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Post by Karkash »

I'm hopefully going to get Pearl this Thursday and I'm going to choose Chimchar. Yikarso is going to get Diamond and Puplip.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

I'm getting whoever the Bulbasaur equivalent is.
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Post by Showdin »

Current Status: 2 badges, Team: lv. 19 prinplup, lv. 18 ponyta, lv. 19 luxio, lv. 20 staravia. Play hrs: 8 , pokedex: seen: 44, own:23
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Post by Arce »

Showdin, tell us what you think of it thus far, compared to the other versions?

Do you llike it or not? How's the touch screen? Eneterd any contests yet?


I can't wait till I fucking get mine!!

Get back to versioning man--I'm going to catch up to ya so damned fast when I get it.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

I took a trip to Wal-Mart today. I didn't think they would have it, since every other place (including Wal-Mart) was sold out. But they did. So I got me Poke'mon Pearl.

I've been playing for 3 straight hours. I almost got my first badge. I'm in some sort of random coal cave. My party is:

1) Turtwig Lv. 12
2) Shinx Lv. 9
3) Shellos Lv. 10
4) Starly Lv. 4
5) Magikarp Lv. 5
6) Abra Lv. 6
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Post by Showdin »

Its great. Everything is better than the past versions with the following exceptions: Due to the 3d graphics, its very choppy when you walk, and no, the touch screen isn't much help at all. I still just prefer the buttons. But this version seems to have a much slower pace. It is going to take a lot longer to beat than the previous versions.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Yeah, I completely agree. I noticed the choppiness right away. There's also a lot of PS2-style jagged edges. I'm at like 9 hours and I barely got 2 badges. It's definitely taking longer than older versions.

But hey, I just got my Abra to Alakazam yesterday. Sweeeet.
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Post by Arce »

Showdin wrote:Its great. Everything is better than the past versions with the following exceptions: Due to the 3d graphics, its very choppy when you walk, and no, the touch screen isn't much help at all. I still just prefer the buttons. But this version seems to have a much slower pace. It is going to take a lot longer to beat than the previous versions.
Really? Slower pace? That's pretty kewl--More time of respectability. Now there will actually be some glory in beating it, whereas in the older versions glory is only truly achieved by acing it.

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Post by Showdin »

Current status: (I really haven't been playing as much as I should)
Pokedex: Seen: 67, Own: 30
Team: Lv. 26 luxio, lv. 26 ponyta, Lv. 25 prinplup, lv. 26 Staravia, Lv. 28 Mr. mime.
Badges: 3
Log hours: 16
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Badges: 6
Playtime: 30 hours
Seen: 104

1) Gengar - Lv 32
2) Alakazam - Lv 31
3) Vileplume - Lv 34
4) Gyarados - Lv 36
5) Seel - Lv 16
6) Starly - Lv 4 (my fly/defog bitch)

I wouldn't be able to get Seel or Vileplume (I also got an eevee) without the help of some random feller I met online. He's from Canada. He bred me an Oddish, Seel, and Eevee for my party. I'm trying to get my fucking eevee to evolve to Glaceon.
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Post by Showdin »

Damn holy fuck dude. You really are a lot farther than me Gyro. But I noticed that despite the fact that you have twice the badges, your pokemon are only like 5-8 or so levels higher than my team. Are the Gym leaders pussies or what? Oh and I just put the egg from the random guy in the PC so I was wondering if It's worth Hatching.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

NO. It's a fucking Happiny! I carried that shit around for hours to hatch a baby Chansey. Fuck...
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Post by Yikarso »

Woo this game is amazing. I think it's stealing my soul.

My stats after a week of owning Diamond.
Badges: 6
Playtime: 42 hours
Seen: 111

1) Empoleon - Lv 40 - Drake
2) Rapidash - Lv 40 - Foof
3) Staraptor - Lv 37 - ChaCha
4) Gengar - Lv 36 - Satan
5) Riolu - Lv 20 (waiting till he evolves before I level any more) - Huskums
6) Bidoof - Lv 3 (HM whore) - Homp!
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Post by Falco Girgis »

You're just about where I am. I have a Gengar in my party too. He's such a beast. He has like top Special Attack and Speed. The fact that he can kill pretty much everything in one hit, and his speed makes him attack first almost every time MORE than makes up for the fact that his other stats suck. Gengar is like the ultimate assassin Poke'mon.

I'm also trying to get the other goddamn new eevee evolution. I just evolved mine into a Glaceon. Unfortunately, you can't even search for Poke'mon not in the Sinnoh 'Dex at the Global Trade Center (GTS), until you get the National Dex (which you can't get until you beat elite 4 and see all 150 in the region).

I love the game, but I'd really like to get my hands on Poke'mon from other regions. Ah well, I'm just going to hurry my ass and beat the game so that I can get started on my REAL team.

1) Gyarados Lv 38
2) Gengar Lv 38
3) Dewgong Lv 39
4) Glaceon Lv 39
5) Alakazam Lv 38
6) Starly Lv 4 (HM whore)

That's my pre-national dex party. After I get access to all of the bastards, my dream team will be

1) Dewgong
2) Glaceon
3) Leafeon
4) Flygon
5) Weavile
6) Houndoom

I know, a lot of ice and a lot of dark. I don't care. I really like them, and it's still pretty well rounded.
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Post by Showdin »

I love how you can catch eevee in the wild. In the other versions, you were limited to just one of it's divine evolutions.
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