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How's shit been?

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:52 pm
by Ajene
Sup folks? been awhile since I've posted in this forum, Have been watching a few things in keeping up to date with this place and have went over a few old videos over the past few months

I'm finally out of the army, fucked up my back and walk with a cane now soo that's a fun change missing being in and hoping once VA gets off their ass I'll either accept being disabled and take my disability or see if they'll get me back to walking and running and sign my retarded ass back up for poking mines with a stick! Anyway I'll be around more, going back to college again.

Re: How's shit been?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 8:04 am
by dandymcgee
Hey man, nice to see ya again! Hope everything goes okay with your back and you'll be healthy again soon. Glad to hear you're going back to college as well, that's a difficult commitment for many people to make, especially after just getting home. Thank you for your service, and I'm happy to see you home safe.

Re: How's shit been?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:46 am
by eatcomics
Ajene wrote:Sup folks? been awhile since I've posted in this forum, Have been watching a few things in keeping up to date with this place and have went over a few old videos over the past few months

I'm finally out of the army, fucked up my back and walk with a cane now soo that's a fun change missing being in and hoping once VA gets off their ass I'll either accept being disabled and take my disability or see if they'll get me back to walking and running and sign my retarded ass back up for poking mines with a stick! Anyway I'll be around more, going back to college again.
That is a real bummer man, I really do hope some physical therapy will get you back up and running! Things have been pretty quiet here recently. I expect we'll see a resurgence in popularity once they go back to doing Adventures in Game Development though.

Re: How's shit been?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:04 pm
by Ajene
Tried physical therapy while in, I'm not worried though I got my G.I bill and am just working on a new chapter. Might get back to doing game development more, me and another buddy of mine who got injured might be working together with that too. Waiting for when he comes down, he's going to full sail. Other than school and that I just mostly keep drawing and playing my gitfiddle (guitar)