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Post by Karkash »

Go play IX. D=
Lots of people say VI is the best but I haven't played it.

I've done 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, 12, and I used to play 11.
Last edited by Karkash on Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rolayler »

IMO 3 is one of the best ones so is 9
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Post by Karkash »

Nine is my favorite.
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Falco Girgis
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Actually, I am very much looking forward to 9. I've seen people play it a bit, and it really does look bad as hell. Some of the nicest graphics I've ever seen on Playstation. I have no doubt that it's great. I'm pretty sure that my favorite FF will be IX or VI.
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Post by Karkash »

Are you going to do X-2, Dirge of Cerberus, Tactics, Tactics Advance, Crystal Chronicles, Revenant Wings, etc.?
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Post by Rolayler »

IX does have some bad ass graphics for its day and it has Zidane and Vivi!!
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Post by Karkash »

Just beat Jeanne d'Arc.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

I was definitely planning on beating X-2. I think I may do Dirge of Cerberus. Crystal Chronicles and Tactics, I haven't really thought too much about. I'm definitely getting Revenant Wings for DS. Looks pretty fun even if it is mission based.
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Post by Karkash »

Did you know they are making a 3D FFIV for DS by the same team who did the 3D FFIII? I'm not sure if it will be released here though. ... endo_DS%29
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Post by Rolayler »

nice o.o I might get the DS one that was mentioned earlier thats not III
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Yeah, I've been following up on it. I'm pretty damn sure that it's coming to the US.

FFIV was the first FF game I've beaten. It was really damn good. Very impressive storyline for such an old RPG.
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Post by Rolayler »

haha my first was Tactics Adv....xD only one i Have beaten ><
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Post by Karkash »

IX was the first one I beat. I think the first one I played was a demo of VIII.

Also, I'm sad because I have Origins, Anthology, and Chronicles but I looked into it and pretty much all the GBA versions are superior.
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Post by Rolayler »

I lost my version of IX in a move.....
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Post by Falco Girgis »

FFIV from FF Chronicles might not be the version you want to play. It really is a great game, but I have a feeling that the difficulty level (nothing compared to V) might turn some people off.

Marcus is almost done with VI for Anthology, and it looks pretty good.

I didn't really have a problem with FF1 on Origins, but PLAY IT ON EASY MODE. I beat it on Normal or whatever, and a 15 hour NES game became a 30 hour grindfest.
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