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Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:24 pm
by Falco Girgis
The last you all heard about me on the subject of driving is that I had just gotten my permit.

Man, I've done so much crap since then (what, a few weeks?)

I just got back from driving my dad to Wal-Mart. I pretty much drove to the mall the other day as well.

It was just yesterday that we decided I'd outgrown the old, abandoned street. I first learned there. My dad actually teaches really fast. I'd of expected to start off in a driveway or something and slowly work my way up. Naw, he had me driving around all over on the first day.

Then not too long ago I took a wrong turn and ended up on some busy ass street. I proved that I could handle it so in a mere few weeks I'm now pretty much driving everywhere.

Driving started off fairly stressing (my dad taught me at a fast pace), but it quickly got fun and I got alot better at it. I <3 driving...

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:28 pm
by 1st_Movement
oh yeah. driving is fun. until you realize that it sucks. and its boring after a while. at least for me. PLUS drivers ed...*shudder* you cant do ANYTHING wrong without the whole class coming down on you. (one kid left the parking brake on the whole time...and man he got slammed. except I got slammed MORE for freaking accelerating a bit faster than most people do from a stop. BUNCH OF CRAP. thats what I get for not talking much. stupid people.)

yeah. maybe im just sore about that. lol. I drove by walmart today too. pretty fun. except the stupid people who drive to fast. made me laugh when a police car switched directions he was driving in to take him out. :lol:

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:36 pm
by MarauderIIC
My driver's ed class was easy, and teacher was cool and not very picky.
"One of my students was really afraid of trucks, so we were driving down two-lane a road and here comes a truck in the other direction, and she takes her hands off the wheel and covers her eyes. I reach and grab the wheel, 'Yes, that is a truck. Yes, this is the wheel that helps us avoid the truck."

student - "At least she let go of the wheel"

"Well, let me say this, if it's a choice between us dying or me takin' you out, I'ma takin' you out."

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:55 pm
by 1st_Movement

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 6:45 pm
by Falco Girgis

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 8:00 pm
by Orgodemirk
I can't wait to be able to drive. and :guffaw: