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Super Mario 64 (N64)

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2005 8:24 pm
by Falco Girgis
Graphics: 10.0
Sound: 9.0
Replay: 8.0

Review: Super Mario 64 is just something else. I remember playing 2D Mario all my life. Then, I went to GameStop and saw this game on display. BAM! Like a monkey wrench being thrown at your testicles. It hit me. Not only was this game 3D, but it was Mario! I'd sit there drooling for hours. A year later I got an N64 and this game with it. One word to describe the game would be 'breath-taking'.

Graphics were so nice, they were sick. I'd never seen anything like it. It was like being Mario in real life. Levels were just bursting with color and animation. The game had a depth that no other Mario game could achieve. Hazy caves, snowy mountains, green meadows, fiery volcanoes and more could be explored. The diverse graphics were just beautiful. Unlike the Playstation, Mario 64 didn't have a single jagged edge. Everything is smooth and beautiful.

Sound was not mediocre. It was beautiful. Catchy tunes were featured in normal levels. They had fairly fast addicting beats. On the other hand, water levels, caves, and other things had slow and beautiful music. It made you want to listen to it as you sleep. Sound effects were great as well. From metal Mario clanking on the ground to Mario's trademarked 'Mamamia', it is all good.

Everything was revolutionary about this game. This included the gameplay. There are about 12 different themed courses. Each with 6 missions that needed to be completed to win the course. After completing a mission you earn a star to unlock and gain access to different parts of the castle.
Not only was the style of the play new and cool, but so were Mario's techniques and abilities. Mario can jump, and by doing it three times in a row will flip and get more air. He can do a backflip to gain access to higher places. Long jumping helps him to clear large gaps. Even a tricky wall jump technique was included. This allowed Mario to jump back and forth between walls to reach a high platform. Besides jumps, Mario could climb poles, fly, become invisible, turn metal, and do many other things. THIS is a masterpiece.

To conclude this review, buy it. No, no. Don't talk, just buy it. I have nothing to gain by tricking you into buying something. I speak the truth. You'll love it. This was Mario's first 3D adventure and will probably never be forgotten. The game marks a huge jump in the history of video gaming!