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ADVENTURE LOG #NULL - Flea Market Frenzy

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 11:25 pm
by Falco Girgis
Since Arce and Hyper Shadow are too lazy and/or stupid to log this, I guess I'll have to do it yet again. :?

Okay, I've been sitting on my ass gaming for quite some time now. We decided that we wanted some hardcore adventure. We thought a long journey-ish campaign would suit us well.

We decided that my parents would drop us off at the Flea Market (it was about closing time) and we'd walk all the way home.

And thus the adventure starts at the Flea Market...

The first thing that we noticed in the market, was a Poke'mon/UGO card dispenser. Naturally, we thought we'd try our luck with the Poke'mon cards...

Apparently, our luck was ass, because out popped a Grimer... lord...

Hyper Shadow (right) and I (left in the orange britches) gaze downt he isles at the dingus-y displays and such.

Hyper Shadow and I check out the killer deals. I swear, that crap is so cheap. How about 50 AAs for $1 or $2? How about a BB gun for $2? Yes, we certainly had to check that out.

Examing come cheap-O airsoft ammo.

BEHOLD! The fabulous $2 BB guns!

I'm screwing around with some sort of wooden, snake-like apparatus, and I don't have a clue what HS is doing...

Ah, what would a flea market be without the illegal imports of warezed Nintendo games from Hong Kong? Arce peers over Hyper Shadow's shoulder as he plays some warezed Mario Bros.

OH OH! Lookie, an N64 controller with tons of NES games on it? Notice there is no Nintendo seal or logo or anything... damn warezers....

Mmmm... step right up for some freshly roasted nuts from "the nut shack."

HS and I are checking out some cheap books. Folks, that's why we don't use a flash when there's sunlight all around you...

OMG! More roasted nuts! Only with coffee on the side this time! Oh GLORY!

I snapped a picture of some really odd looking booth that sold antique Chinese art or something. Just shows the randomness you can find at your local dingus market.

We're advancing upon the ungodly, overly-expensive gaming booth.

Arce took a picture into the display case at the green N64 and the Dreamcast beside it. $70 for a Dreamcast? Anybody? Anybody? Of course not, it's $25 at Rhino...

Oooh, and I'm in the reflection...

Ravaging through the NES games to perhaps find a good bargain... of course -- I didn't.

Arce is kinda chilling over by them there U G O cawds.

This picture is really random -- allow me to describe. This was a booth selling all sorts of things ranging from sexual stimulants to PMS pills and all sorts of crap. Naturally, I had to snap a shot in a way that wouldn't attract attention, it'd be really awkward to get caught taking pictures of junk like that... Oh, what you can find at the flea market...

Random shot that I took of a female purse. Notice that nice flag on, you know you're in the south there...

Arce wields a mace (level 5) in front of the random weapons table. There's all sort of swords, daggers, bows, arrows, and other crap there.

Just wanted to show some more randomness off. See the wierd ornaments on the ceiling for sale.

Hyper Shadow and Arce are standing in front of some really fancy Chinese or Japanese ornamental fountain type thingies...

Arce is examining another booth of dingusy daggers and weapons.

Don't ask... Arce took that shot... :nono:

We felt out of line being amongst the hillbillies without the proper dingus attire. We backtracked back to the ungodly cheap goods and bought some Dingus hats.

ImageI've got the backpack on the left and HS is on the right. We're exitting the flea market and are starting the long journey home.

ImageAnother Arce picture, don't even ask. Maybe he thinks he's James Bond?

Looking down at all of the goods we purchased from the flea market. 3 Dingus hats, a grimer, and HS haggled for the Sonic doll.

ImageDear, sweet Jesus. Maybe Arce got carried away with the hat or something, but for awhile he was convinced that he was a real dingus. He stuck wheat between his teeth, but he didn't realize that he punctured his gum in the process. You can barely make out the blood trickling down this teeth... :nono:

As we progress onward, we stumbled upon a farmer selling watermelons for $4 on the side of the road. As we were weary and tired from the journey, we bought one from the good man. HS helps choose the right melon.

