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New Poke'mon games. MUST READ EVERYBODY.

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 10:53 pm
by Falco Girgis
I got the latest on the new poke'mon titles: Red fire and Green grass. The games feature story-line-exact gameplay when compared to the original red and green versions (green was released in Japan, blue was released here). The graphics have been DRASTICALLY increased, and the newer aspects from Poke'mon Sapphire and Ruby have been implemented. Poke'mon may even be traded between the two.

Okay, if that isn't great, then what is. Wait'll you hear this!

The games will come with a WIRELESS LINK CABLE! That is right people, play your versions multiplayer without wires. Not only that, but the poke'mon titles will allow text messaging and other such additions.

Okay, if this isn't THE koolest friggin thing you've ever heard, then go burn in hell with the LameCube. REALLY.

I don't give a damn if you hate poke'mon. You need to tip your hat to this, ass.

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 8:09 am
by Don Pwnious
Thats awesome SS
Where would you get those?
I think I would really like them. :spin: :shock: 8)
Is it for Gameboy Advanced? :cheers: :mario?:

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2004 10:33 am
by Falco Girgis
Oh, yeah. I forgot to say. It is for GameBoy Advance. The target release date is summer 2004 (now), but they say it could take longer. The only guarantee we have now is that it'll be released this year.

God, I love the poke'mon games. I don't care if people say they are gay. I'll kick your ass. Even if you don't like poke'mon, text messaging who could resist?

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 11:20 am
by Don Pwnious
I like pokemon, too
I'll probably get it when it comes out. :mrgreen:

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 11:48 pm
by Guest
In this last week I've gone to game Rhino 5 times and spent like 15000 penniez (150 $) in cash or store credit!

Anyway, while I was there I asked about LeafGreen and FireRed (THATS RIGHT FOOLS! LEAFGREEN and FIRERED ARE THE NAMES!) They pulled out some list with hundreds of games' release dates. She said Thay were expected to arrive on october 11. (Happy late b-day Showdin)

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 7:14 am
by Anarki
I am amazed and speachless. I can only say 1 thing.


Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:53 pm
by Guest
I am amazed and speachless. I can only say 1 thing.

How does knowing there are new poke'mon games amaze you and make you speechless? O.o

P.S. If you are speechless, how could you say Holy Shit?

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 6:22 pm
by Showdin
I am going to buy leaf version with the money from my Birthday. Arce you remembered?I can't wait! But I am dumb so this might be a stupid question but does the wireless gaming work all of the way to Alabama from here? That would be kickass! AND another good thing is it is on gameboy advance so I don't ave to go waste my copperz on a ds just for one game!

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 9:40 pm
by Orgodemirk
You know I don't really like Poke'mon that much but... I igh actually get this game TEXT messaging And wireless and a videogame that kix ass.

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 10:05 am
by Guest
But I am dumb so this might be a stupid question but does the wireless gaming work all of the way to Alabama from here?
Naw, I doubt it, unless it's sattolite. I'm getting FireRed. That'll be kick arse! I hear that the wireless thing doesn't make it too much more expensive.

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 1:36 pm
by Orgodemirk
But I am dumb so this might be a stupid question but does the wireless gaming work all of the way to Alabama from here?

Naw, I doubt it, unless it's sattolite. I'm getting FireRed. That'll be kick arse! I hear that the wireless thing doesn't make it too much more expensive.

Actually if it were "sattolite" then it prolly wouldn't work but if it were satellite yes then of course it would work.

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 6:42 pm
by Guest
But I am dumb so this might be a stupid question but does the wireless gaming work all of the way to Alabama from here?

Naw, I doubt it, unless it's sattolite. I'm getting FireRed. That'll be kick arse! I hear that the wireless thing doesn't make it too much more expensive.

Actually if it were "sattolite" then it prolly wouldn't work but if it were satellite yes then of course it would work.

Look who's talking, Mr. "I use 'gay'-maker!" because I'm to stupid to learn a real language!

Hyper Shadow, you low, low shithead. Do you seriously get off on correcting other's typo's? What's the matter, too f*cking gay to use correct punctuation? What in the hell is a "prolly"? If I was to point out all of your spelling and punctuation errors, I'd have well over 200 posts by now! That's not even including your horrible grammar! ! You make me want to puke! :barf:

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 6:54 pm
by Orgodemirk
Well look who's talking Mr. leave his wallet, socks, and shoes at my house. You are the dumbass.