a big deal for those born in the 64 bit era. It will for us though."

Not everybody. The only games I played when I was little was the occaisonal Dennis the Menace and Mario Kart/World at my cousin's house. :D

What I grew up with were the few N64 classics: Goldeneye, Zelda OOT and MM, Ken Griffey Jr. MLB, ect...

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:08 pm
by Showdin
I'm sure that one day, one sad, sad day, We'll walk into Rhino or GameStop and find that they no longer carry our favorite classics. They'll say that they need more room for their newfangledness. I for one am not going to let my precious 16 and 8 bit titles slip away.
I might have failed to mention to tell you guys in any of my posts since I last visited gamestop, but... THEY HAVE ALREADY GOTTEN RID OF EVERYTHING FROM NES TO N64!AND THE RESPECTABLE 128 BIT DREAMCAST! Dreamcast just couldn't handle the nintendo and sony franchises so they were obviously not popular. That is why gamestop stopped selling ALL dreamcast goodz! I mean, at least gamecrazy (right by gamestop) has respectable titles like DCK and coon mario! They might not hardly ever have NES/SNES systems and controllers because they don't make them anymore but they still sell what makes a classic NES or SNES a classic....THE GAMES! They have A ton of tasteful old-school games that would fit any genre. Yes, unfortunately that does include those gay sports games that are usually only played by the football fux, or 40 year old men. I will close this post with I few words that mean a lot to me....Must the NES/SNES die? Just because of the oncoming cube and other newfangled monstrosities? HELL NO! Do something about it. Go to your local game store and purchase NES and SNES goods. This one is for the DS and all of those damn newfangled piles of bullshit! :(|):

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:09 pm
by Showdin