Meaning of Life

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Post by 1st_Movement »

Arce wrote: I pity you single sided, mislead, fools who believe that their way is always correct just because that is the way they grew up knowing.

mislead = incorrect.

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Post by Wutai »

I am Christian also, but I am very confused.

In school they teach us a load of stuff that clashes with religion, like dinosaurs and junk.
This is a joke about unfunny jokes. And bad use of irony.

Post by Guest »

1st_Movement wrote:
Arce wrote: I pity you single sided, mislead, fools who believe that their way is always correct just because that is the way they grew up knowing.

mislead = incorrect.

Being incorrect about thinking everybody but them are wrong. Idiot. :nono:
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Post by Drakor »

all of those are not nearly as bad as Etahn Frome. the most pointless book about ....NOTHING. if you ever read it, you will know why i would rather chew off my own arm than read it.
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Post by Tvspelsfreak »

Check this out:

I'm a strong atheist. I'm not baptized or confirmed and I've never gone to church.
Does that make me evil? :spin:
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Post by Falco Girgis »

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Post by spideyspiderman2000 »

Wow, I had respect for you Tvspelfreak...

or are you kidding?
South Park wrote:Mr Garrison: Okay class. Can anybody tell me what "Sexual Harrassment" is?

Cartman: Isn't that when you're having intercourse with a special lady friend, and some other guy comes up behind you and tickles your balls?
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Post by Tvspelsfreak »

I certainly don't agree with anyone in the link I posted if that's what you meant.

If it's about the other thing then no, I'm not lying.
I don't believe in the existence of deities.

Post by Guest »

George Bush Sr. wrote:I don't know that atheists should be considered citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God.

I don't know if I believe all those quotes though.

I honestly think that most people able to think for themself are unsure Christians, or Atheist. Lots of Christians are only Christian because their parents were, and they were raised that way.

I am officially declaring myself Atheist. I was raised as a Christian, and went to church MANY times in various religions. I've decided that there aren't enough facts to prove god, and I'll just have to wait until I die to find out truth (and maybe I won't, even then)

I don't disrespect religious people in any way. Christians (generally speaking) are the asses that hate anyone who don't believe what they do. Take, for example, SpideySpiderman, of whom says that he used to respect Tvspelsfreak. Until he heard he's Atheist.

Or take Xb_forlife. Take George Bush, my step dad, George bush Sr (of whom I wouldn't mind to see being assfucked by a cow)or the many others on that site, and the many millions of Christians that look down on other religions.
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Post by spideyspiderman2000 »

Maybe I said that the wrond way. I don't mean I direspect TvSpelsfreak by his religion. I still have tons of respect for him, just not as much. I don't really care what religion people may be. I'm just saying that because he's an Atheist. I wouldn't have said that if he has said he were Jewish...

The reason I don't respect Atheists very much, is because out of the ones I've met or heard of, they're all assholes. They all want to remove traces of christianity and everything from the Earth, so that people will listen to their religion. Some kid who went to school with me this year constantly threatened christians, and did tons of anti-religious stuff. This is the ultimate example of being an asshole who hates what he doesn't believe in. There was also this other guy I heard of who wanted to get rid of the pledge of alliegience because they mentioned God in it.

So basically, that was why I said that. I don't hate people because of religion. I have friends who are Muslim, buddhists, etc. and I don't treat them like shit. I guess I screwed up when I said that. And TvSpelsfreak isn't an asshole from what I can tell. I just judged to quickly. Sorry about that. :kissing: :wink:

Somebody should lock this topic. It's starting to get people pissed off at eachother because of religion.
South Park wrote:Mr Garrison: Okay class. Can anybody tell me what "Sexual Harrassment" is?

Cartman: Isn't that when you're having intercourse with a special lady friend, and some other guy comes up behind you and tickles your balls?
I HATE Jack Thompson!
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Post by singularity »

Religion will always be a topic to make people angry. It messes with people's beliefs. I am atheist/agnostic. I don't believe in the the gods that people speak of because we have no real way of finding out. However...I am also extremely open-minded...meaning I don't disapprove of any other religion. It's your life and you do what you want to do. I have no right in telling or forcing you to believe otherwise.

