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Code Cracker Problems

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:42 am
by FunkyFermion
Hello ladies and gentlemen. For the past few days I have been developing a C program that can crack codes.

Here's the code:

Code: Select all

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define AMOUNT 10 //63
#define MAX 50

int main(int argc,char *argv[]){
	int cracked=0; //boolean to control whether the program has cracked the code or not
	int r=0; //row index
	int c[MAX]; //row column indices
	int f=1; //furthest row segment reached
	char *actualCode="056667421"; //code the agorithm is attempting to emit
	char code[MAX]; //string to store calculated code
	char codex[AMOUNT]={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'}; //could be replaced easily with letters of the alphabet
	int i=0;
				printf("%s ",code);
				if(strcmp(code,actualCode)){ //if this is true, then the it's been cracked
					printf("\nCode is: %s\n",code);
		if(c[f]==AMOUNT-1){ //has f reached 9?
			f++; //then move onto next digit
			c[f]=0; //set next digit to 0
			c[f]++; //up f value
		while(r<f){ //set previous values before current f to 0
	while(1); //stop program from closing
	return 0;
The code has been developed under Xcode(Mac OS X IDE by Apple). When the program in debugged under Xcode and I open up GDB it says:
The Debugger has exited with status 0.
[Session started at 2011-10-02 14:40:16 +0100.]
GNU gdb 6.3.50-20050815 (Apple version gdb-1515) (Sat Jan 15 08:33:48 UTC 2011)
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-apple-darwin".tty /dev/ttys000
Loading program into debugger…
sharedlibrary apply-load-rules all
Program loaded.
[Switching to process 17381]

Code is:
...And doesn't display the code although it has supposedly been cracked(passed the integrity test).

Why is it doing that?
Thanks in advance.

Re: Code Cracker Problems

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:22 pm
by cypher1554R
It's a special setting that FBI embedded into all compilers that would prevent you from making code cracking programs.. Son, you can't crack code if you can't debug your own code. :)

Re: Code Cracker Problems

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:23 pm
by szdarkhack
strcmp returns 0 on success, which would be a logical 'false': ... ng/strcmp/. Right now your algorithm exits immediately because your 'if' check will pass when the strings are *not* identical.

Add an ! in your if and it should work, unless i missed some other error.

Re: Code Cracker Problems

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:49 pm
by dandymcgee
cypher1554R wrote:It's a special setting that FBI embedded into all compilers that would prevent you from making code cracking programs.. Son, you can't crack code if you can't debug your own code. :)

Re: Code Cracker Problems

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:56 pm
by FunkyFermion
szdarkhack wrote:strcmp returns 0 on success, which would be a logical 'false': ... ng/strcmp/. Right now your algorithm exits immediately because your 'if' check will pass when the strings are *not* identical.

Add an ! in your if and it should work, unless i missed some other error.
Well I've done that and now I get loads of numbers preceded by a slash in the form of the code variable.
[Session started at 2011-10-02 20:48:17 +0100.]
GNU gdb 6.3.50-20050815 (Apple version gdb-1515) (Sat Jan 15 08:33:48 UTC 2011)
Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are
welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.
Type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-apple-darwin".tty /dev/ttys000
Loading program into debugger…
sharedlibrary apply-load-rules all
Program loaded.
[Switching to process 18245]
0\300_\377 1\300_\377 2\300_\377 3\300_\377 4\300_\377 5\300_\377 6\300_\377 7\300_\377 8\300_\377 9\300_\377 00\300_\377 10\300_\377 20\300_\377 30\300_\377 40\300_\377 50\300_\377 60\300_\377 70\300_\377 80\300_\377 90\300_\377 01\300_\377 11\300_\377 21\300_\377 31\300_\377 41\300_\377 51\300_\377 61\300_\377 71\300_\377 81\300_\377 91\300_\377 02\300_\377 12\300_\377 22\300_\377 32\300_\377 42\300_\377 52\300_\377 62\300_\377 72\300_\377 82\300_\377 92\300_\377 03\300_\377 13\300_\377 23\300_\377 33\300_\377 43\300_\377 53\300_\377 63\300_\377 73\300_\377 83\300_\377 93\300_\377 04\300_\377 14\300_\377 24\300_\377 34\300_\377 44\300_\377 54\300_\377 64\300_\377 74\300_\377 84\300_\377 94\300_\377 05\300_\377 15\300_\377 25\300_\377 35\300_\377 45\300_\377 55\300_\377 65\300_\377 75\300_\377 85\300_\377 95\300_\377 06\300_\377 16\300_\377 26\300_\377 36\300_\377 46\300_\377 56\300_\377 66\300_\377 76\300_\377 86\300_\377 96\300_\377 07\300_\377 17\300_\377 27\300_\377 37\300_\377 47\300_\377 57\300_\377 67\300_\377 77\300_\377 87\300_\377 97\300_\377 08\300_\377 18\300_\377 28\300_\377 38\300_\377 48\300_\377 58\300_\377 68\300_\377 78\300_\377 88\300_\377 98\300_\377 09\300_\377 19\300_\377 29\300_\377 39\300_\377 49\300_\377 59\300_\377 69\300_\377 79\300_\377 89\300_\377 99\300_\377 000_\377 100_\377 200_\377 300_\377 400_\377 500_\377 600_\377 700_\377 800_\377 900_\377 900_\377 910_\377 920_\377 930_\377 940_\377 950_\377 960_\377 970_\377 980_\377 990_\377 001_\377 101_\377 201_\377 301_\377 401_\377 501_\377 601_\377 701_\377 801_\377 901_\377 901_\377 911_\377 921_\377 931_\377 941_\377 951_\377 961_\377 971_\377 981_\377 991_\377 002_\377 102_\377 202_\377 302_\377 402_\377 502_\377 602_\377 702_\377 802_\377 902_\377 902_\377 912_\377 922_\377 932_\377 942_\377 952_\377 962_\377 972_\377 982_\377 992_\377 003_\377 103_\377 203_\377 303_\377 403_\377 503_\377 603_\377 703_\377 803_\377 903_\377 903_\377 913_\377 923_\377 933_\377 943_\377 953_\377 963_\377 973_\377 983_\377 993_\377 004_\377 104_\377 204_\377 304_\377 404_\377 504_\377 604_\377 704_\377 804_\377 904_\377 904_\377 914_\377 924_\377 934_\377 944_\377 954_\377 964_\377 974_\377 984_\377 994_\377 005_\377 105_\377 205_\377 305_\377 405_\377 505_\377 605_\377 705_\377 805_\377 905_\377 905_\377 915_\377 925_\377 935_\377 945_\377 955_\377 965_\377 975_\377 985_\377 995_\377 006_\377 106_\377 206_\377 306_\377 406_\377 506_\377 606_\377 706_\377 806_\377 906_\377 906_\377 916_\377 926_\377 936_\377 946_\377 956_\377 966_\377 976_\377 986_\377 996_\377 007_\377 107_\377 207_\377 307_\377 407_\377 507_\377 607_\377 707_\377 807_\377 907_\377 907_\377 917_\377 927_\377 937_\377 947_\377 957_\377 967_\377 977_\377 987_\377 997_\377 008_\377 108_\377 208_\377 308_\377 408_\377 508_\377 608_\377 708_\377 808_\377 908_\377 908_\377 918_\377 928_\377 938_\377 948_\377 958_\377 968_\377 978_\377 988_\377 998_\377 009_\377 109_\377 209_\377 309_\377 409_\377 509_\377 609_\377 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900002 910002 920002 930002 940002 950002 960002 970002 980002 990002 990002 991002 992002 993002 994002 995002 996002 997002 998002 999002 999002 999102 999202 999302 999402 999502 999602 999702 999802 999902 999902 999912 999922 999932 999942 999952 999962 999972 999982 999992 000003 100003 200003 300003 400003 500003 600003 700003 800003 900003 900003 910003 920003 930003 940003 950003 960003 970003 980003 990003 990003
It should go like this:

