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So what are your hopes, dreams, and goals for the summer?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 10:47 pm
by Falco Girgis
Am I the only one with a 10 page long "to do list"?

I don't know about you guys, but I've been looking forward to this summer too long. I got spring fever way too soon this year (like right after christmas). Lately, I've been counting the seconds until freedom. Every time I take a piss, brush my teeth, and every other idle moment I spend contemplating this summer.

The summer is too good to let go to waste. I have alot of goals and ambitions for this summer and I'm going to do them, g'dammit.

First of all (I know this may sound gay), but I've decided I'm going to keep sort of a "Summer log" or a sort of journal, if you will. For one, I want to remember every glorious moment of my break. I don't want to forget a second of this summer. Also, when the times get tough next year, I'll always have that record of the previous summer to refer to. I can read my thoughts and relive the glory of the previous summer. Maybe that'll help me get through the year. (pretty emo, huh?)

Anyway, I've got (seriously) well over 100 video games on a huge list that I'm going to beat for about 10 different consoles. I'll be posting that shortly after I work out the GBA and Dreamcast games that I am going to beat.

I've also decided this summer that I want Null finished. That actually might not sound like much to achieve over a full summer, but I've decided I want to take a step back. I've been looking into some advanced programming books and have been reading about some programming theories and concepts that I haven't been introduced to yet. Maybe I was jumping ahead of myself by starting a project like Null? I'm going to attempt to learn the finer parts of C/++ before I progress. If I'm going to make something that big, I might as well do it right.

Another goal was that I would learn some assembly. I think I'm going to go with SH-4 as that is what the Dreamcast uses.

Then I had two really wierd goals. One was to learn more about electronics and circuitry. I want to be able to design things with electronics. I want to understand how crap works. I want to be one of the people you see inventing mods for their consoles. The other one was automechanics. I've always hated people that were obsessed with cars and could never shut up about them, but seeing as how I already own a car and will have my license in a few months, I've decided it best. I've seen my parents go through hell paying people to fix some simple things on their cars. I want to learn some of that stuff now so that I can be self-sufficient when I'm older.

One of the larger goals was that will finally be complete. I'm going to start working on picking up some PHP to finally complete the website. I just haven't had enough time to work on it, and apparently people like TiredSikTwisted are complete and total douche bags who do nothing but waste my time. I hope to get people on this website that actually appreciate it and are here for the same reason that it is. Not like all of you who are only here to occassionally post in the "General/Off-topic" forum every once in a full moon, but people who actually give a damn about things that we make or have enough of a brain to leave this forum.

Well, that about sums it up for me. What about you?

Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 1:35 pm
by JS Lemming
Me? Well, in a few days I'll have the downstairs room emptied of random antiquities that my mom is going to sell. You may ask what I would do with a random empty room. Simple... MOVE OUT of this reeking closet!!! Finally, I will be free from the dungeon of a closet that has most likely been the cause of my depression. (note: the closet is not my room, it’s just were my computer has been for the past 12 years. Seriously.) I'm going to make that room my very own Development Studio. Woot Woot. I am going to finish Chainsaw Rally 5 as soon as I set everything up. Then Wutia and me will begin a project we've been dream'n up the past few months. I'll code name it "Project Snow" for now. So what’s going to be so koo about this game? Well lets just say it will probably have a lot of nice physics effects. AND Rag-doll!

Gyrovorbis! Learning SH-4 Asm sounds very fun. Tell me when you get started and we can learn together and help each other out.

About electronics and circuitry, I think they would be uber cool to learn and manipulate. BUT, I am discouraged to go any further than those lil electronics kits you get as a kid. The reason being is that most of the time, in order to see results such as decent console mods, you have to know a LOT about the subject. Something that probably requires teaching from a professional. You would think that schools these days would go along with modern ways, but I don't see an electronics class anywhere over here.

