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Falco Girgis
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Last week!

Post by Falco Girgis »

I only go to class on Thursday and Friday of this week for finals. Then it's summer break. I hope you bitches all enjoy your extra month of schooling!

Oh, does SCAD get out for summer this week too?
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Post by Wutai »

Our teachers are cramming this month to catch up with all the crap they were supposed to teach us but didn't
This is a joke about unfunny jokes. And bad use of irony.
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Post by Showdin »

Dumb ass geometry teacher tried to teach us trigonometry in 2 days. Know-nothing whore.
You are better than me.
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Post by Arce »

Our damned Geometry teacher thought Geometry was a one semester course...And it isn't. In other words, for about half a semester, we DOUBLED what we were supposed to do and worked our motherfucking asses off....And today, guess what we did in class?

The teacher announces that she's being 'observed' by the principal, so she gets out bizzare puzzles and stuff to 'teach us' things we already went over...Then she gets an email that says the principal's not comming and he's sick...So she's like, oh, damn, this was a good lesson...I guess we won't do anything today so I can do this fake lesson when he *does* come!

alks;djf kdjfkldlkaklj

Which, actually, is pretty tight. ((except for the 1st 9 weeks where we got WAY ahead)) So, we do nothing in there now, and the teacher is awesome. ((Imagine a hot geometry teacher that plays guitar hero, and that's what you have.))
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Post by Karkash »

May 31st is SCAD's last day. But we don't go back until September 7th. And then you know about our crazy winter break and constant three day weekends.
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Post by Showdin »

Dude I'd be stayin after school.
You are better than me.
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