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Space Shooter WIP (C++/OpenGL/SDL)

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:32 am
by JesseGuarascia
Hey all! After a few weeks of coding (and months of preparation), I've began development on a Shmup' as it were. Here's a screen shot of what I have so far.


I know it's not much, but I've been really on and off with school getting in the way. A ton of homework, and midterms are coming out soon, so tests up the butt.

Lemme know what you think though, it's all original art. I'm aware that the first enemy (referred to as the "WeakEnemy") and the ship you play as (bottom of the screen), are very different looking (at least to me), so any advice would be helpful on that :).

Also, I'm using a new engine I devised called the TryneEngine. It's more of a Framework at the moment though, making it easier to render 2D Textures in OpenGL. It also has built in Sound and Font stuff (music too). I used a Module based system for game states, like TheBuzzSaw uses for his engine, just I haven't implemented any way to switch between two different states; That's the next thing to do. I also hope to add Lua to it to spiff up the game a bit.

Re: Space Shooter WIP (C++/OpenGL/SDL)

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:36 pm
by jaybee
Nice SHMUP man. I think the player looks pretty good. I'm working on a SHMUP as well but I'm not quite ready for opengl. Maybe you could upload a video when you get a chance. :mrgreen:

Re: Space Shooter WIP (C++/OpenGL/SDL)

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 12:39 pm
by JesseGuarascia
Yeah I definitely will once I get the chance. I wanna add a few more things first though. :D