Re: Code Cracker Problems

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:16 pm
by szdarkhack
You're initializing the entire c[] to -1, and then using that to index into the codex[] array. I'm surprised it didn't crash, but random garbage output should give you the hint that you're out of bounds on some array. Change the initialization to 0, it should fix that. By the way, the debugger is there for a reason...

Re: Code Cracker Problems

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 3:33 pm
by FunkyFermion
szdarkhack wrote:You're initializing the entire c[] to -1, and then using that to index into the codex[] array. I'm surprised it didn't crash, but random garbage output should give you the hint that you're out of bounds on some array. Change the initialization to 0, it should fix that. By the way, the debugger is there for a reason...
The column array value is never used when it is in a state of -1, the -1 is just a placeholder. The numbers are correctly looping but it seems to be adding the string "\300_\377" to the end of all the code attempts?

Re: Code Cracker Problems

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:10 pm
by Ginto8
If you actually look at what the code is outputting, it's just doing 0,1,2... up to 99 followed by \300_\377, then 000 to 999 followed by _\377, then 0000 to 9999 followed by \377, then just normal numbers. the change in the numbers isn't entirely sequential, but that's the basic pattern; this means that it is NOT cracking the code, just outputting the combinations it's tried. Also, you in fact ARE using all c[n]'s when they're -1 ("code[r]=codex[c[r]];"). Anyway, this can't really crack any codes, as it's really only outputting data it's already been given.

Re: Code Cracker Problems

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 4:29 pm
by FunkyFermion
Ginto8 wrote:If you actually look at what the code is outputting, it's just doing 0,1,2... up to 99 followed by \300_\377, then 000 to 999 followed by _\377, then 0000 to 9999 followed by \377, then just normal numbers. the change in the numbers isn't entirely sequential, but that's the basic pattern; this means that it is NOT cracking the code, just outputting the combinations it's tried. Also, you in fact ARE using all c[n]'s when they're -1 ("code[r]=codex[c[r]];"). Anyway, this can't really crack any codes, as it's really only outputting data it's already been given.
By the time it uses a c[n] it's already > -1. The system is basically the number system backwards. It's designed to crack any char code consisting of ANY type of char from the codex.

EDIT: Once the algorithm is fixed it will work on data that isn't already in the immediate memory of the program.

Re: Code Cracker Problems

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:45 pm
by szdarkhack
FunkyFermion wrote: By the time it uses a c[n] it's already > -1.
Is that so? Look closely...
FunkyFermion wrote:

Code: Select all

	int i=0;
		c[i]=-1;                                               [b]// <- All c[] is initialized to -1[/b]
		r=0;                                                   [b]// <- still -1[/b]
		while(r<f){                                         [b]// <- hmm, still -1[/b]
			while(c[r]<AMOUNT){                 [b]// <- yeap, STILL -1[/b]
				code[r]=codex[c[r]];          [b]// <- BOOM!! You're dead. Out of bounds.[/b]
				printf("%s ",code);
