Fine, name your extracirriculars.

Random irrelevance that just didn't fit into other forums. Talk about anything.

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Fine, name your extracirriculars.

Post by Falco Girgis »

mine wrote:1) Computer Science Team
2) Chess Club
3) Probably Chemistry Club
4) Scholar's Bowl
5) Beta Club
Start stocking up--colleges are sexually attracted to certain ones like Beta Club...
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Post by Drakor »

i was thinking of joining teh chess club, but i didn't know where it was or when...enlighten me!!!
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Post by Drakor »

so far i have got:

1) computer science
2) robotics
3) most likely on chess
4) maybe scholar's bowl
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Post by MarauderIIC »

I never had any. (: But I *do* have some community service time. NOTE: Some colleges require a certain amt of community service hours!
I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned.
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Post by teh ace »

Does it count if your sentenced to community service from a Juvi. Judge?
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Post by Falco Girgis »

HELL NO! That's something that they'd want you not going there for.

Anyway, OMG, Mar. I didn't know that.

Also, what should I be doing to prepare and stuff? Should I be taking ACT tests and whatnot? What should I do as far as colleges are concerned?
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Post by MarauderIIC »

Take ACT and SAT asap, so you can take them again when it matters. Highest scores are all that count, I think. But they rarely go down. Scores improve like 10-20% on second testing. Start looking at colleges now if it's your junior year in HS or you will be stressed and swamped in things by the time you hit senior year. Also start looking a little at maybe some scholarships, at least for any state-sponsored ones, so you know what to do with those when the time comes. Look at your colleges again, look at your test scores, if they're not high enough test again. Get a little ACT/SAT study program to learn some invaluable test taking techniques. It doesn't matter if you know the material, it matters what your score is. =) See what tests your colleges require, some also require SAT2 subject tests.

Don't slack off senior year at all. You look a lot better if you continue taking hard classes senior year instead of basic trashy ones. Load on high-level academics if possible. At worst, you won't do well enough to take an AP exam but you'll have a head start when your college class comes around and have a lot less studying to do, as is going to happen to me and calculus (Got a C or something like that in AP calculus, but I have a start on the material now. Didn't take the test because I didn't think I had any chance of passing.) Your AP course teachers should brief you on the tests and their form. For example, AP calculus is like 2 hours and 6 questions or something. has a college browser. Also use a bit of google. Don't be afraid to look at and apply to prestigious colleges, cost you $20-$50 and you might get in. [Set aside money for college applications now if needed]. Choose four or more colleges. A sure bet (low level college that would be greedy for someone of your smartness), an average, a high, and a prestige. More colleges you apply to the more you can play them against each other as well -- do that. Call them after you apply, build a relationship. If they know you they will be more willing to help you!

If you have a college prep class available to take fall senior year, take it. You might look up some old college essay questions, ask your teachers maybe for some common generic ones, write essays ahead of time and just touch them up for individual colleges. Be careful. Yes, applications require essays. Use your counselors to give you advice. Make a relationship there too. Don't be a scaredy, worst that happens is you are where you started.

Financial aid is always available unless you're like, rich-rich. Play the system a bit. F. ex, if your parents are divorced, ie, if your dad makes a lot but your mother does not and you live with your mother, leave your father off of your FederalApplicationForStudentAid (I think). You can't file FAFSA forms until later senior year so don't worry about that. DO NOT HIRE A HELPER PLACE FOR THIS, USE YOUR FREE HIGH SCHOOL COUNSELOR.

Don't apply to colleges yet, but start applying near the start of september senior year. Earlier you apply more money they have to give you to attend. If you know for certain CERTAIN CERTAIN what college you want to go to, apply "Early decision". YOU CANNOT BACK OUT OF EARLY DECISION APPLICATIONS, YOU ARE CEMENTED. These typically go in in the summer after junior year.
Last edited by MarauderIIC on Wed Aug 31, 2005 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MarauderIIC »

I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned.
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Post by Falco Girgis »


Omgz, thank you!
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Post by spideyspiderman2000 »

1. Beginning Film
2. Drum lessons
3. Football
4. Java programming
5. Computer film editing
South Park wrote:Mr Garrison: Okay class. Can anybody tell me what "Sexual Harrassment" is?

Cartman: Isn't that when you're having intercourse with a special lady friend, and some other guy comes up behind you and tickles your balls?
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Post by JS Lemming »

Man... I don't do any extracirriculars, and YES I know colleges have orgasms over them.... but seriously... my school has NOTHING of any interest to me. Nothing with computers... No cool science clubs.... Jack! All they have are a few clubs that don't amount to anything or the service clubs in which you waste hours of your life picking up trash around the school. I don't get why colleges love that so much.

I hope I'm not screwing myself come college time. :|
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Post by DJ Yoshi »

1) and only 1) Scholar's Bowl.

And it's because of Scholar's Bowl that I can now tell the story of El Cid

Code: Select all

int main(void){
int spain=1;
char speech[20];
  cout<<"So like, this guy El Cid, he was a general right?  So he runs around on his horsey horse and like kills d00ds in their bases.  One day he dies, but the spaniards are like EFF THAT and totally send him out on a horse even though he's dead and scare away the other army.  Then they all rofl and go back and party like it's 1999 B.C.  That's right, with Zeus n shit.  lollers";
return 0;
There is no signature.
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Post by Wutai »

I was in Beta...

I stopped going after the first two meetings last year. I don't know if I'm still counted as a member or not.

I tried out for soccer, though I only made it to the first cut.

I guess I'll join a recreational team, if the sign ups are still going.
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Post by FredDibnah »

spideyspiderman2000 wrote:1. Beginning Film
2. Drum lessons
3. Football
4. Java programming
5. Computer film editing
Beginning Film? That's awesome! Our school's horrible...we don't have anything like that. I play xylophone in band and I'm in JCL...that's about it.
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Post by Orgodemirk »

My school sucks ass.
A glitch?
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