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Post by TiredSikTwisted »

Why the hell do you people fight so much (only talking to those who do). This is a community and communities fall appart if all that people do is bitching at eachother. Please lay off the fagdom that has become of your presence of mind and posting :). All those who act like Arce will be treated like Arce.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

OMGFG! I h4+3 j00 and I h0p3 U d13!!~!11111oneoneone2
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Post by FredDibnah »

h3y no flameing u know sh** like that gets u in truble, dumbas!!!?!!
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Post by Dark Crusader »

Yes! Reinforsments! Now let us go on a crusade and stop all of those flamers by shouting peace and harmony at them!!!
Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck. George Carlin
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Post by JS Lemming »

I'm sure that this forum can't last much longer the way people act here these days. Even rules can't keep it together. Who wants to spend time at a forum where the few people that actually post there just argue everytime. It just gets old after a while.
Small girl at the harbor wrote:Look Brandon, that crab's got ham!
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Post by Falco Girgis »

JS Lemming wrote:I'm sure that this forum can't last much longer the way people act here these days. Even rules can't keep it together. Who wants to spend time at a forum where the few people that actually post there just argue everytime. It just gets old after a while.

j00 r not teh boss of m333z. j00 r to B k33ld!!!111

Post by Guest »

Amen my brothers, amen. General/Off topic has gone to hell. You should all get your asses over to the respectable topics, like the Programming Discussion, where things like this aren't allowed to happen. Rules made there are rules ENFORCED, one word you General/Off Topic moderators have heard nothing about. You need to get your act together.

Anyway, in a last desperate call for a respectable moderator, I will cause ultimate chaos. If this forum plunges into darkness, Programming Discussion will be one step closer to victory! MUHAHAHAHA!

Anyway, back to my "in character" Arce self. Until I see respectable RULES and MODERATORS (like me), I will continue to rein chaos. Good day, and remember, Programming Discussion PWNS all.

Why the hell do you people fight so much (only talking to those who do). This is a community and communities fall appart if all that people do is bitching at eachother. Please lay off the fagdom that has become of your presence of mind and posting :). All those who act like Arce will be treated like Arce.
Hmm...That's a hard question... Why do we fight so much...MAYBE BECAUSE GAY FUCKING SOUCHE BAGS LIKE YOURSELF START SHIT YOU DAMNED COCKSUCKER! Was it necessary to put "those who act like Arce will be treated like Arce"? No it wasn't. Rather than sitting and complaining about others, you should do your fucking JOB and add some good moderators, DUMBASS.

I am seriously getting pissed at you. You lie around, complain, and say your Admin powers SHOULDN'T be taken away. Then you promote flamage, cussing, and other distasteful things and sit around and complain. WHAT A DOUCHE.

Can I get an Amen? I doubt it. Right now it may appear as though I am causing a flame war and promoting chaos, which, of course, I am. For those of you who haven't noticed, this is a desperate plea for help. HELP ELECT SOME DAMNED MODERATORS WHO WILL DO THEIR FUCKING JOB AS GOOD AS I DO MINE IN PROGRAMMING DISCUSSION OR BETTER! FUCK, ADMINS, IT SHOULD B YOUR JOB TO START MODERATOR SELECTING TOPICS!

TiredSikTwisted, this may be your golden opportunity to save the forums and cause salvation for everyone! All you must do is...GO HANG YOURSELF FROM A DAMNED CROSS! :spin: (j/k) Sorry, I just had to say that. C.c

But seriously, your time has come to PROVE that you're a good admin. As you can see, I am a plain out asshole. When JS Lemming took banning into his own hands, I considered him a forum Tyrant. When people like you don't do anything with their admin powers, I also complain and say they are not worthy of them. So, the question is, how do you please me and the other forum members at the same time???

START A DAMNED DEMOCRACY! Don't go and "add" words to the filter. Begin a new topic, and ask who WANTS words added, and what words. Don't appoint moderators, hold election to DECIDE moderators. You can be the one to save General/Off topic. Begin a new OFFICIAL topic that is also the first of its kind, an ELECTION. Then, have us decide on two moderators, tell them their forum duties, (something some people lack), and make them moderators. Allow them to create and enforce rules.

