Dream discussion/interpretation

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Dream discussion/interpretation

Post by Arce »

Okay, I'll start it out after I go my algebra 2 homework. Gimme a few.
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Post by MarauderIIC »

That's some long homework.
I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned.
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Post by Arce »

Lol, ironically, I finished right when you said that...And yes, it was....Graphing every goddamned type of linear equation known to man: easy, tedious, and long. >.<

Aight, before I actually begin to post and try to decipher my dreams...I need to talk to you nubs a moment. I'm not going to claim to be an expert, and many of the things I say next can, and likely are incorrect. Feel free to correct me...This is my understanding, and no more.

These dream interpretations aren't bullshit pulled outta my ass, nor mythology based shit. It's not like astrology, where you either believe in it or not, and whereas the 'horoscopes' are all so vague that they could easily be incorporated into anybody's life, these are highly dependent on the individual. While one object may be symbolic in my dreams as something, it may mean something totally different to you. For those of you who are inexperienced with dream interpretations, read on.

While sleeping, your mind enters a state called REM ((forgot what it actually stands for, so I'll just wait for some witty know-it-all to tell us)) but while you're in this state, your eyes begin to move like crazy ((Oh yeah, it's called Random Eye Movement, xD)) as neurological messages are randomly shot throughout your brain, causing 'dreams.' So yes, a dream is simply when you enter into a deep state of homeostasis and your brain begins to randomly relay messages through chemical channels in your head. Some neurologists believe that this is a way of preserving your memories, as it has been proven that certain chemical channels in your head can diminish if not used ((ex. you forget a short term memory)) and can become more permanent if used frequently ((repetition to move a short term to long term memory, this was proven through experiments on retrograde amnesia....If you're one of those extremely contradictory asses, I'm sure i can find my citation to the research paper I did a while back for ya somewhere)) So though the patterns in which your brain send 'random eclectic signals' seems random, dream interpretors think otherwise.

Your brain is arguably one of the most advanced things on the planet, and no one is sure how exactly things are stored. Things in there are somehow multi layered to allow incorporation (a certain scent you incorporate with your mom, a song that makes you sad, etc) and dream interpretation is based almost entirely on this. The belief of interpretors is that your subconscious mind (the one out of your control) is actually rummaging through your mind and giving you 'messages and signals' that your brain incorporated with your conscious mind. Again, every mind is different, as we all think differently, and that's why we all dream differently. The belief is that your brain takes your conscious mind's feelings (you happy, or sad, or are there thoughts plaguing your mind?) and by opening chemical channels connected to the part of the brain that your active conscious mind is currently engaged in using, it'll give you a 'vision' (dream) with direct parallels to what is actually going on in your life.

What i mean by this is that the result of the electron signals traveling through your brain as you sleep isn't random at all, but decided by the current mindset of your conscious self. If throughout the day, you repeated activate the channel in your head that helps you to feel fear, perhaps by being scared all day about a storm or something, you dream will reflect that. Your brain is set up to incorporate different thoughts and feelings with each other based on the experiences of your life. Perhaps when I say the word fear, your brain's first primal instinct is darkness (lack of light). That would mean that to you, darkness and fear are perhaps shared in a common chemical way in your head, and as a dream interpretor, you can now use 'darkness' being present in a dream to advocate the presence of fear in your conscious mind.
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Post by Arce »

So essentially, the art of dream interpreting is merely figuring out what your subconscious mind is saying about your conscious mind through symbolic messages. The key to reading a dream is to be able to analyze on a personal basis what a certain object/event in your dream is, and how your mind might incorporate it with your conscious feelings and emotions. You need to be able to ask yourself what your first instinct is upon hearing a word, and try to discover how, say, a locket in your dream might be a parallel to your current life through past events. If, for example, your grandma died when you were long leaving only a locket, and you were completely heartbroken...Your mind may associate the locket with sadness subconsciously...So perhaps, later in your life, you see a locket being given to your lover in a dream, this could be a subconscious message to symbolize that the dominate male in your life is bring to you sadness in some way. Then you can try to figure out in what way. Perhaps you feel this man is leaving you. Perhaps you've brushed something off, like a stocking you didn't think you own that made you suspicious about your man's love affairs, but blew it off...And now, while asleep, your brain is showing you how you are now being brought sadness as a result.

