How many of you have seen the Golden Compass? I know that most of the attention surrounding it was because of it's anti-religious themes ( I think?), but I really don't even know what it's about. Is it worth a watch?
Maybe someday. Jordan has the book, but it's extremely long, and I have other things I have to spend my time on at the moment. Jordan and Kenny said the movie was bad, anyway.
I played Shaq Fu the other day. It's terrible, really.
The Golden Compass book itself isn't all that long. I have all three of the books in the series. So far, I'm almost through with the second one. They are very good books. And yes, they do contain anti-religious themes, but they mostly criticize organized religion and religion in government rather than individual faith.
The movie does hint at those themes, but I don't see how it could be offensive. I personally enjoyed the movie. After reading the book, I realize that huge portions of it weren't included in the movie, which is understandable considering the amount of content. The Golden Compass definitely deserves a rent. I mean, c'mon, it has Nicole Kidman in it. :D
the golden compass is considered anti religious, I think, because the main antagonists, is that the bad guy??? Any way the antagonist kinda sorta seems to represent the church, and also I think it has somethinto do with the demons that everyone walks around with...