~Adventure Log: Official Gamer Campout - Cemetery in Woods

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Post by Wutai »

Pretty much every energy drink has guarana nowadays.

Did you stay up all night on your campout majigger?
This is a joke about unfunny jokes. And bad use of irony.
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Post by Showdin »

--This post is on behalf of Arce. He wrote this and sent it over MSN--

Okay, when Yikarso, Eric and Drakor got to our house, we screwed around with the NES for a bit. Then, Gyro said that it was time to pitch the tent. When I heard that, I grabbed some crap (a C++ handbook, Axe Spray, an extra white T-shirt) and ran to the backyard. I hopped the wooden fence and sprinted way ahead of everybody into the cotten field. My plan was to hide and pop out while there're setting up the tent, hopefully scaring them.

When I got there, I sat in a clearing so that I could see when they come and hide myself. After a few minutes, I got bored and began to read teh C++ hand book. 20 minutes later, they still didn't show, and the sun was setting. I began to walk home incase they decided not to camp out after all.

When I got home, there was a new car parked outside our house (meaning that everyone had arrived). I entered the house to find that everybody had left. I asked Marx, and he said that they went to pitch the tent, and headed toward the railroad tracks.

I called the cell phone of Gyro, who happened to leave it at the house, and Yikarso, who happened to have it off. Fuzzle.

Not wanting to be left behind, I jogged to the tracks behind out house. I didn't see them. By now, they could already be in the woods somewhere.

The idea of searching a random spot in teh woods, alone with the sun setting, wasn't very appealing. So I decided to follow the railroad tracks down and call Gyro's name so that anyone in the forests around me would hear.

I walked for a long time and it got draker and darker. On all sides of me were very dense woods that prevented me from leaving the tracks. So far, I had no sign of anybody, and again, it was getting darker.

Right when I was about to turn around and start heading home, I heard a train. Unfortunately for me, this was one of the few trains that travel at high speeds across the tracks. It was comming up fast, and I didn't want to be remotely near it when it passed me because of all the rocks it send flying. So I got off the tracks and entered a thicket in the woods.

When I enetered the thicket, I thoght that I'd just wait for the train to pass, then head home on the tracks because of how dark it was. Then, for the first time, I hard sounds that could pass as distant people. I headed further in the woods, already being a good mile away from the house, and followed the sounds.

By now, it was pretty freking dark. I can safely say that I was scared shitless. Had I not thought that I was heading toward the group, there is no way in hell I would have entered the forest. But I did, and got lost.

I wondered around in the pictch black for a long time, and the noise stopped. I didn't know which direction to go, so I kinda headed perpindicular to the tracks, hoping to make it to the cotten field by our house.

After a while, I found an overgrown patch, and decided to follow it. I didn't know this would be the same path that we would later pitch the tent on, and I also didn't know it lead directly to the graveyard.

While on this path, I heard the stuff I thought were voices again, but much deeper in the woods. I finally decided to screw the group. I had had my share of woods for the night, and was actually too scared to even take a leak. So I followed this thing until I came to the cotten field that's by our house.

When I got there, I decied to walk on the side of it until I reached the house. So I began to go around to the side of it, when I saw somebody/something spring from teh cotton. From the distance that i was at, I thought it looked like a human. It sprinted at an incredibly fast speed into the gravard, and seemed to flail its arms oddly in the process.

Thinking it was Gyro, I ran to catch up. As I said, it was REALLY fast. By the time I got to the graveyard, whatever it was was gone. There was no sign that it had been there, and there was no sign of the group.

I knew it was Gyro being gay and hiding. That would explain why it sprinted when it heard me; he was trying to hid. If they were going to be gay and try to scare me, then screw them. I started to head home.

After a while of walking, I heard the same noise I heard earlier. This time, it came from the graveyard. Again, I took it as voices. I thought that the group had gotten tired of waiting and then decided it was safe to talk again without me hearing. Oh well. Again, screw them.

When I got home, the door was locked. I rang the door bell....Gyro answered it.

There was no way in hell he could have gotten from the graveyard to the house before me when I was that far ahead! And, he wasn't red or out of breath at all.

When I entered the house, EVERYONE was there. They all denied their presence at the graveyard. WTF?!
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Post by Wutai »


That's scary. If Arce had known that, I bet there'd be no way he would have even followed those tracks.

That's seriously creepy. I'm surprised he went back in the woods after that.
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Post by Drakor »

yeah my camera doesn't even work with semi light. it has to be high noon out side to get good pics/vid.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

I'd just like to say that I'm looking in Arce's door right now and he's posting this, not Showdin.
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Marx Chaotix
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Post by Marx Chaotix »

I know what those voices might have been xb-forlife has an older brother a while before Arce left I saw him walking along the train tracks with a few of his freinds and a girl.
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Post by Wutai »

That could be the explanation...

But it's still.... A MYSTERY!

No, that's probably what it was.
This is a joke about unfunny jokes. And bad use of irony.
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Falco Girgis
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Oh, and Showdin never posted even when Arce or RoU were here.

That's why I got sick of it. RoU WAS created for them, but nobody ever posted there anymore and Arce was making people do outrageous things like suck their own penises to remain members.
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Post by Drakor »

yeah if that truely took place (the whoe THING running at breakneck speed) it was not us. we went through some ghetto apartments and where gona cross the tracks there to avoid being caught by anyone in the open field, but got lost and there where people working on the tracks. so we turned around, and went to gyro's house. by then skywalker was there. so we went to walmart, got food, and returned deciding to go the other roundabout way through part of the construction site. (we picked up arce right before we left for the site) and explained what he saw. there was no way it was us.
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Post by Wutai »

I can run at breakneck speeds. Maybe it was me.

It could have been a deer or something. Deer run fast and make wierd noises.
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Post by Showdin »

Marx, you're a dumbass. It wasn't Xb_forlife for many reasons.

1) How the hell would they know that I was comming? They wouldn't.
2) XB_forlife is a puss, there is no way in hell he would travel a mile into woods at night, and his mom sure as hell wouldn't let him
3) He doesn't even know where the graveyard is I bet
4) The woods are pitch black. I got LOST and went in random direction. there is no way in hell he could have followed me. And even if he did, would he for the full HOUR that everything took place?

PS: Yes, this is Arce.
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Marx Chaotix
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Post by Marx Chaotix »

OK well first off i said his older brother also I siad it .MIGHT!!!!!!!!!You retard.
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Post by Wutai »

PAWNT! ...or maybe not. I have no idea.
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Marx Chaotix
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Post by Marx Chaotix »

Umm... i thought it was PWNT! and not PAWNT! also I don't see how that can be one if you think so then you are a dumbass. :(|):
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Post by Wutai »

I could say PWNT, but that would be generic.

PWNT is the misspelling of OWNT, which is the missplelling of OWNED.

By saying PAWNT instead of PWNT, I was mispelling it twice, then changing the word all together and making it a misspelling of PAWNED!

Hopefully you understood that.
This is a joke about unfunny jokes. And bad use of irony.
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