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Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 11:10 pm
by Krystal Kirby
Heh, i'm bored and I haven't made a new topic in awhile so I thought I should.....Yesterday I amazingly found out that they sold BAWLS at smiths, which is in walking distance of my house....Just thought you were interested in knowing :mrgreen: I also wanted to know which you preferred.....

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 11:11 pm
by Krystal Kirby
I should have gave this topic a different name but Smiths was the first thing that came to mind

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 7:13 am
by Falco Girgis
It all depends on my mood. If I'm feeling nice already, I'd go for the Frappuccino.

If I'm feeling all emo and tired and sad, gimme the bawls. But over 2 in a day is dangerous. Who the hell cares, I've had like 5 once. Anyways, I couldn't rightly decide between these two orgasmic beverages.

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 8:01 am
by Dark Crusader
Hmmm.....Must. resist.. making ..joke.. about. .BAWLS!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 4:32 pm
by TiredSikTwisted
Man, there should have a been a "Neither". The last thing you want me to have is caffeine unless you want me to go all emo (instead of getting hyper I get depressed because I am ADHD).

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 7:15 pm
by Krystal Kirby
hmmm, I tried to add MountainDew but I was leaving at the moment so i had to hurry, yeah, I have ADHD too, I drank too many energy drinks and fell off a cement wall by Smiths over the weekend......Shows how smart I am :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 8:38 pm
by Falco Girgis
TiredSikTwisted wrote:Man, there should have a been a "Neither". The last thing you want me to have is caffeine unless you want me to go all emo (instead of getting hyper I get depressed because I am ADHD).
ROFL! That's hilarious (not that you have that condition, just visualizing it.) :guffaw:

He's bouncing off the walls. Then, *glug* *glug*


You know what? Life really sucks... I suck... my family sucks... What am I here for? Maybe I should just die? *rushes to get razor blade* *slices* God dammit, I can't even kill myself right! I'm worthless! *emo tears* *drinks more Mountain Dew to initiate the never ending cycle of emo-ism*

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 9:08 pm
by DJ Yoshi

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 11:09 pm
by Krystal Kirby
What did MountainDew ever do to you?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 5:48 am
by Falco Girgis
Krystal Kirby wrote:What did MountainDew ever do to you?
What in the hell?

Did you randomly decide to omit TST's post?

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 6:19 am
by spideyspiderman2000
Do the Dew...

I voted frappucinio. Coffee kicks ass.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2005 4:31 pm
by Krystal Kirby
sorry i was in a really pissy mood........... :oops:

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:40 am
by Dark Crusader
Gyro! Im the only one that has the true mental stability to imitate suicide! Fool!!!!! Leave it to the pros!

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:49 pm
by 1st_Movement
Bawls. Caffeine is a drug...and it's one that isn't quite so bad. I mean...seriously it makes you feel all happy and everything.

Besides...I hate coffee. When I was little I burned myself with it...and it tasted bad.

Yet...I miss surge. THAT was THE BEST soda EVER!!! EVER!!! They had to stop making it cause of the dangers of lots of sugar + caffeine. Quite funny really...not to mention their commercials had a bunch of people beating eachother up for a can of the stuff. Nothing like a good beatdown to make you want a soda...

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2005 9:28 am
by spideyspiderman2000
Surge was great. I remember they had it in about every soda machine in my neighborhood. Then the little "incident" happened.