You can definitely do OOP in Flash, or
ActionScript (AS) as the language is called. It's actually a dialect of JavaScript, both being implementations of ECMAScript (the standard name of the language) and they vary so little from each other that, for the purposes of this discussion they're the same.
The thing to remember about OO in Flash AS is that it uses Prototype-based inheritance. I think this is more flexible and more powerful than class-based inheritance. If you have never used prototype-based inheritance you will find it quite foreign.
The problem with the OO discussions I see as people learn it is that people seem to equate OO with inheritance. This is a very out-of-date idea but it is sometimes still promoted in universities.
The idea of inheritance being the primary method separating shared and distinct "
state and behaviour" is like the idea of ice cream being your primary food. Ice cream IS food, and it might be yummy and it might stop you from starving to death, but if all you know of food is ice cream, you're missing out on a lot. You're missing out on the best stuff.
Firstly the most frequently discussed idea of inheritance on this forum is only one kind of inheritance, implementation inheritance. Another kind is interface inheritance which is more flexible and more powerful.
And secondly, Flash AS did not originally use classes to define inheritance relationships. The inheritance is dynamically determined based on the runtime prototype relationships amongst the objects. If this sounds fancy, all it means is that instead of having default code that runs in the superclass unless overridden by a subclass, "super" is called "prototype" and it can be changed on a per-object basis by the running code.
This idea is extremely powerful. It's a large part of the power of dynamic systems like Smalltalk and I think the origin of this distinction is actually found in Simula. These languages and concepts are decades older than C++.
Flash's language, ActionScript which is really JavaScript was designed by Eich at Netscape in the 90s and one of the main influencers of this language was Self, an incredible dynamic language with prototype-based inheritance which also influenced the design of Lua.
Now having said that, since ActionScript 2.0, classes and interfaces have been added to the language, so you do get ice cream as well.
So the bottom line, you can definitely do OO in Flash. Just don't expect much help for doing so from Flash for Dummies. In fact you might learn a lot more by learning about JavaScript