ImageArce assures us that his choice of melon is quite respectable and we continue on.

ImageAfter another hour or so of walking (I had to lug that damn melon the whole time, my back is still hurting), we decide to stop in the parking lot of some pharmacy for our melon. I'm cutting it with our only utinsel, the dingus knife.

We dish out the juicy sections of dingus-melon and begin wolfing it down.

ImageThe three of us managed to wolf down the 20+ lb melon in a matter of minutes.

ImageArce shows his pride by... laying in the melon.

ImageBehold the endless lands through which we traveled...

ImageArce and HS are entering Brunos after many hours of walking.

ImageHS and I enjoy our lunch outside on the Brunos bench. On the menu was chicken noodle soup and turkey burgers...

ImageHyper Shadow and I arrive at staples after even more walking.

Walking... and walking... and walking... and... OH LOOK! We arrive at Home Depot! Notice the large 2-story shed in the background, that's where the next picture takes place...

ImageHyper Shadow and I collapse of exhaustion in the ghetto, display shed outside. When Arce took the picture, he through his hat. Looks like it's balancing on Peter's genitals, but it's really in mid-air.

ImageSeveral more hours of walking and we arrived at Arce's school. We ate our desert: Mini-wheats (mini-britches) and crushed pineapple. Oh GLORY!

ImageI decided to scale the basketball goal out of joy that the journey was finally coming to an end.

ImageArce is all up in my grill right as I'm about to jump off. (the thing felt like it was going to break, I almost crapped my pants).

ImageAnd Hyper Shadow hops up to the net with his mad jumping skills.

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 11:59 pm
by Showdin
Nice skillz on the photography! My personal favorite was the random chinese dingus hopping around.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 12:03 am
by DJ Yoshi
Hot. I have no idea how the hell you guys got from the flea market to your house. I mean...seriously...that's a HELL of a walk. Moreso than your house to Rhino.

Ah well, fun times.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:17 am
by Wutai
Sounds cool. I would have bought enough roasted nuts to fill up a suitcase had I gone.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:51 am
by JS Lemming
I'm still trying to figure out how you got yourself in that their basketball goal.

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 10:36 am
by Falco Girgis
JS Lemming wrote:I'm still trying to figure out how you got yourself in that their basketball goal.
Look at the picture of Hyper Shadow so you can visualize.

I climbed up the metal pole. When I got to the top, I transferred over to the rim of the goal. Then, you just swing your leg over and heave yourself up...

Trust me, it was friggen scary, the thing was wobbling in the wind and stuff...

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:14 am
by spideyspiderman2000
I would've raided those NES games.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:38 pm
by Guest
Having so little money on you as we did, and those games being so ungodly overpriced, as they are, you wouldn't have bought any NES games. :spin:

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 6:17 am
by spideyspiderman2000
How much do they charge for 'em?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 10:05 am
by Falco Girgis
Arce wrote:Having so little money on you as we did, and those games being so ungodly overpriced, as they are, you wouldn't have bought any NES games. :spin:
Hence, he'd raid them.

Jesus, smart ass. :nono:

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 10:24 pm
by FredDibnah
$2 dollar BB guns!? Man...I could really use those for my movie. The ones at Walmart are like $35 a piece.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 10:30 pm
by Guest
Only, the ones here are plastic and don't shoot BB's, but those little yellow things in the picture. They're fun to shhot eachother with for about 10 minutes, afterwards they break.

Don't get me wrong, they are pretty cool, and for spring powered pieces of ass, they're powerful. But still, they do break very easily.

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 10:34 pm
by Marx Chaotix
The last time I went to the Flea market the BB guns were only $1 but the BB guns break so easy so you shoudn't buy them.

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:04 am
by spideyspiderman2000
If anything's too good to be true, don't buy it.