Also, I think it's time for an Admin meeting. The forums are getting way out of hand. You should go lock yourselves in an MSN conversation and not return until the forum Constitution is written, containing the forum rules for everything.


Of course, that is all just what I think should be done to solve this problem. I'd enjoy hearing the opinions of others on the subject. Please, tell me what you think of a forum democracy. Maybe I'm just feeling really emo and gay today, or maybe it's a good idea.

Anyway, I'm going to end this post here. Thank you all for reading (if you did). :spin:

PS: TiredSikTwisted, I do not mean to offend you in anyway, all that flammage was my Arce-like way of saying, "I'm not following none-existent rules. God up and go make some rules!" Sorry about that, don't take it personally, you were just the best person to bitch at the time. Peace.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Quit being smacktards. Nothing is going anywhere. The forums aren't leaving or anything. We all fight lots. Nobody cares. I can't think of a single person I'm mad at on these forums right now. It's always good to get your fight out...

Oh, and JSL and I might have a secret that'll bring lots of newcomers here. lots.
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Post by DJ Yoshi »

Arce--get over yourself.

Not only that, but forums are an autocracy, not a democracy. Whatever the owner says goes, period. If you think this won't work, I suggest you visit and go to their forums. Been going strong for over 6 years, they don't allow cussing, flaming, avatars, or even spamming, like some people here do. Hell these forums are free as hell, comparably.

Either way, I doubt the forums are going anywhere anytime soon.
There is no signature.

Post by Guest »

Arce--get over yourself.

Not only that, but forums are an autocracy, not a democracy. Whatever the owner says goes, period. If you think this won't work, I suggest you visit and go to their forums. Been going strong for over 6 years, they don't allow cussing, flaming, avatars, or even spamming, like some people here do. Hell these forums are free as hell, comparably.

Either way, I doubt the forums are going anywhere anytime soon.
:guffaw: OMG! You actually read that trash? Do you know how damned bored I had to be to post that? I've been with the forums since the beginning of their creation, I've been with the site back when it was a strict RPG site made purely for Furcadia and used tripod. It's a matter o' factly, it's still there. I know more about the history of the chaos rift than all the admins except for Gyrovorbis himself. Do you really think that I'd believe that it'd just randomly collapse because of a few flame wars? Nope. I typed all that BS out of sheer boredom, and it gave me a reason to biatch out TiredSikTwisted for his first post.

I will continue to be the forum douche bag until hell freezes over. I may not be an active one, but I've been the forum douche bag since the first forums we had, with all them adds and crap. Hate to burst your bubble DJ Yoshi, but deal with it. :)

Anyway, TiredSikTwisted, I didn't mean any of that shit I posted, in fact, I actually wanna have seks with you. So come here and give me a kiss! :kissing: o.o O.o o.O O.O

DJ Yoshi, I'm too damned sexy to get over myself. Why can't you realize that? Just because you want my ass doesn't give you reason to be a bitch.
Last edited by Guest on Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Especially with our plans in the secret forums.

You know what I'm talking about. *wink*
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Post by Wutai »

AAAAAAAH!!!!! Tell me!!!

Actually, I'll find out when you're done with whatever the "secret" is.
This is a joke about unfunny jokes. And bad use of irony.

Post by Guest »

OMG, the secret thing is so large, I almost forgot that it's secret, LOL! It's hard to believe we're keeping something like that a secret.

Anyway, you're right Wutai, you will see it when it's done. I'm sure everyone will. :spin:
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Post by JS Lemming »

Heh heh.. I remember when GryoVorbis used to drag me around on Furcadia, showing me teh ropes and how to avoid the... "special" people. And I had dial up back then so I could only walk about five tiles a minute as Gyrovorbis made circles around me.

Oh, and GyroVorbis, becareful with your winking. Its a proven fact that enough of them can give someone enough information to decode whatever the *wink* was reffering to. Think I'm kidding foo?
Small girl at the harbor wrote:Look Brandon, that crab's got ham!
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Post by FredDibnah »

Arce, why do you always yell and scream at people then in the next post say "Just kidding, I love you." Why don't you just skip the yelling and save some time?
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