What Arce said seemed just ignorant. Not all Christians are like that...some may be but that is because they strongly believe in their views. You can't blame someone for standing up for something they strongly believe in. might not have respect for me because of your past experiences...but I can tell you that I would never do such things. Like I said...just because I don't believe in a certain god doesn't mean I'll hate you and try to change your beliefs or that of anyone else.

The bible could truly have many things wrong inside of it. Humans made it and you can't tell me that humans don't make errors. To seems too much like a fairy tale...sort a metaphor of what all things God is like.

As for the pain and suffering...happiness and joy...I believe that heaven and hell is here on earth. You can see it if you look for it...the extreme happiness that can happen on one part of earth...can co-exist with extreme anger/pain in another. So many good/bad things have happened...are happening...and will happen on this for those that believe that this earth is just full of pain and suffering....I disagree.

I'm a very philisophical guy...I see things in the whole...inside and outside the box. I'm both optimistic and pessimistic. So I tend to think about these kinds of I have been since my early years in don't remember. It takes a lot to think about these kinds of things...but after staying up night after night...I just declared that I stop thinking about these sort of things...they'll come naturally at some point in your life and/or afterlife if there is one.

Don't lock this topic, please! People avoid this topic way too many times in life! You just have to say what you believe and how you see things...and understand that that's what they believe. So there's no need to get angry...if someone says something that can irritate you...just don't worry about it. It won't kill probably won't change your views either. So don't get upset...after's merely a discussion. It won't destroy the world if you don't get your point across and if you don't make someone believe in what you believe. I'm tired of seeing people get angry and avoiding things that everyone is wondering about...that's what tends to separate people.

Cheers! :cheers:
I'd go back in time to the time when my mom and dad are 'doing it' to have me and spank my dad in the ass while saying, " *DOOSH* I'm your son from the future! *maniacal laughter*. *DOOSH* I'm from the future! I'm your son! *maniacal laughter*."

-Dane Cook

Post by Xylene »

I don't feel like reading all the crap in this thread so I'll just share my views on religion.

Religion exists to control the population.

If it wasn't for some "hope" of a great afterlife, morals wouldn't exist.

People who lose respect for people based on their religious choices should really kill themselves before they have a chance to contaminate the gene pool.

If it wasn't for your family shoving religion down your throat since an early age I'm sure many many others would feel the same I do about it.

Keep up your blind faith. When you die, you'll go six feet under, nowhere else.

Think for yourself, don't let the Church or "god" or whoever think for you.
Arce wrote:Or take Xb_forlife. Take George Bush, my step dad, George bush Sr (of whom I wouldn't mind to see being assfucked by a cow)or the many others on that site, and the many millions of Christians that look down on other religions.
Cows don't have penises. Cows are female.
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Post by spideyspiderman2000 »

The reason religion is such a big deal is because every religion is making some "big discovery" every day, such as a new commandment being found or shit like that. There's no such thing. People use Hell and Satan to scare others into Christianity. Jewish people simply think that they can get anyone to join their religion by getting people to feel sorry for them, since some people still feel bad about the concentration camps.

I'm not trying to act like a dick towrds these religions. I'm saying that religious leaders are turing out bad, since they're getting power hungry and want people to join their religion so they can heighten the population of their religion.

One way or another, it's all fucked up.
South Park wrote:Mr Garrison: Okay class. Can anybody tell me what "Sexual Harrassment" is?

Cartman: Isn't that when you're having intercourse with a special lady friend, and some other guy comes up behind you and tickles your balls?
I HATE Jack Thompson!
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Post by Marx Chaotix »

When will this topic ever die!? :x Ok admins lock this to-pic because this topic started a year ago. :lock:
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Post by Falco Girgis »

I agree with both Xylene and Spidey. Spidey, you're talking like an intelligent person who isn't blinded by religion there--not a christian.

Hell, I'm impressed. :!!!!:
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