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Suggestions, por favor?:D

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 8:40 pm
by epicasian
So, I've been out of programming/coding for a while. School, gaming and drama really can hinder one's schedule. Also, it doesn't help that my PC's video card decided to die on me when I really want to get back into programming.

So internets, I have come to you asking for some suggestions. Should I start over with the same language and library that I have been using? Or should I try something else since I don't remember that much anyway? I've got my old, PoS PC up and running until I get my Macbook in a week or so.

Re: Suggestions, por favor?:D

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:42 am
by D-e-X
epicasian wrote:So, I've been out of programming/coding for a while. School, gaming and drama really can hinder one's schedule. Also, it doesn't help that my PC's video card decided to die on me when I really want to get back into programming.

So internets, I have come to you asking for some suggestions. Should I start over with the same language and library that I have been using? Or should I try something else since I don't remember that much anyway? I've got my old, PoS PC up and running until I get my Macbook in a week or so.
And that language and library is?...
And it totally depends on what you're going to do... what kind of apps, etc.

Re: Suggestions, por favor?:D

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:58 am
by Sam034
I can't really help if I don't know what language you were studying but...

I have a real life example that may be of use. I learn java in my classes at college, but I study c++ hardcore on my off time. Because I had that little foundation of Java switching to c++ was easy. I got really good at c++ (the foundations) and now when I do my Java stuff for class, It's a breeze. It's because java was made from c++ so when I am working on one language, I learn more about the other language.

I would suggest to either start with the same language or start with a language that is related to that original language. They feed off of each other and give you a greater understanding.

Re: Suggestions, por favor?:D

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:12 pm
by epicasian
Well, I was working in C++, and had tons of fun doing so. Now that I look back, I think that I was jumping headfirst into the language with no sense of programming theory. I think the reason I somewhat struggled with grasping the more difficult concepts was my ignorance of said theory.
As for the library, I was using SFML. I liked SFML, but I felt that I had a lot less control over what was going on. To be completely honest, when I followed Lazy Foo's tutorials on SDL, I was basically copying and pasting everything, and learning nothing. Now that I have (for lack of a better phrase/word) became more patient with my work, I think that I could use SDL and eventually mix it with OpenGL and achieve a result that I can call mine.

However, I would like to do some programming in C#, Java or maybe even straight C just to get the experience. I've dabbled with both C# and Java here and there, but nothing really that big honestly. Next year, I'm taking a Java programming course at my school. So I don't think it would be a good idea to learn Java right now, when I'm just going to relearn everything in that course.

Re: Suggestions, por favor?:D

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:21 pm
by D-e-X
epicasian wrote:Well, I was working in C++, and had tons of fun doing so. Now that I look back, I think that I was jumping headfirst into the language with no sense of programming theory. I think the reason I somewhat struggled with grasping the more difficult concepts was my ignorance of said theory.
As for the library, I was using SFML. I liked SFML, but I felt that I had a lot less control over what was going on. To be completely honest, when I followed Lazy Foo's tutorials on SDL, I was basically copying and pasting everything, and learning nothing. Now that I have (for lack of a better phrase/word) became more patient with my work, I think that I could use SDL and eventually mix it with OpenGL and achieve a result that I can call mine.

However, I would like to do some programming in C#, Java or maybe even straight C just to get the experience. I've dabbled with both C# and Java here and there, but nothing really that big honestly. Next year, I'm taking a Java programming course at my school. So I don't think it would be a good idea to learn Java right now, when I'm just going to relearn everything in that course.
Sounds good. However, learning Java now would be a GREAT choice imo... first of all, it's hella easy, and you will have to worry more about the theories and designs instead of the language, and the thing is, repetition is GOOD for learning, even though you will take a course soon and you may know it all, repeating will only increase your confidence in yourself and the language!

Re: Suggestions, por favor?:D

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 2:39 pm
by eatcomics
epicasian wrote:Well, I was working in C++, and had tons of fun doing so. Now that I look back, I think that I was jumping headfirst into the language with no sense of programming theory. I think the reason I somewhat struggled with grasping the more difficult concepts was my ignorance of said theory.
As for the library, I was using SFML. I liked SFML, but I felt that I had a lot less control over what was going on. To be completely honest, when I followed Lazy Foo's tutorials on SDL, I was basically copying and pasting everything, and learning nothing. Now that I have (for lack of a better phrase/word) became more patient with my work, I think that I could use SDL and eventually mix it with OpenGL and achieve a result that I can call mine.

However, I would like to do some programming in C#, Java or maybe even straight C just to get the experience. I've dabbled with both C# and Java here and there, but nothing really that big honestly. Next year, I'm taking a Java programming course at my school. So I don't think it would be a good idea to learn Java right now, when I'm just going to relearn everything in that course.
Learn Qt and OpenGL :D That's what I'm using

Re: Suggestions, por favor?:D

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:13 pm
by mv2112
I would go with straight C, Gods Programming Language 8-)