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My first DC program!

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:00 am
by Guest
That's right foo! Today I made my first DC program!

Actually not today. I made it about a month ago. I just didn't know it. You know what's ironic? My first DC program also happens to be my first SDL program.

That's right; SDL is fully supported on the dreamcast! Today, Gyro managed to compile one of my old SDL programs and only had to change two things: Include the KOS, and capitalize 'SDL'.

Not only that, but I didn't have to change my input methods. I plugged in my new DC keyboard, and it worked exactly like the computer's keyboard. If I wanted it to support controllers, I'd just use SDL joystick system. If that's not awesome, what is?

I've talked to some people who say that DC SDL is 'slow and buggy'. Maybe it is, but it runs twice as fast and smooth on the DC as it does on my computer. Gyro ran full SDL games, and I saw no slowdowns or bugs. So don't get the wrong idea, from what I see SDL runs smoothly and is purely awesome!

The programs we got to work on the DC were rectangle based. We're having problems with images. I don't know much about it, but I'm sure Gyro is working something out. :D

So, if anyone decides to run some SDL on their DC, I'd like to hear how it went. Please keep me updated.