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Report Cards... Bust'em out.

Post by JS Lemming »

It's weird, the harder things get the better I do for some reason. I thought I'd be making B's everywhere. Check it:

Physics: 98
AP Physics: 100
(note: those two are the same class, but for some reason they break it up on paper as two different classes and add 2 points to the AP one... it's stupid.)

Economics: 99
AP Calculus: 104 (Haaaaaiiillll yeah)
Art-II: 100
AP Literature: 101

It all averages to 100.33.

Post yours up so we can laugh..... I kid I kid.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

No, go to hell. Worst grades in my high school life. I quit caring, because I'm already accepted to my choice college. Grades don't matter anymore.

I'm not proud of them, so I'm not posting them. They aren't bad, but considering that I'm an A student, they aren't up to my standards.

Who cares, I still have a good GPA since I worked harder in my younger years, and UAH and Auburn still accepted me.

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Post by JS Lemming »

What sucks for me is that I would have had a 4.0 if it weren't for keyboarding... I got a freaking B in keyboarding my freshmen year... wtf.
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Post by Yikarso »

SCAD doesn't give exact scores, just letter grades. So here's what I have.

2D Design - A
Drawing I - B- (the best person in the class only has a B though, so I feel ok about that grade)
Psychology - B
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Hah, damn I love SCAD's grading then.
JSL wrote:What sucks for me is that I would have had a 4.0 if it weren't for keyboarding... I got a freaking B in keyboarding my freshmen year... wtf.
WTF? No way man. If you have that many >100% grades, you should be able to have at least a few Bs and still have a 4.0 or greater.

At least that's how my school works. Your GPA can be over a 4.0. Then there's also no completely retarded grading scale like 92-100 A (It's 90-100). So you're telling me that with those 100+ grades in AP classes you still have like a 3.9999 GPA or whatever?
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Post by JS Lemming »

Yep... If you make one B in your life, your screwed forever. That's just not right.
Small girl at the harbor wrote:Look Brandon, that crab's got ham!
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Yet another reason I wanted to leave that damned place every day I lived there. I hate Clarksville, TN. I've lived in alot of places, but that was by far the worst.
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