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Alabama Tornadoes

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:42 am
by hurstshifter
Hey All,

I know that Falco and some others on this board are residents of the great state of Alabama, and I'm sure many of you are from other states in the south that are being hammered by these awful storms/tornadoes over the past few days. I hope that none of you are in areas that have been severely affected by this, but if so my wishes go out to the safety of your friends and family.

For those of you who didn't know about this, the southern US just got hit with some of the biggest and longest lasting tornadoes on record. Alabama being hit the hardest of all; 149 confirmed dead so far and even more in total across all states.


Re: Alabama Tornadoes

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:46 am
by Falco Girgis
Kendall and I are currently sitting at a coffee shop in Nashville, TN letting our cell phones and laptops charge before heading back home.

We spent all night yesterday studying for finals by fucking candlelight and jumping in and out of the closet every time we heard the wind pick up ferociously (sounds like a train). We had no radio, internet, or TV to tell us of any danger or warnings, and the rain was so fucking hard that you could see and hear almost nothing. To top it all off, our piece of shit inconsiderate university didn't even bother letting the students know whether or not we would still be expected to take our finals the next day (UAH is notorious for NEVER fucking closing, no matter how many lives are at stake). So yeah, people were literally dying out there, and we had to keep studying just because we didn't know for 100% sure that school would be canceled...

We have no power, no internet, there is no gas in the entire city, every store is closed, they're trying to impose a ridiculous fucking curfew on us, and all hell has literally broken loose. We will have no communication with the outside world for at very least the next 3 days, more than likely a week, though. There was ONE town in a 50 mile radius that still had power. We were waiting in line for an HOUR to get gas there at 6:30 in the morning. And now, at around noon, the entire town has been cleaned of gas, food, and resources.

On the drive here, I've seen floods, billboards tossed through fields, trees split in half, 18 wheelers flipped over, wreckage strewn about, and buildings leveled.

So yeah, as soon as my Mac charges, we're heading back home to chaos. Peace out world, you won't hear from me for awhile. But yeah, tornadoes ain't got shit on this.

Re: Alabama Tornadoes

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:14 pm
by k1net1k
good luck on both accounts of finals and survival

Re: Alabama Tornadoes

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 1:50 pm
by N64vSNES
GyroVorbis wrote:Kendall and I are currently sitting at a coffee shop in Nashville, TN letting our cell phones and laptops charge before heading back home.

We spent all night yesterday studying for finals by fucking candlelight and jumping in and out of the closet every time we heard the wind pick up ferociously (sounds like a train). We had no radio, internet, or TV to tell us of any danger or warnings, and the rain was so fucking hard that you could see and hear almost nothing. To top it all off, our piece of shit inconsiderate university didn't even bother letting the students know whether or not we would still be expected to take our finals the next day (UAH is notorious for NEVER fucking closing, no matter how many lives are at stake). So yeah, people were literally dying out there, and we had to keep studying just because we didn't know for 100% sure that school would be canceled...

We have no power, no internet, there is no gas in the entire city, every store is closed, they're trying to impose a ridiculous fucking curfew on us, and all hell has literally broken loose. We will have no communication with the outside world for at very least the next 3 days, more than likely a week, though. There was ONE town in a 50 mile radius that still had power. We were waiting in line for an HOUR to get gas there at 6:30 in the morning. And now, at around noon, the entire town has been cleaned of gas, food, and resources.

On the drive here, I've seen floods, billboards tossed through fields, trees split in half, 18 wheelers flipped over, wreckage strewn about, and buildings leveled.

So yeah, as soon as my Mac charges, we're heading back home to chaos. Peace out world, you won't hear from me for awhile. But yeah, tornadoes ain't got shit on this.
Damn dude life really sucks for you right now :(
I didn't even know about this :shock2:

Re: Alabama Tornadoes

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 3:10 pm
by EccentricDuck
Well, I wish you guys the best, as well as everyone else on the boards that is affected by the tornadoes, and hope for a safe return back to normal.

Re: Alabama Tornadoes

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:21 pm
by dr-snipe
Damn that sucks man. Best of luck.

Re: Alabama Tornadoes

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 3:15 pm
by short
Man I can't even imagine what it would be like to live through such a disaster. The Pacific Northwest hasn't had a really big natural disaster (that I was alive for) since our Volcano erupted in 1980-81? (even then I wasn't alive at the time). It's really disheartening to hear so many people have died from the Tornadoes. Running to a closet every time you heard the wind pick up, because it might be a Tornado? That's scary as shit. Especially having no communication with the outside world. I sympathize. I can't wait for your daily concerns in life to go back to how to design X and Y instead of being afraid for your life.

And god damn I hope you both decide to go somewhere else for your masters degrees, I can't imagine any reason a university wouldn't keep their students updated about the status of finals during such a disaster.
But yeah, tornadoes ain't got shit on this.

Re: Alabama Tornadoes

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 6:31 am
by PaperDuckyFTW
From Australia, I saw the report about the Alabama tornado on the news and the FIRST single thought that ran through my head was -
'Holy shit...Falco...'
I literally leaned forward and listened intently and just horrified at the sight of the place. I am really glad you and your family/friends are safe (to my knowledge). It really wasn't cool seeing how much shit was upturned and destroyed.

I wish you and anyone else in Alabama the best. It was a bit of a shock and I guess it opened my eyes seeing a news report about a tornado sweeping through a place where people I not only 'knew' but highly respected live. That being said, time to spend more time with my family and make more time for mah friends ;)

Re: Alabama Tornadoes

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 6:57 pm
by Falco Girgis
Guess who has power back, bitches!

Re: Alabama Tornadoes

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 12:48 pm
by dandymcgee
GyroVorbis wrote:Guess who has power back, bitches!
Not Osama.

Re: Alabama Tornadoes

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 2:22 pm
by N64vSNES
GyroVorbis wrote:Guess who has power back, bitches!
I believe this means beer and samba de amigo is an order?

Re: Alabama Tornadoes

Posted: Tue May 03, 2011 3:20 pm
by Falco Girgis
N64vSNES wrote:
GyroVorbis wrote:Guess who has power back, bitches!
I believe this means beer and samba de amigo is an order?
What do you think I did the last 4 days without power? We ran a big ass orange extension cord to the car with a power inverter and drank a lot of beer...

Re: Alabama Tornadoes

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 5:53 pm
by Trask
Good to hear from you again, how's everything looking down there?