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Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 8:08 pm
by Falco Girgis
Graphics: 9.5
Sound: 10.0
Replay: 9.0
Gameplay: 9.5

Review: Super Mario Bros. 3 is a nearly flawless game. It is also arguably the greatest game of all time. This is also a game that many children have been deprived of. As it is old, unless they've bought Mario Advance 4, they probably wouldn't know what this is! The game seems endless and really puts NES to the test.

The graphics almost make me pity my poor NES. They must be pushing it to the max. The game seems light years away from the original Mario as far as graphics are concerned. Each level is bursting with diverse color that almost no other 8-bit game has. Mario, Luigi, and other enemy sprites are nicely detailed. The surroundings look cartoonish and hand drawn, certainly not blocky. Everything looks smooth. In my opinion the only downside here is the simple, usually one colored, background. But hey, it may not bother you.

Did you Know?
Super Mario Bros. 3 holds the current world record for the most games sold. That alone should tell you what a respectable title this is!

The sound is similar to the first Super Mario Bros. This is a good thing because everybody liked that. There are also so many new sound effects that you discover you'll never be able to keep track of. Most old well known sounds are back too, like jumping and getting a mushroom.

The gameplay is very similar to the first installment of the Super Mario Bros. series. There are just some added concepts. For example, the well known raccoon suit. When Mario runs, his running meter begins to fill, when he gains enough speed for it to be full, he can take off in flight for a while. There is also a Tanooki suit which does everything that the raccoon suit does with the addition of allowing Mario to become temporarily invincible. Frog suit is another one that allows you to swim better.
There are eight worlds with an indefinite amount of levels in each. All have over ten levels. Although the game is jam packed with levels, the only downside is that they are extremely short. At the end of each world, you battle another of Bowser's children. After they have all been defeated, you fight Bowser himself.

It didn't matter how much Super Mario Bros. 2 sucked. It could of been Tetris for all that I care. A world record holder? Only an idiot would miss this one!