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Falco Girgis
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Have any of you guys ever heard of a gaming drink called "ballz"?

My mom was talking to my doctor. The dude was complaining that I was drinking too much mountain dew. Then he said "If your kid ever comes home with a drink labeled 'ballz' don't EVER let him drink it."

I remember the days when I used to live in Utah with Coal and Showdin. We used to walk to the public store and get BALLZ like every day. Funny that it was the only store I ever saw in my life that sold ballz. Ever since then we have been looking for it. The store quit selling it. Years of searching ended that day.

My doctor continued. He said that it had about 50x as much Caffeine as Mountain Dew (This calls for a WTF). He said that after many hospitalizations and a couple of deaths, the drink is now only special order and available on ebay. He said that now they have to put a label on that says: "Warning, if you are a diabetic and drink this, you will DIE (I need another WTF). Drinking more than one bottle a day is dangerous"

No big deal right? NOPE! Me showdin and Coal drank 2-3 bottles a day. Guess what guys! We almost died! (Final WTF).

Oh well, time to move on to Frappaccino addiction.

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Knowing this, I want Ballz more than ever! That makes it more enjoyable. How many of you feel the same way as me?
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Post by Orgodemirk »

:cry: No I never tried it
A glitch?
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Post by Falco Girgis »

:cry: No I never tried it
Oh man, you poor fool.

Actually, if I'm not mistaken, Showdin kept a bottle for us so that when we reunite we can drink it!
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Post by Showdin »

First of all the correct spelling is BAWLS. But yes they still sell it at the Albertson's around the block! I had one just like last week. But if they are planing on not selling it then I am going to stock up.that is the best drink on the face of the earth! Did you guys think they would stop selling bawls in a low heigene ghetto like UTAH! think again my homie bros!
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Post by Falco Girgis »

WHAT THE HELL!? Ghetto town Utah still selling bawls at the public retail store? Kick ass! Okay people, it has been decided that Showdin and Coal shall stalk up and send me a case.
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Post by Showdin »

I will try to smuggle some to you but they are kinda expensive so however many we send you must split them with Arce.Or at least give him some.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

I will try to smuggle some to you but they are kinda expensive so however many we send you must split them with Arce.Or at least give him some.
I may give him a sip if he's good.
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Post by Showdin »

Hey SS. In your first post on this section you said bawls was some kind of gaming drink? My friends this is no gaming drink! It is far beyond any gaming drink! It is the most powerful energy drink on the planet!!!! And It is much more than that too.It is OUR CUSTOM GAMING DRINK!!!!!
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Post by Falco Girgis »

It is the most powerful energy drink on the planet!!!! And It is much more than that too.It is OUR CUSTOM GAMING DRINK!!!!!

Post by Guest »

Thank you Showdin for remembering how to spell my name. :o If you send me Bawls, I'll send you something.....but what? Just ask me, I'll do my best to get it!

Post by Guest »

(Continued from the "Suggest it" string)

I will send you Ruby version if you send me a bawls! PLEASE! I will even send a couple of dollars to pay for it! The ultimate gameing drink! ALL MINE! MUHAHAHA!!! :twisted:

Oh, shit, sorry.......What do you say to that though?

Super sonic, you are a dumbass if you do not send cole Ruby version also!
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Post by Showdin »

No No No, you got me all wrong chum, It is free you shouldn't have to give me something just because I give you something.After all, what are Kennocot Rebels for?
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Post by Orgodemirk »



A glitch?

Post by Guest »

Aight. Thats right, we still are the KR...But seriously, just ask if you want something.

Hyper Shadow, you have enough caffeine without Bawls!
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