Now, enough talk...I'd like to hear some of your dreams. I'll post mine when it's not so late and try to interpret them for you, so maybe you can see an example. Post some dreams for me, I really like trying to analyze them. As I said, it's really got to be seen through a personal basis before it can be deemed accurate, and since I don't know how your mind works, I can only guess what your subconscious minds are saying. I'll do my best to tell you what your dreams mean, and no, I won't be pulling it outta my ass. What I do to 'interpret your dreams' is try to find parallels in objects or events in the dream to a generally accepted incorporations. For example, society as a whole, through literature, media, converse, etc, may have over time forced your mind to incorporate some things with others. One of these would be a snake, which is commonly incorporated with lying, perhaps brought about by the teaching of the bible story of Adam and eve ((stfu, i don't want religious arguments here, it is simply a fact that most US people have, regardless of religion, heard this story, and because most of society are taught it young, end up subconsciously creating association in their minds.)) This is where 'dream dictionaries' migh come into play--They can commonly serve as a guideline, as they are full with common symbolic associations that many people in society share...So I'm likely to make many references to those in my work.

So, share you dreams. It's getting late...Perhaps after one of two of you have let me interpret your dreams ((which would let me know that at least a few here care enough about the subject to actually read this shit)) I'll post about how to manipulate your dreams, my experiences with trying it, how to 'share dreams' with other people ((for those of you who believe in out of body experiences)) and how to literally 'ask your subconscious mind questions'.

Nighty night. Oh, and I still have 2 more alg. 2 problems. =P
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Post by Arce »

((btw, sorry for two posts...It for some reason wouldn't let me put it all in one, i kept getting error 500....Admins, wtf?))
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Post by JS Lemming »

Here's a dream I posted on the stupid myspace blog thing ages ago. It's pretty basic so I doubt it's worth interpretation.
I had a new dream yesterday. Let me start by telling you what I did during the day before the dream. I had seen a video on the internet on how to perfectly cut a glass bottle in half. The technique was to wrap some yarn around the bottle where you wanted it sliced. Then you had to soak the yarn with lighter fluid and light it up. After letting it burn for 30 seconds you simply had to drop the bottle in a bucket of water and the extreme temperature change would cause the glass to slice where the yarn had been.

So my fellow cul-de-sac'ers and I gave it a whirl. We were a bit sloppy on the execution so the bottle didn't slice perfectly... but it did slice. Anywho, that's all grand and all... now for my dream.

It started out with me observing a ranch full of malnourished horses. Apparently someone spotted the mistreated horses and called the police. When the cops arrived, one of them stepped out of his car and after glancing at the lot of sickly horses for five seconds said, "Damn, we're too late. We gotta put these poor horses down. End their suffer'n." He then popped the trunk of his car and got the other cops to help him unload a bunch of lighter fluid bottles. One by one they soaked the necks (the manes I guess) of the horses with lighter fluid and set them ablaze. The horses would run around like crazy and stumble on the ground and make all these terrible horse screaming sounds. Until they ran to the water troughs and dunked their heads in.... that's when their heads popped off... just like the water bottle.
Small girl at the harbor wrote:Look Brandon, that crab's got ham!
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Post by mofo joe »

LOL!!! YeY!
:guffaw: let's hear another...!
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Post by Arce »

Aight, I'll get to the interpretations of it soon. I'm leaving for a lock-in this weekend, so perhaps I'll be back Sunday?

Thanks for posting it, that's a nice example of one to start with--Short and sweet. However, I'll need to know a couple more details before I can even hope to begin deciphering it.

In libaray at school, ATM, using a shitty gateway. That's why I'm not doing it now.
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Post by Yikarso »

I was on an airplane with Brock Sampson (big guy from Venture Bros.) and some other people. Some guy pulled off his penis and revealed that it was actually a grenade and threw it. We all jumped to a nearby plane and Brock lassoed the other plane and kept it from crashing into ours, which would make the penis/grenade go off for some reason. We epicly flew though some narrow mountain passes that moved out of the way and apologized as we almost ran into them. We crashed on a desert island and ran to the ruined temple we saw in the distance. There was a huge door inside with a relief in it that was the place for a key to be placed. The key was an image of Harlequin from Batman spanking Alice from Alice in Wonderland. Her skirt was pulled up to reveal a black thong, and she had her hand over her mouth in a "Oh My!" sort of way. We made the key for the door out of clay and put it in the door. Then I woke up.

