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Falco Girgis
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Allright, I'm sure you all know that Team Chaos is working their asses off on the new Dreamcast game.

First off, I'd like to tell you of Coal's achievements. Naw, actually, here are his achievements:
Yes, as you may see, these beautiful weapons have been made by coal. He still has many more sprites and junk to be created.

Next, here is a screenshot of the current gameplay to show both Dark Crusader's and my achievements:
As you most likely noticed, there is now beautiful swamp background. That was Dark Crusader's work. he's even working on special effects like rippling water and junk that I can implement. No, the background will not remain white. As I type this he is currently working on some sort of kick ass concoction.

He also needs to complete various other themes to fight in such as forests, volcanoes, oceans. Trust me, you'll like it.

FredDibnah has been composing some really kick ass music for the game as well. Please sample! (Dammit, it appears I misplaced lots of the other music. Oh well, these three should be good for now. I'll be sure to hook you up later)

Here is a sample that he made. We never planned on it making its way into the game, but with Dark Crusader's talents, I'm now thinking about adding lots of other levels that I had never thought of.

My personal favorite of his creations. This is most definately going to be a boss song. And a kick ass one it will be.

Now for my achievements. I've been working my ass off day and night programming this monster. As you all know, it is created in C++ which isn't easy. Yesterday I got health kits to spawn at random and fall from the sky into the playfield. I also got shotguns up and running and gun switching works. There is some other crap I've done, but it really isn't worth mentioning.

Now seriously, if you read this POST SOMETHING. We want feedback. What do you think? Kick ass? Is this game gonna suck? Suggestions? Questions? Comments? Complaints? SAY SOMETHING DAMMIT!
Last edited by Falco Girgis on Sat Jul 17, 2004 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Guest »

Cole, NICE ASS SPRITES! Hard to believe that you made them...

Dark Crusader, NICE BACKROUND! Holy shit! I wouldn't EVER believe you made that if I hadn't seen your comics. That must have taken forever to make!

Super Sonic, the health packs are fun as hell to try to get! They just fall out of the sky, then their's a huge battle over who get sit, LOL!

Nice shotgun, too. I like the change weapon button (B) too.

BTW, are you going to make the charactor sprites actually holding whatever gun they have?
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Falco Girgis
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Arce wrote:Nice shotgun, too. I like the change weapon button (B) too.
Actually, you change guns with X. Secondly that is NOT staying. I've recently decided that I like the Quake-ish first person shooter feel. You'll maneuver with the control stick, and switch weapons with the control pad.
Arce wrote:BTW, are you going to make the charactor sprites actually holding whatever gun they have?
Me? No. Coal is though. I just hope he does it. That's a shit load of work on him and he doesn't seem too enthusiastic. Who could blame him, though...
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Post by Anarki »

This game is going to look VERY good. I can't wait to test it. Its going to be awsome!!!!!
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Post by Orgodemirk »

OMFG! Those guns are Freaking Awsome. That Shotgun is a lot better than the old one. I can't wait to play it.
A glitch?
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Post by FredDibnah »

:? I beg of you Super Sonic, take Bass off! I am ashamed of it...Can you put menu on instead?
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Post by Falco Girgis »

:shock: I thought it kicked ass. But okay. I wanted to put menu on VERY badly, but that seems to be one of the ones that I misplaced >.< :oops:

Can you get on AIM and resend?
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Post by MarauderIIC »

You could try drawing the image for the gun at a certain coordinate in relation to the player. Like, player.xCoord+2 player.yCoord+3 if they're facing right and player.xCoord, player.yCoord+3 if they're facing left. Or if you have a different picture for each player, have like a .txt file that specifies the offset you need for each image. (Or that image in particular, which you could easily code by using the same name as the image file, like if the person is "superplayer.png" name the. txt "superplayer.txt".)

I like the shotgun as well :d - I think the shell would look better if the ends didn't go out. IE, instead of

Code: Select all

| |____|
Have it be

Code: Select all

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Post by JS Lemming »

I agree with MarauderIIC, simply ask Coal to make the characters look like they are holding and invisable gun, then program in yourself.


I think you told me before, but i forgot.... Why does everything have to be seperate images on the level? Did it have to do with loading the images into memory with restricted sizes? Ex. 64x64?
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Post by MarauderIIC »

In powers of two, you mean? If you use opengl you can draw it in whatever size you want but then you have to scale it to a power of two (which is pretty easy). Although I don't think this counts if you get parts of an image. And I know it doesn't apply if you replace part of an image with something else (which is how I draw holes in the terrain my little opengl program).

Anyway. What do you mean by "separate images on the level," since I have no clue what you're asking him? :)
I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Yeah, the PVR can only render images with powers of 2. But then they can be scaled to whatever you like.
MarauderIIC wrote:Anyway. What do you mean by "separate images on the level," since I have no clue what you're asking him? :)
Yeah, I'm afraid I didn't understand what he meant either. :?
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Post by Falco Girgis »


MarauderIIC is a genious. I sorta skimmed over the code he wrote for my little VMU problem. It looks great. Can't wait to go home and actually understand it all. :wink:

I got 3 PuruPuru packs so that I can start screwing around with rumbling too.

Also, Mar, is there any special screen you'd like to display on startup? So far, it'll say Dreamcast, then Team Chaos, then Music by Fred Studios.

Since you've very much become a part of the project, I think it is only fair that you get your own screen too. How about:

I, Marauder own you. Yes, I do. You puny mortals are nothing compared to my mad C++ programming skillz. *bwahahaha plays in background*
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Post by MarauderIIC »

I really can't say I don't enjoy the admiration, but there is the part where I doubt other people would think the same of me that you do if you put that screen there. "Misc. Assistance", "Problem Solving" or both or something is fine, if you really want to put me there. Heh.

Of course, I haven't seen much in the way of anyone else's work either. So, maybe I am really good. I dunno. :P

Genius has no 'o', by the way. Phelios used to do that, as well... Genious would be pronounced "gee nee owss" (like "ous" in "oust"). At least you didn't do it ironically and proclaim YOURSELF a "genious" in which case you would be a self-proclaimed genius who can't spell :>
Last edited by MarauderIIC on Tue Aug 10, 2004 3:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned.
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