Also Gyrovorbis. Some time this summer we should head over to the Web Development topic and start carefully planning all the necessary things that TCR needs to function like it should. Lets face it, if want this done we gotta do it ourselves. I'm sure there's billions of PHP forums willing to help specific problems we will surely encounter. But a decent tutorial will get us started.

PS: About Null, I suggest you stop all programming right now. Sit back and plan every single thing on paper that will be in the game if you haven't already. I already have to reprogram a large portion of Chainsaw Rally 5 because of poor planing.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 10:44 am
by spideyspiderman2000
I'm going to Florida, Chicago, Minnesota, and South Dakota. Also, I'll be finishing up my current construction paper animation project ( A video Christmas card full of violence and vulgar language). I'm also working on how to perfect my sprite creation.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 7:38 am
by Dark Crusader
I have on dreams, or goals. No really I dont

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 5:14 pm
by 1st_Movement
oh I have lots. lots indeed. so many that I dont know what they are. only one of them comes to mind at the moment...but Ill remember more later. (keep in mind, I seriously doubt that I will come up with the motivation to complete this/these goals)

1) get a life. quite simple really...i have none
2) get into an MMORPG (which kinda eliminates that one...)
3) make money ( money would be nice...)
4) get rediculously good at a game. so good that other people tell me "you take all the fun out of this game
5) never get bored.

thats about it. :D

I can feel #1 slipping away quite quickly...

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 9:34 pm
by Wutai
I want to get as far as possible on Project Snow, plus try to beat Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Beating San Andreas will be very difficult, since I don't actually have the game. My cousin (who lives 2 hours from my house) has it, and I plan to go to his house as much as possible. Maybe I'll order a case of Bawls so that I can stay up all night when I go.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 10:54 am
by Drakor
Well as for me my summer equates to the feeling of being released from a dark, damp, claustrophobic dungeon. I have been grounded/"restricted" since last repot card, and now that we have only half a day of school left I am thoroughly ecstatic. I will be going to my dad's house (Ohio) on the 5th of next month, and we have lots planned. I think the whole journal thing is a good idea, and will probably do one. I have also recently, since my time limit of being on the computer has been 15min one time a week, spending a lot of my time doing nothing of height importance or merit. But I have stumbled upon something that will entertain me should I get bored at my fathers. I have always been interested in 3d animation and modeling, and with the help of [Wilson.Ind] I have got my hands on several prestigious programs. (Vue 5 Pro Studio, Poser 3 and the like) so far it has been very interesting. Esprit is amazing, GyroVorbis you should see some of the things it can do. As for now I have to go, school is about to let out....w00+

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 3:51 pm
by spideyspiderman2000
Don't try to keep a journal. I tried, and it gets frustrating trying to write in it every night, trying to remember every little detail of what you did, and then you'll probably end up losing it.

Anyway, after I'm done typing stuff, I need to make the final scene on the "Christmas Card", and I'll be finished.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 8:35 pm
by 1st_Movement
whenever i kept a journal...i never looked back in it. it made me feel stupid.

but then again...thats probably just me.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 8:02 am
by Falco Girgis
Which is why I stated it's a log not a journal.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 9:34 am
by Showdin
I think I shall also keep a log. That sounds like an awesome thing to do dude! But, my main goal is that I want to come to Alabama and visit my wife and his brother. That would be my dream. The best thing that ever happened to me! I would get to see my best friends! This may sound damn emo, but I miss you guys! We could go on adventures and then record it in our logs. Well that is about all I have to say except for I have a list of like 25 games to beat.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 12:31 pm
by Falco Girgis
I agree. I <3 you my friend. I'm doing everything in my power to be sure that we can reunite this fateful summer.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2005 6:57 pm
by JS Lemming
*cough* Freeaks!

Just foo'n witch ya. :mrgreen:

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 6:34 am
by spideyspiderman2000
AHHH! JSL is some rapper... beeotch... guy. Um... yeah.

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 4:12 pm
by JS Lemming
spideyspiderman2000 wrote:AHHH! JSL is some rapper... beeotch... guy. Um... yeah.
You should have already know that just by my avatar.