I was in some random warehouse outside a hotel. I was tied to a chair and blind-folded. Someone said something and I suddenly was teleported to a hellish place that everyone called Silent Hill. It was more like Hell than actual Silent Hill. It was mainly a network of lava streams with stone bridges crossing them and there were random drawbridges everywhere. I talked to this guy and he said something like "You can either stay here in the lobby or try to make your way of Silent Hill. But if you die in here you will be stuck in hell for all eternity." I decided to try to make my way out. As I was crossing a bridge I turned around and saw a couple of Hispanic guys relaxing in the lava as if it were a hot tub. I crossed a bridge and was standing in front of a gate. I did something and it opened and I entered. From there I did some random puzzles that I can't remember. The last room had two demons, the scary guy from Pan's Labyrinth, and a gargoyle. I stood at the top of the stairs. The floor was covered in about 4 feet of blood and random human body parts, and it smelled terrible. I actually remember smelling it in the dream and I almost threw up. As soon as I touched the blood at the bottom of the stairs the two demons turned to me and started moving. Apparently you had to wade through the blood to the door at the other side of the room before the demons killed you. I managed to talk my way out of the demons attacking me, I don't really remember how, and I got to the exit. As I went through the door I was teleported back to earth. Once I got there I met my parents, who had apparently just escaped Silent Hill as well (random people in the city were being teleported there). We walked by the hotel, which was apparently the earth version of Silent Hill. We walked in to find my sister or something like that. As soon as we walked in it started changing to Silent Hill and we tried to leave but couldn't. I found out that if I went to the random doctor's office in the Hotel I could talk my way out of fighting through Silent Hill again. I did just that. It started turning back to Earth. We found my sister and she wanted to go to the arcade room in the Hotel. For some reason, I knew that if we entered there we would be sucked back into Silent Hill. She started whining and ran for the room and we chased after her. She ran in the room and we were all sucked back into Silent Hill. Shannon says I kept talking in my sleep and said "This is ridiculous!" and I'm assuming that was because my sister just screwed us all over. I then woke up.
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Post by JS Lemming »

Should be a video game :lol: . What I wouldn't do for a dream recorder. There has got to be a way. I wonder if there is a section of the brain where visuals from the eye (and possibly visuals from dreams) are rendered or if the image is some super abstract thing that moves about your brain depending on where the current "thought web spark" thing is.
Small girl at the harbor wrote:Look Brandon, that crab's got ham!
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Post by Karkash »

If we ever actually did this seriously, I would probably participate.
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Post by Arce »

I'm dead serious about it, I'm just lacking time. The dream's you've posted are very good and full of possible symbolisms, and I'm almost dieing to see if the old 'ask your subconcious self a question' works for anyone here.

But yeah, hopefully I'll get time after I rape the walk to Peter's house in Ardmore next weekend (fuck yeah, 3 days!)
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Post by mofo joe »

i just thought this was interesting because of the polls with ham sandwhich. i had a dream that a building caught on fire + everyone was running out, but i was like, "wait i'll get the ham sandwhich!" so i was walking around with big burning blazes, grabbed a ham sandwhich, + sat down and ate it... i don't really like ham. i don't know why i was interested in picnicing + not more scared of getting toasted... lol
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Post by Tehl3374 »

Well a week ago I remember I had a dream that Arce and I were walking home from school. Arce had a radio in his hand saying there is a tornado headed our way. I look behind me and I saw a giant ass tornado. And it was pouring ungodly large amounts of rain on us. We ran over to our neighbor's house when we saw this old hag holding a shotgun threatening to kill us if we don't leave. So we beat her up and throw her body in the closet then we waited until the tornado to pass. (Which didn't happen because I woke up before than)
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Post by eatcomics »

ok well i was just skimming but rem means rapid eye movement i know this cause i read books unimportant books noone else bothers to read but i strangely find interesting long story short i read a book on dream interpreetaition a bout a month ago why am i going into so much dettail
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